They took your sandwich. Thats just wrong.
"The hitboxes."
"What do you think people are going to like best about this installment of Halo?"1 on 1 @ Fan Expo 2012 - Halo 4 Canadian Debut
Nothing really new, but you see the setup and tidbits of gameplay at Fan Expo. Why they decided to also interview two kids I have no idea. I literally shook my head as the kid wearing the COD shirt called Spartan Ops, Spec Ops......really not a good decision with the name.
Wow, glad to know 343 really nailed the hitboxes this time around!1 on 1 @ Fan Expo 2012 - Halo 4 Canadian Debut
Nothing really new, but you see the setup and tidbits of gameplay at Fan Expo. Why they decided to also interview two kids I have no idea. I literally shook my head as the kid wearing the COD shirt called Spartan Ops, Spec Ops......really not a good decision with the name.
1 on 1 @ Fan Expo 2012 - Halo 4 Canadian Debut
Nothing really new, but you see the setup and tidbits of gameplay at Fan Expo. Why they decided to also interview two kids I have no idea. I literally shook my head as the kid wearing the COD shirt called Spartan Ops, Spec Ops......really not a good decision with the name.
You know what would be a great Halo game? One which goes more into the direction of Quake, Unreal Tournament and other similar games. Only to a certain extend, of course, because Halo is quite a different beast than those games. Faster movement speed, higher jumps and overall agility would be better. The person who thought sprint was a good idea would get fired. Everyone would spawn with the exact same player traits at the beginning of the match and the outcome of the match is only decided by what players do in a match. You would start with a utility weapon that's good at any range, but is outclassed by other pick-up weapons in only a certain range. More (kinds of) power-ups would be on the map. You would be able to see what kind of power-up a person has in a glance. The AR would never be a starting weapon. The amount of different gametypes would be reduced to only the ones that are actually good. You would be able to flag juggle. There would be no fall damage and no stun. You wouldn't have to play gametypes on maps for which they weren't designed. The radar would only be in Free-For-All gametypes. CQC power weapons would never be put on small maps with tight corridors. Snipers wouldn't be placed on big open maps. Vehicles would have their health tied to the driver's health. The Spartan Laser would never see daylight again. Weapons wouldn't have bloom to slow down the game to a crawl. Maps wouldn't have huge flaws in them that a monkey with no eyes riding on a bike with a hat on would notice the moment it played on the map for the first time.
It would be Halo.
"What do you think people are going to like best about this installment of Halo?"
"The hitboxes."
Kid wearing Call of Duty shirt AND a Fedora?
Jesus christ, is he TRYING to be the biggest douchenozzle in the world?
Has there been anything new released for Halo 4 outside of the E3 trailer?
1 on 1 @ Fan Expo 2012 - Halo 4 Canadian Debut
Nothing really new, but you see the setup and tidbits of gameplay at Fan Expo. Why they decided to also interview two kids I have no idea. I literally shook my head as the kid wearing the COD shirt called Spartan Ops, Spec Ops......really not a good decision with the name.
"If you're hitting him in the head, you're going to hit him in the head. It's perfect."
Wow, glad to know 343 really nailed the hitboxes this time around!
"What do you think people are going to like best about this installment of Halo?"
"The hitboxes."
Has there been anything new released for Halo 4 outside of the E3 trailer?
Man, I hope I never get photographed wearing a Call of Duty shirt and HaloGAF finds out about it!
Granted, it is an important fix... I.. just...A valid answer, especially with how screwy hitboxes can appear with lag in online MP. Can make one forget what offline hitboxes are like.
I much rather have a twinkle toys t shirt, huh?
"It has multiplayer!""Easily the best hitboxes in the series!" - HaloGAF back of the box quote
"What do you think people are going to like best about this installment of Halo?"
"The hitboxes."
I'll shut you down just like I shut down those bloodthirsty journalists!
C. E. Owned.
I mean I was expecting something like:
But no...
"The hitboxes."
That's what's going to move the units.
I apologize in advance. Horrible couple weeks at work. You guys don't deserve this.
"Easily the best hitboxes in the series!" - HaloGAF back of the box quote
Yeah but he never got to experience the...Kid probably knew about most of that stuff beforehand. Can't really experience hitboxes through trailers.
That's my worries over. I've hated all the other Halo games when I hit someone in the head it doesn't hit them in the head. I've never seen a Headshot medal until Halo 4.
Maybe it's just his aim?
killzone 360?
"Doesn't feel like Halo! At all!" - Trevor
My apartment was robbed a few years ago, and the crooks took an xbox (broken one, with the shiny new replacement left behind for some reason), all my (good) games, some electronics, a sandwich in the fridge and various odds and ends, but for some reason the fact that they took my laundry basket pissed me off the most.
I mean, I'm sure they carted out my shit in the basket, but still. I can't explain why it bugged me more than anything.
It was a dream, and a good run.
Typically I'd agree, but the Xbox box is organized pretty well. All your cables and your controller fit into the compartments on the bottom, and the Xbox just goes right on top. Very easy.
Am I the only one that thinks the H4 music in the trailers is uniformly better than the actual OST we've heard so far?
I mean I was expecting something like:
But no...
"The hitboxes."
That's what's going to move the units.
I apologize in advance. Horrible couple weeks at work. You guys don't deserve this.
It's the same music isn't it?
You are not the only one. And yes, they are different. Its abit suprising once you hear and compare the differences but the latest ost samples are better.Am I the only one that thinks the H4 music in the trailers is uniformly better than the actual OST we've heard so far?
Maybe he's been playing Halo on Fisher Price internet all his life so sniping at someone's head, seeing blood, and nothing happening is a common occurrence.
It is.Really? That Magic Behind H4 trailer didn't sound like any of the OST we'd seen so far to me.
I would kill for a Rocketeer helmet in Halo. I've got a 36" poster from that movie framed in my house. Art deco = last great modern art movement.
Nooooo wayyyyy. I do love art deco, though, and totally agree about having a helmet in that style in Halo 4.Art deco = last great modern art movement.
Nooooo wayyyyy. I do love art deco, though, and totally agree about having a helmet in that style in Halo 4.
Listened to the HaloGaf podcast today at work. The latest one. Good as always, fellas.
Hadn't even realized that some of the music came out on IGN the other day. Thanks for that.
Anyway, it was pretty good. Keep up the good work.