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Unconfirmed Member
This is good to know, but seriously, just swap that X and LT. Here's my hopeful wishing but let Jetpack work with the jump button as well so that I don't have to have another game where Jetpack is useless to me!
THIS! It's the perfect solution. Unless there's another armor ability that requires the button to be held down. BUT STILL. I'd gladly sacrifice that in favor of a fixed Bumper Jumper.


I had no idea BigShow was so good. He has earned his right to complain.

Haha, well, my tournament Tier wasn't necessarily accurate. At the start of the tournament, my BPR was 96 and my k/d was 1.5. Since I started playing to get back into Halo for the tournament, its up to 100 and 1.63 respectively.

I used to be legit pro status in Halo CE and early Halo 2 when I actually cared about the games. I just stopped playing because I didn't like how the games held me back as an individual; it always felt like I was fighting the game, not the other players.

My complaints are certainly colored by my experience, and playing at the highest levels has given me a unique insight into why and how Halo really works.

But thank you.
Part of the reason for this, as it relates to Halo in particular, is a test/animation/glitch nightmare. Imagine literally infinite potential for BXR situations across every possible in-game action.

That's a worst-case scenario, but it's not an exaggeration of the potential problem space.

So because another BXR/Dubshot scenario could happen companies are scared to develop and advance console gaming? Literally doing what most PC games do with no problems?

Is the stress of just releasing a Halo so large that its not really about innovation/upgrading anymore?


Shzlss thoughts on H4 from RTX


- The strafe is faster than Reach and 3

- Jump height is about the same as 3 but it doesn't feel like you're moon jumping like it does in 3

-The game just feels good. It feels, right. Sprint is intergraded really well and I don't think is an issue with the game at all.

- The strafing system will be a big help to widening the skill gap


- DMR vs BR vs Carbine: DMR is a better overall weapon I'd say, although it's really a tossup between the DMR and Carbine. Carbine rapes on bigger maps like Longbow, but the DMR can hold its own mid to long range. The BR isn't useless at long range, esp. with team shooting, but in a 1 on 1 fight, the DMR/Carbine will beat the BR. However, it seemed like the BR was easier to aim close range and is a viable mid range weapon so it's not completely useless.

- DMR: has a fast RoF and the bloom doesn't hinder your shooting at all really. It might cause you to miss a few shots per game, but it's less than the bullets missed with the BR because of spread. The DMR will be my choice weapon because I prefer to play a mid to long ranged game.

- BR: not a bad starting weapon, RoF is slower than the DMR/Carbine but it's easier to hit shots close up than the DMR/Carbine. My guess is it has slightly more aim assist, but who knows. This is the weapon for the run and gun in your face player.

- Carbine: This weapon is really powerful in the right hands. It's hard to twitch shoot with it and be a threat because it does do less damage than the BR/DMR but it's really fast RoF makes up for the reduced damage. This weapon is for the player with a really steady shot and can keep the reticule on their opponent instead of sweeping it.

- Sniper: This weapon is legit. I talked to Frank and Jay about it and they were trying to make it harder than Reach's sniper but easier than 3's sniper. They succeeded. The shots feel like 3's sniper and the recoil with the slower RoF punishes you if you miss a shot. I think the sniper will have a large skill gap. Also, quick scoping will become the norm instead of no scoping I think. It seems like it's harder to no scope than it is to hit scoped in shots.

- Scatter shot: fun weapon to use. It's pretty powerful and has quite a bit of range to it. From what I've seen, it looks to be more consistent than the shotgun in Reach

- Sticky Detonator: This weapon takes a lot of time to get used to, I finally got a kill in my last game with it. You press the trigger once to fire it, and then after it attaches to something, you pull the trigger again. It's not like the GL where you have to hold the trigger down. Also, we don't think you can detonate while it's mid-air. You have to wait for it to hit something.

- Rockets: they have a really slow travel time and they don't seem to be as powerful as they were in Reach. The blast radius seemed to be smaller so you'd have to place the rocket better to get the kill.

- Assault Rifle: Looked a little bit more powerful than Reach's but the kids who used it were still getting mowed down by the kids using the BR/DMR/Carbine

- Strom Rifle: Seemed underpowered to me. I didn't see a single finished kill with it. It took out shields well enough, but the finishing power was definitely lacking

- Spartan Laser: I didn't get to pick this up, but I was told that it had a really long charge time. I'm not sure if that's good or bad

- Pistol: Great secondary weapon. It's useful and can headshot enemies from fairly long range. I found myself using this after I ran out of DMR ammo and still being able to get mid to long range kills. It's just weaker than the 3 main primaries.

- Plasma Pistol: I didn't use it, but it seems about the same

- Needler: Powerful weapon. It's definitely stronger than it was in previous Halos. I liked using it


- Seem to be stronger than Reach's. Talked to a 343 guy and he said that they are still in development so they might end up weaker or ever stronger. I hope it's not stronger, I see that being too OP, but right now I think they have a good balance.

- You can run over hardlight shields, it's not like armor lock where it sends the vehicle flying

- The hog is lower to the ground and heavier, making it harder to flip. However, talked to a dev who said that the rail gun acts like the concussion rifle on vehicles and makes them flip easily.

- Ghost: has a boost meter in the top left of the screen. It seems like you can boost for longer than you could in previous Halos.

- Plasma Pistols still stun vehicles for a second or two

Other stuff

- Speed boost is a powerful drop item, it allows you to out strafe just about anyone, and you move as fast or faster than you do when you're sprinting. I did not get to use this, but Given did and those were his thoughts.

- PV is still OP. I talked to Jay about possible nerfs, he said they were testing everything from restricting vision, to reducing the time, to reducing the range. PV isn't as good on the larger more open maps though

- Thruster pack seems like a great second option, I used it a lot on the larger maps. It's really good for dodging vehicles and getting away from nades. I'm probably going to use this a lot

- I found myself wanting to use resupply and/or ammo on Longbow because I kept running out of bullets.

- Mobility on the Longbow is nice, it's pretty cool to have unlimited sprint, it gets you into the action faster.

- On the smaller maps, shield regeneration is the way to go because there are more players shooting at you with less places to hide and you'll run into players quicker than you will on Longbow.

- Controller layouts were... wonky. Or, weird. Fitting I guess, seeing as how we're in Austin. Given will have a post up with pictures of all the different controller layouts

Ranking system

Oh boy, here we go.

Asked Frank about a ranking system and he said they wanted to get rid of cheaters while at the same time provide competitive matchmaking games. This is what the TrueSkill system in Reach was designed to do, but all of us can agree, it doesn't work very well. Frank said something about maybe making a system that only shows your rank to you, and won't let anyone else see it over live. What Bravo told him at E3 made it sound like the ranking system is mostly there for bragging rights, and it seems that Frank doesn't want to implement a ranking system solely to use as bragging rights.

Given said that Frank said we will know what ranking system is in H4 before the release.
THIS! It's the perfect solution. Unless there's another armor ability that requires the button to be held down. BUT STILL. I'd gladly sacrifice that in favor of a fixed Bumper Jumper.

I'm not so much angry at the layout in that build, but just really confused about why, out of all the buttons to move, you would move grenade to X...That's the next worst thing to moving shoot to one of the face buttons.


Default is the way to play. With 10 sensitivity.

That reminds me, is the sensitivity going to be raised in Halo 4 Stinkles? Playing other games at insanely high sensitivity then going back to Reach 10 it feels sluggish for me.


I don't think Stinkles is the one making any of these changes, I think Stinkles is the only one keeping the game more like traditional Halo.

Just blame Chad:


That seemed to work for past Halo games.


- Sticky Detonator: This weapon takes a lot of time to get used to, I finally got a kill in my last game with it. You press the trigger once to fire it, and then after it attaches to something, you pull the trigger again. It's not like the GL where you have to hold the trigger down. Also, we don't think you can detonate while it's mid-air. You have to wait for it to hit something.
Still doesn't seem like a great replacement for the Grenade Launcher. And it doesn't sound like something that will be used more often which is something Frankie said was a problem with the GL. Odd.


I'm not so much angry at the layout in that build, but just really confused about why, out of all the buttons to move, you would move grenade to X...That's the next worst thing to moving shoot to one of the face buttons.

That is why I am nervous when Frankie only says that "button layouts aren't final". Bumper Jumper could be unrecognizable come launch...


Shzlss thoughts on H4 from RTX

- DMR: has a fast RoF and the bloom doesn't hinder your shooting at all really. It might cause you to miss a few shots per game, but it's less than the bullets missed with the BR because of spread. The DMR will be my choice weapon because I prefer to play a mid to long ranged game.

Ugh. Can't we just get rid of bloom? Seriously, now I get to choose between a BR with random spread or a blooming DMR? Just get it out of Halo; I don't care if its even just a visual effect in the end, it's still annoying.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
PV being overpowered is the weirdest misconception I have ever seen. Even if you ignore the fact that PV targets are invariably indicated on the motion tracker (including approximate vertical location), thus meaning you are sacrificing a newability for a redundant power, the fact is that it only displays foes you cannot shoot. Think about the balance of that combo. The reason PV is cool for some players, is that they don't have the situational awareness of high level players or observant motion tracker users.


Unconfirmed Member
- Carbine: This weapon is really powerful in the right hands. It's hard to twitch shoot with it and be a threat because it does do less damage than the BR/DMR but it's really fast RoF makes up for the reduced damage. This weapon is for the player with a really steady shot and can keep the reticule on their opponent instead of sweeping it.
Is that true?


Still doesn't seem like a great replacement for the Grenade Launcher. And it doesn't sound like something that will be used more often which is something Frankie said was a problem with the GL. Odd.

Why wouldn't it? It sounds a lot more intuitive than the GL--tap once to shoot, it hits something, tap again to 'splode. With the launcher I was never really sure if I should aim for an impact, try and bounce it to connect, or just try and take out his shields and finish him off with a headshot.


PV being overpowered is the weirdest misconception I have ever seen. Even if you ignore the fact that PV targets are invariably indicated on the motion tracker (including approximate vertical location), thus meaning you are sacrificing a newability for a redundant power, the fact is that it only displays foes you cannot shoot. Think about the balance of that combo. The reason PV is cool for some players, is that they don't have the situational awareness of high level players or observant motion tracker users.

The thing about PV is that it doesn't seem to have any drawbacks. In other admittedly (lesser) games for example: Blacklight Retribution has a see through walls component but the catch is that you can't shoot while you use it. So you can get a quick glance at the scenario, then switch it off and fire. Promethean Vision however, you can continue to keep it on and there's no real consequence. Likewise, in Perfect Dark there's something that let's you see through walls but it's range is much more limited than what is seen in Halo 4. If PV had some of these types of measures built in, I doubt we would be hearing so many complaints. I personally don't think it's game-breaking, but a few tweaks here and there would be nice.
PV being overpowered is the weirdest misconception I have ever seen. Even if you ignore the fact that PV targets are invariably indicated on the motion tracker (including approximate vertical location), thus meaning you are sacrificing a newability for a redundant power, the fact is that it only displays foes you cannot shoot. Think about the balance of that combo. The reason PV is cool for some players, is that they don't have the situational awareness of high level players or observant motion tracker users.

I still think that showing enemies moving in realtime is somewhat OP, I think it should only show the position of the player when they are hit by the sonar wave. I do agree that PV is somewhat redundant for Tier 3 and above players. I'd much rather use thruster and use the increased motion trackers support package than waste my AA on PV.


Unconfirmed Member
The female Spartan IV looks like a Transformers reject. Hopefully different armor variants look better.

Per shot I imagine the carbine is weaker than each shot from the other 2 guns.

Probably. Curious to see how kill times stack up though.
Hmm, I guess that could make sense. I'm just so used to all precision weapons having the same shots-to-kill.


I still think that showing enemies moving in realtime is somewhat OP, I think it should only show the position of the player when they are hit by the sonar wave. I do agree that PV is somewhat redundant for Tier 3 and above players. I'd much rather use thruster and use the increased motion trackers support package than waste my AA on PV.

Oh I'm so glad I'm in the right tier to be able to use it, thanks for clarifying!!!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The thing about PV is that it doesn't seem to have any drawbacks. In other admittedly (lesser) games for example: Blacklight Retribution has a see through walls component but the catch is that you can't shoot while you use it. So you can get a quick glance at the scenario, then switch it off and fire. Promethean Vision however, you can continue to keep it on and there's no real consequence. Likewise, in Perfect Dark there's something that let's you see through walls but it's range is much more limited than what is seen in Halo 4. If PV had some of these types of measures built in, I doubt we would be hearing so many complaints. I personally don't think it's game-breaking, but a few tweaks here and there would be nice.

The drawback is that you are sacrificing something potentially more powerful for a redundancy/crutch. Obviously it can be disabled in Customs and specific MM types where "pro" settings are used.


Why wouldn't it? It sounds a lot more intuitive than the GL--tap once to shoot, it hits something, tap again to 'splode. With the launcher I was never really sure if I should aim for an impact, try and bounce it to connect, or just try and take out his shields and finish him off with a headshot.
I will miss bouncing grenades around corners. That's the best thing about the Grenade Launcher.
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