Risen, the point your missing is though, while you have the laser, your team has free reign to circle theyre base and spawn kill them. How can they go get a vehicle when those vehicles are outside of theyre spawns? Even if your laser runs out, you have that vehicle dominance and are garunteed a new laser long before they break out of theyre spawn. I think your right in saying it can be nerfed, but if you nerf the laser but keep strong vehicles, how does the vehicle/ infantry dynamic work? Might be better to work on better balance there than have weapons like the Laser being 'wildcards' which have 3 shots but otherwise leave infantry exposed. Meh I think it would be cleaner to take vehicle combat back to Halo 1 basics and delete the Laser.
SMH... I am not missing that point... that while you have the laser, your team has free reign to utilize vehicles... or more accurately that it MAXIMIZES the use of vehicles.
I just don't have a problem with that being maximized, particularly if more attention is paid to the following:
If you reduce the shots in the laser, and then increase the spawn time of the laser, and THEN ensure that the spawn point is equidistant from bases but NOT in the power position on the map... THAT changes the entire dynamic and actually balances the weapon. Which can be further modified by vehicle spawn times.
You do NOT have that vehicle dominance NECESSARILY, if a laser runs out - there were power drains, missile pods, plasma pistols... etc - all of which become much more important.
I am emphatically NOT talking about nerfing the laser... I am keeping it very strong, as it should be, and modifying it's spawn time, location, and ammount of ammo... the laser is NOT a wild card... nor is any power weapon. It's a power up to fight over that should hurt when lost.
In doubles... why does the developer decrease the ammo count in the sniper? In rockets...?
It reduces the length of time the weapon is dominant and emphasizes the selection process of when and how they are used. They don't become balance breaking unless they have too many shots, are in the wrong location, or spawn too frequently.
It's the same with lasers... or any other power weapon in Halo.