Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Yeah - I can't think of any cogent reactions really until some official word comes down.
When you get worried, just DM biggy and all will be well in the world.
Biggy, check your PMs.
Yeah - I can't think of any cogent reactions really until some official word comes down.
Most of the 1 flag/1 bomb games also have quitting or low pop because of that 4th round when the winner is already decided.
Trying to make objective gametypes relevant again to the general public. Objective playlists are severely underpopulated in 3 and Reach, so by making it more appealing to casuals, they can bump participation in those gametypes.
Just a thought.
The opposite of Team Hydranockz
This reminds me of one thing I've always wanted. The game should automatically end when it is impossible for the opposing team to win, such as in a One-Flag and Bomb. Also, with game types such as KOTH and Oddball, the game should end when it's mathematically impossible to win. That way it there isn't that pointless 30-odd seconds of waiting for the game to finish. I think it would be a nice addition to the game types.
Sai-Kun and I danced for the scorpion tank.Really that's all you have to say after playing?
This reply isn't aimed at you Tashi, you just bring up a point that's been raised, over and over again.
How many times must 343 insist on releasing/or allow information to be recieved in this manner? Surely, it must give them a headache.
Why not explain the CTF changes in the bulletin first? I really don't understand the backwards way MP info has been released.
A few weeks ago, I would have agreed with you. Then I just stopped playing Reach. I haven't had a legitimately fun match of Reach in months, outside of a handful of HaloGAF MLG matches (IE that absolutely sick game of KotH on Beaver Creek).Then you'll keep playing it but complain about it in this thread. That's how it will go for most people I believe. Possibly myself included.
I can't wait until we get clarification of everything and then we can calm down. So many of us are on edge, myself included lol.
This reply isn't aimed at you Tashi, you just bring up a point that's been raised, over and over again.
How many times must 343 insist on releasing/or allow information to be recieved in this manner? Surely, it must give them a headache.
Why not explain the CTF changes in the bulletin first? I really don't understand the backwards way MP info has been released.
They ruined Assualt with the dumb as hell arming mechanics which could be abused more with the stupid bubble shield.
Flag carriers were slowed down to a crawl.
Sudden death was butchered.
It was a pathetic follow up to H2.
This reply isn't aimed at you Tashi, you just bring up a point that's been raised, over and over again.
How many times must 343 insist on releasing/or allow information to be recieved in this manner? Surely, it must give them a headache.
Why not explain the CTF changes in the bulletin first? I really don't understand the backwards way MP info has been released.
Also, I don't really care about the CTF changes, I'll end up loving it.
What is this Team Downer shit?
A few weeks ago, I would have agreed with you. Then I just stopped playing Reach.
Still not sure if joking.
All those who are members of the "90% negative posting club". Kyle/Over/Juices ect.
They have an opinion and thats fine by me but the constant negativity can be a bit much at times.
Its not really much of an issue, They like the franchise as much as I do and just want the best for it they have every right to be upset about shit they don't like. I do feel that some of the stuff posted is a bit rash but its up to them. Freedom of speech ect ect.
Those gametypes need to be retooled, sure. Reduce it to one round each, increase round times by a minute. Eliminates the reason for quitters in the final round, doesn't need to have the lame duck detection that Bungie refused to propagate from Grifball. Keeps the things that make asymmetric objective good, gets rid of the shitty bits. Add objective contesting in a radius, sticky arming, tailored flag/bomb return times, etc. back in and everything is all peachy again.Most of the 1 flag/1 bomb games also have quitting or low pop because of that 4th round when the winner is already decided.
Tied with "salty" as the laziest way to dismiss people's opinions without actually addressing them. Team SLRP is equally silly to use as an argument.What is this Team Downer shit?
Which is what? When did these stupid ass teams get established?
When you get worried, just DM biggy and all will be well in the world.
Biggy, check your PMs.
Tactical Package: 10
Support Upgrade: 12
- None
- Mobility: Unlimited Sprint
- Shielding: Shield Recharge Rate buff
- Resupply: Pick up grenades from fallen Spartans
- AA Efficiency: AA Recharge Rate buff
- Grenadier: Increases grenade carrying capacity
- Firepower: Carry 2 primary weapons
- .
- Fast Track: Increased XP bonus*
- Requisition: Ability to re-roll an Ordnance drop*
- Wheelman: Lessened EMP effect, Vehicle Health buff*
- None
- Ammo: Hold more Ammo
- Dexterity: Faster reloads and weapon swaps
- Sensor: Increased Motion Tracker Range
- Awareness: Use radar while scoped
- Explosives: Increases blast radius, decreases damage received
- Ordnance Priority: More frequent ordnance drops
- .
- Stability: Lessened knock out of scope*
- Gunner: Reduce Turret cool down, move faster when carrying Turret*
- .
- .
- Drop Recon: Heads up on Ordnance and On-map weapon drops*
- Nemesis: Possibly reveals opponent who last killed you*
- Stealth: Decreased visibilty vs PromVision, Faster Assassinations, dampened
* Unlocked via Specializations
Bold = new
Underlined = Not shown in vid, but confirmed
Tied with "salty" as the laziest way to dismiss people's opinions without actually arguing against them.
A few weeks ago, I would have agreed with you. Then I just stopped playing Reach. I haven't had a legitimately fun match of Reach in months, outside of a handful of HaloGAF MLG matches (IE that absolutely sick game of KotH on Beaver Creek).
I felt almost like this compulsive need to play it, just because it was Halo. That feeling's gone. If Halo 4 is bad, I'm out. No reason to play multiplayer of a game I don't like when there are other, great games out there.
Tied with "salty" as the laziest way to dismiss people's opinions without actually arguing against them.
Those gametypes need to be retooled, sure. Reduce it to one round each, increase round times by a minute. Eliminates the reason for quitters in the final round, doesn't need to have the lame duck detection that Bungie refused to propagate from Grifball. Keeps the things that make asymmetric objective good, gets rid of the shitty bits.
Tied with "salty" as the laziest way to dismiss people's opinions without actually arguing against them.
Can I get a rundown of all of HaloGAF's teams?
Also, Time Glitch posted his review over at Waypoint... Nothing about CTF.
Can I get a rundown of all of HaloGAF's teams?
Also, Time Glitch posted his review over at Waypoint... Nothing about CTF.
Oh okay, dodged a bullet there.:lol I'm sorry, yes, it's a joke. It's one of many of the original images I made when I did the "X, X EVERYWHERE" thing with Arby and Noble Six. So far ammo is completely free.
Surely you guys must see a little bit of the reasoning behind revealing new information first at a pretty big game expo?
Can I get a rundown of all of HaloGAF's teams?
So it came in with the same flood of awful waypoint posters who want to turn this thread into that forum? No wonder every time I come in here I just get mad and leave again.
Can I get a rundown of all of HaloGAF's teams?
Also, Time Glitch posted his review over at Waypoint... Nothing about CTF.
There's a lot of negativity here for a new Halo game..
There's a lot of negativity here for a new Halo game..
Can I get a rundown of all of HaloGAF's teams?
Also, Time Glitch posted his review over at Waypoint... Nothing about CTF.
I don't think I can agree with that. 1 Flag BTB was always a monumental campfest, four or five dudes just crouching in a base corner.Personally I think one flag is better with big team than it ever was with 4v4.
I think you just want change... any change.
I would also love change, just wish the change made sense. Its like they changed something no one wanted changing just for the sake of seemingly changing something.
But yeah a video where they explain the changes and clarify the reasons for the changes would be great.
You must be new to this... it happens every time one is released. lol
So it came in with the same flood of awful waypoint posters who want to turn this thread into that forum? No wonder every time I come in here I just get mad and leave again.
Can't we just get the term "salty" banned already? It's the same as saying "u mad?" which is as far as I know also bannable. Unless you're using it in the context of describing the taste of a certain food product it's just a really obnoxious way of responding to complaints.Tied with "salty" as the laziest way to dismiss people's opinions without actually addressing them. Team SLRP is equally silly to use as an argument.
I don't think I can agree with that. 1 Flag BTB was always a monumental campfest, folks just crouching in a base corner.
Classic? Pfft, it's called Retro and keeping in line with canon it simulates what it's like to be a Spartan II.So you can't drop the flag? What the fuck is this shit 343? Confirm this isn't the case in classic mode or whatever insane name you guys are going give it.