Most of the perks/specs have been previously accomplished through the use of team communication and learned experience.
Getting ambushed ? Call out your position/teamates can see your waypoint turning red/yellow. No need for a HLS.
Ordinance drop location ? Teammates can call out where it is.
Nemesis/Promithean/Awareness_Upgrade ? Teammates calling out opponents' position/direction and the rest filled in with map knowledge.
I don't think most of these belong in VS multiplayer but if its making gameplay more adaptable(COD is the king of this) then 343 is trying.
In matchmaking with randoms, there is no team communication so I don't see a problem where perks are designed to try to alleviate the stress of playing with randoms.
Of course, I have no idea what the perks actually do so I'm just going off whatever is in your post.