If they reskinned the Plasma Launcher as a UNSC missile-pod like weapon I bet more people would have picked it up. That and un-nerfing it..
Well, they did re-skin the missile pod in Reach.

If they reskinned the Plasma Launcher as a UNSC missile-pod like weapon I bet more people would have picked it up. That and un-nerfing it..
Lock-on micro-missile launcher?
It does seem people skip using the Covie weapons at times just because they're not human weapons... shouldn't be a design consideration though, since only stupid or bad people do that.
I feel people didn't use the Plasma Launcher because it was difficult to use... and it wasn't that common either. Of Reach's default, non-user-forged vehicle maps, Hemorrhage had it... any others? Can't remember.
It was a LOT easier to get laser dominance and vehicle dominance than it would be to get full power weapon dominance in MLG. On Standoff for example, in Team Slayer we would just take the hog, drive it over Laser Spawn to protect it, our guy would run in grab it, and within 15 seconds we had full control. Of course they had a hog, but with out laser it was easy to take them out. If the other team had a opening gambit, then things might get messier, but most of the time, the team that grabbed the laser within the opening of the match had full dominance for the full match.
People have skipped over the Covy weapons because for whatever reason, Bungie has always made most of the Covy weapons blatantly inferior to the UNSC ones.
Hopefully 343 bucks that trend.
I laughed too.Wait, is that a contest to have a drink with a bunch of MLG pros?
@Steely... no, it's not rock, paper, scissors game play. Those that hate it and defend it because they "want interesting vehicle-anti-vehicle combat" almost universally have the root of their argument in "it kills me too easily". Both sides DO have control over the game play, and in fact there is more control available with the laser in the game... and that's what many people decry. They think that control is bad. They despise seeing a team with a power weapon AND vehicles and blame the problem on the weapon rather than their own inability to control it, or the other team's ability to do the same.
It's over powered because it doesn't warn me
It's over powered because I am in a vehicle and I should be able to kill easily
It's over powered because it too easily kills me
It's over powered because the other team could get it
It's over powered because it's not interesting/nuanced enough
Those are the thoughts portrayed when hating on it...
I totally agree that it had too many shots, that on many maps or types there were too many of them placed, and perhaps even on too fast a respawn... but that's the end of the issue for me.
Power weapons should be powerful... they should not be slow, ineffective, or weak in any way. They should be modified by how many are placed, where placed, and amount of ammo. Then let two teams go at it and let the better team slap the worse team.
Also true, though i wouldn't be surprised if some people simply don't use "because aliens".
Ah, Halo Reach beta Covie weapons... the Plasma Repeater, Needle Rifle, Plasma Pistol and Plasma Launcher, all so damn good.
Each one was nerferd for retail, in the Plasma Pistol's case its normal shot damage was nerfed needlessy, people rarely used that function in the beta.
I mostly agree with this.Laser debate?
There is no debate, its a dumb weapon.
Its a second sniper rifle.
Kills vehicles with no warning.
Any range.
EZ mode.
I love spontaneously combusting in vehicles.
Lock on rockets were perfect.
I mostly agree with this.
I will also add that if the Laser must exist, let drivers have some kind of defense. Maybe flares or something.
I mostly agree with this.
I will also add that if the Laser must exist, let drivers have some kind of defense. Maybe flares or something.
Flares would be useful against missiles...
Smoke screen for more all around defense?
so you want a counter to the laser, which is a counter to a vehicle
Lol it obviously wouldn't be actual flares. Like a jammer or something.Yes Flares on a WartHog wouldn't look weird at all
Read above brahso you want a counter to the laser, which is a counter to a vehicle
I was thinking more along the line of if you start charging the laser, there's no stopping it, its gonna fire.I mostly agree with this.
I will also add that if the Laser must exist, let drivers have some kind of defense. Maybe flares or something.
Are we talking about previous iterations specifically or how it will play out in Halo 4? I don't see the laser becoming the beastly sniper that is was in Halo 4.
Great Scott!
Then you were outplayed and do not deserve to be saved from that fate. You might as well be arguing that it's not fair for people to have all the power weapons in an MLG game on The Pit. If they do... it's YOUR fault, not the weapons and has nothing to do with it's balance.
Joke post?
Teams could jump out to 50+ point leads because of one single encounter that happened in the first few seconds of the match, laughable to try and defend something like that.
2 evenly matched and equally skilled teams?
Then you were outplayed and do not deserve to be saved from that fate. You might as well be arguing that it's not fair for people to have all the power weapons in an MLG game on The Pit. If they do... it's YOUR fault, not the weapons and has nothing to do with it's balance.
People seriously gripe about no warning from a power weapon? And call it bad... they call it bad because it killed easily. The only support for it being poor is entirely centered around not being able to run mostly unchecked in a vehicle. And if not that, then the argument is that there were other weapons that also killed and were better because they were more elegant in that they gave more notice, or were slower moving... all of which boils down to they were better because they were less effective. Which is only to say that in the end, people enjoy the easy kills a vehicle provide, but they don't enjoy getting killed easily.
Get out...
Complain that there were too many, or it had too many shots, or that it was poorly placed... those are good arguments. Arguing that it is too powerful in the hands of infantry against vehicles is a terrible position in terms of game play balance. How many multi-kills were there in hogs on a map with a laser? (looking at you Standoff)?
In the end... if you are going to include very powerful vehicles in a game with infantry, there MUST be a powerful counter... you balance it by frequency of spawn, number of shots, and location.
Then the game plays like Halo... a level field (in terms of map and objects on map), with availability of that "imperfect balance" which is attained by skillful individual/team play, combined with control of weapons on the map.
The Laser isn't OP, its a power weapon to control, just like anything else.
Don't have laser? Don't get in vehicles until you do. Simple.
The Laser isn't OP, its a power weapon to control, just like anything else.
Don't have laser? Don't get in vehicles until you do. Simple.
Playing some Reach game me the Halo itch again, and learning towards the LE. But will those maps even be playable? Because I had Defiant, and except for the first week it was out I have never seen them.
My appreciation for anything FUD based is a direct exponent of how I'm feeling about Halo 4, so the video could've been the Master Chief playing tennis with a young Sergeant Johnson and I'd still have been ambivalent as fuck. The extent to which 343 are botching the promotion and unveiling of Halo 4 is sapping all my excitement for the franchise and it's expanded fiction.
FUD's a nice cherry on top of the cake, but without the cake it's just a cherry, and I'm fucking starving.
Just read it at the shop.I finally bought the EDGE Halo 4 magazine. Money well spent.
Great Scott!
Lolol H3!!
Anywho, getting CS GO tonight on PC. Add me if you guys wanna play. Steam name same as XBL GT
Just read it at the shop.
aiming is too easy on PC. Real pros play on Xbox. Get on our level scrub.Come play it on Xbox instead...
steam name is thezerofire, your night is sooner than my night so add meLolol H3!!
Anywho, getting CS GO tonight on PC. Add me if you guys wanna play. Steam name same as XBL GT
FyreWulf, did Halo have GI? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=41459031&postcount=726
Yes it did, even Halo 2 has a simple version of it
People like to downplay the technical feats of each Halo engine for some reason that I'll never understand
Come play it on Xbox instead...
Didn't Halo 3 tesselate the water? And Reach doesn't?
EDIT someone compared Halo 3 and Reach water in that same thread Plywood linked.
They both tessellated water. Just that in HALO 3 the water was interactive to a great part in all water found in the game.
Reach had interactive water but it was limited to some locations. But you can glitch the water where it wasn't suppose to interact by getting your torso in the water like in the first level in the river. Some reason the artists/engineers wanted to limit the interaction but it was still the same tech as HALO 3.
Come play it on Xbox instead...
steam name is thezerofire, your night is sooner than my night so add me
Nah I always played CS on PC. Better competition there too.
Don't know when I'll be home tonight but I will definitely do that.
Wow - that graphics thread is just one big circlejerk exercise in pedantry.
Hur Dur Halo 4 looks badWow - that graphics thread is just one big circlejerk exercise in pedantry.
The answer is clearly Rayman Origins, anyway
or perhaps Yoshi's Island
It's not all about fancy shaders and lighting effects, ya know
True that
Can the water in Reach carry weapons and stuff along a "current"?
I distinctly remember BR-ing a player with a shotgun on Valhalla on the stream, then someone else came at me, as I went to reload I accidently held it to hard and picked up the guys Shotgun and 1-shotted my attacker, we were like 10 or more feet down from where I started
Watching the replay was pretty awesome, the shotty literally followed me down stream