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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Hydranockz said:
That's a tad harsh.

Well I dont think anyone here loved EVERY aspect of Reach, so I dont think im being a prick by saying that, I think everyone here was reasonable but there are people who seemingly LOVED the beta and didnt want a single thing to change, those guys would probably have loved anything.

EazyB said:
Eh, I'd figure movement speed and gravity would require a lot more work than tweaking the UI. With those things you have a shit ton of animations that must work for players moving at ridiculous speeds and jumping 4 times as high.

I have no doubt bungie give players the option to remove bloom in customs. If you guys think it's too hard for bungie to do I guess I should just really adjust my expectations of them. Maybe they could outsource it to Treyarch so they could show them how to do it.

Bungie has the means, if they don't do it it's only because they don't think players would appreciate the option. I'm simply expressing my interest in this option.

I dont know how to make games, but im guessing animations isnt really a problem as you can just speed up the defualt walk animation by 400% if you add 400% speed?

Technicalities aside, I would also love the option, but it would probably play as bad as 400% speed plays to be fair. :lol

Hydranockz said:
Pfft, they have the means. It's the time that's the problem.

Har har har, you made a Treyarch joke.

Bloom has planted itself in the soil of Reach's gameplay. Will your tears help it grow?

Thats a tad harsh
Yeah, now you know how it feels! =P


Dirtbag said:
Or they feel it is detrimental to the experience they are trying to provide.

I think having bloomless and bloom games in the same title would make the game play radically different and confusing to many gamers.
To me the absurdity of the request is really exposed when you apply it to the other aspects of the combat. Why doesn't Bungie let me choose the grenade throwing arc? Or the mêlée speed and range and lunge distance? Or what weapons recoil? Or if the plasma weapons overheat? Or the time from bounce to detonation for the grenades? Or turn the bloom on and off?

"Bungie has the means, if they don't do it it's only because they don't think players would appreciate the option."

Alternately, Bungie is crafting their combat system very carefully. And throwing the entire system open to modification is not as simple as flipping a switch. And there are a host of other reasons why they might not want to, other than "they don't think players would appreciate the option." It's very foolish to assert the reason something is the way it is, when you do not know that to be the case.

Edit: Agree with Dirtbag below. It's amazing to me how high a bar Bungie has consistently set for customization options.


The sad thing is we already get more options then probably 99% of the MP games out there... and the ones with more options are typically games like LBP which were designed around the concept of the user created experience.

Eazy should just knuckle up and become a game designer himself because I don't think anything other then his exact vision will be acceptable... and on that note, I would never want to work for someone like that.


Update is still a ways off - I'm in a bunch of interviews with the crew and this reporter all afternoon - but I can answer Eazy's quesiton right now: No. There are no plans to include a custom setting toggle for reticule bloom.




Dirtbag said:
Eazy should just knuckle up and become a game designer himself because I don't think anything other then his exact vision will be acceptable... and on that note, I would never want to work for someone like that.
There's a big difference between acceptable and preferable. There's a lot of small little things about each of the previous Halo games that I'd prefer if they were different. I accept these things and still have a blast with the game. I'll enjoy Reach, it's just a matter of more much, if I'll play it for 3 straight years and over 5k games. I apologize in advance if I blew your mind.

QUOTE=GhaleonEB]I think you're reacting in a pretty hilarious way.[/QUOTE]Coming from you this really means a lot. Can I still call dibs on the Reach OP?

GhaleonEB said:
Bloom is in. Accept it. You've had a vision for what Halo is that is different from what Bungie has always made Halo to be, from day one, and that is continuing with Reach.
Halo's been right down my alley for almost 10 years now. I've not always agreed with every gameplay aspect but they've had a really good track record. Playlist management is another story. If the Reach beta was Bungie's vision all this time and they'd just accidentally missed that vision and landed upon mine then fuck me, I guess I should just appreciate my prior fortunes.

They even said in the podcast that they were taking a look at the bloom mechanic and possibly tweaking it to be more consistent. This is obviously not my doing but I'd like to think I was one of many who expressed their sentiments about it which at the very least made Bungie think of possibly tweaking it so people like myself will enjoy the game more. As you admitted yourself many of my complaints have been addressed and with each one Reach becomes a game I will enjoy more and more. I'm going to keep expressing and defending what I want Reach to be if it has even the slightest possibility of improving the final product and if you don't like it I really suggest putting me on ignore. I don't know when it suddenly became taboo to disagree with a Bungie's WIP but I don't give a shit. I'll enjoy Reach, there's no doubt about that, but that doesn't mean I'm going to welcome every single aspect with open arms.

ManCannon said:
Update is still a ways off - I'm in a bunch of interviews with the crew and this reporter all afternoon - but I can answer Eazy's quesiton right now: No. There are no plans to include a custom setting toggle for reticule bloom.
Thanks for the answer.
ManCannon said:
Update is still a ways off - I'm in a bunch of interviews with the crew and this reporter all afternoon - but I can answer Eazy's quesiton right now: No. There are no plans to include a custom setting toggle for reticule bloom.

Actually, I just remembered something relevant that I would love, and it sounds stupid but bear with me -

Can we have a menu item to toggle assassinations? They're really cool and all, but I found myself trapping myself into the long winded versions by accident (usually when I was really excited :lol ). I would love a menu option which simply allows me to switch them off if I don't want to use them.

I would probably still keep them on though to be fair. Unless I was REALLY desperate to win the match, but then I would love to throw some humiliation in. I guess having the option when going for Onyx would be nice though.


I think the taboo comes in when you interject the "why" things aren't being done, and the "how" they can't hurt things.
I mean consistency is the main reason you hate bloom, yet you are philosophically asking for an inconsistent product with radically different playstyles.


EazyB said:
Can I still call dibs on the Reach OP?
I certainly have my moments - my vag is sensitive to sand, what can I say. But I think the bulk of my post history is better than the occasional rage post (having the TV next to the computer results in a far too many - I've got to learn to step away from the comptuer right after playing). I've taken many deserved lumps for being an ass on occasion, and in the early days of the Beta in particular.

To your credit, you're certainly more consistent. :p
Dirtbag said:
I think the taboo comes in when you interject the "why" things aren't being done, and the "how" they can't hurt things.
That's one flavor of criticism that I've always tried to avoid. I think it's a pretty poor argument to pick one possible reason and then build your argument around the preclusion of all others. And especially with Bungie of all developers, I think picking the reason that they don't care is a poor choice to run with.

Thank, ManCannon for settling the discussion. Look forward to the update tonight.


Dirtbag said:
I think the taboo comes in when you interject the "why" things aren't being done, and the "how" they can't hurt things.
I mean consistency is the main reason you hate bloom, yet you are philosophically asking for an inconsistent product with radically different playstyles.
There are dramatically different playstyles when you have no radar, no shield, sniper starts, movement speed, grifball, available AAs, map sizes, etc. It's all part of the variety that makes Halo fun. I wouldn't even be asking for it to be implemented in MM. Yes, it'd be different, yes, you'd have to adjust if you happened to start up a custom game with... gasp, custom settings, that's Halo. It wasn't until Halo 2 that you could adjust base player traits like movement speed and gravity. It seems to me the natural progression to customization would be weapons. Being able to create a super fast paced UT-esque old school gametype with radically different gameplay seens awesome to me. Guess HaloGAF just isn't ready for that.

I'mma drop the subject here. Can't wait to see what goodies the BWU will have.
Eazy, is there anything else going on in your life at the moment you want to talk about? Your rage seems unnatural. Whatever it is, we're here for you and will listen.
Looking forward to the update tonight. Sounds like it should be another fun one.

Also, I am a bit late on this, but the podcast was awesome. I really enjoyed the material and changes discussed.


I know we were already given an answer, but why were so many of you opposed to the idea of having an option to adjust or turn off the bloom? I think it would have been a cool thing to just mess around with for fun. And it seems like it would make sense for Forge to evolve to give us even more options than before. Most of you are freaking out though like it would be ridiculous. It would only be there if you chose to use it so who cares? I think it's overall pretty stupid to change/adjust things like movement speed, but I still think it is kinda cool that the player has the option to tweak these things for a custom game. Why wouldn't you want a completely customizable array of options to mess around with? Would be cool to see what people can come up with. It would make it possible for everyone to enjoy Reach the way they want to with their friends if they chose to play it in a different way.

You guys are so touchy about this. Relax! It's just supposed to be friendly discussion in here. :lol


Hey You said:
What reporter? From where? When will we be able to see the interview?

I can't say but it's not a games magazine and it's a long, long ways out so, nothing to really see here, move along...


EazyB said:
There are dramatically different playstyles when you have no radar, no shield, sniper starts, movement speed, grifball, available AAs, map sizes, etc. It's all part of the variety that makes Halo fun.
I think the problem or difference I see, would be how subtle the effect would appear to be, yet how fundamentally it would change the gameplay. The movement speed alone is enough to throw me off when going from MLG to base halo 3, and this is something that I feel would go well beyond that. Now imagine how inconsistent the guns are going to feel to the average player that traversed from this custom gametype back to MM. Its going to send mixed messages to that player that I think extend beyond a match with radars turned off or sniper starts.

I wouldn't even be asking for it to be implemented in MM.
Well not at first at least... but MM is where the fun is and if you think it works well this way after spending some time, its only natural that MM is where you are ultimately going to want it to end up. Throw a bloomless playlist on matchmaking and people are going to be bitching and moaning about how sometimes their pistol works online and sometimes it doesn't. Just like the melee change, imagine having some games with halo 3 style melee damage and some with Reach's.... YIKES. Forums will be lots of fun then.


Dirtbag said:
Well not at first at least... but MM is where the fun is and if you think it works well this way after spending some time, its only natural that MM is where you are ultimately going to want it to end up. Throw a bloomless playlist on matchmaking and people are going to be bitching and moaning about how sometimes their pistol works online and sometimes it doesn't. Just like the melee change, imagine having some games with halo 3 style melee damage and some with Reach's.... YIKES. Forums will be lots of fun then.
What? What would bloom/no bloom have to do with that?


Trasher said:
I know we were already given an answer, but why were so many of you opposed to the idea of having an option to adjust or turn off the bloom? I think it would have been a cool thing to just mess around with for fun. And it seems like it would make sense for Forge to evolve to give us even more options than before. Most of you are freaking out though like it would be ridiculous. It would only be there if you chose to use it so who cares? I think it's overall pretty stupid to change/adjust things like movement speed, but I still think it is kinda cool that the player has the option to tweak these things for a custom game. Why wouldn't you want a completely customizable array of options to mess around with? Would be cool to see what people can come up with. It would make it possible for everyone to enjoy Reach the way they want to with their friends if they chose to play it in a different way.

You guys are so touchy about this. Relax! It's just supposed to be friendly discussion in here. :lol
When you release a product, you want the consumers to have a consistent experience so their take-away is hopefully by design and controlled (good or bad). Think about the idea of bloom and why its frustrating to you (or others) - because its random or inconsistent. When you sell an experience, you sell the illusion of choice, but ultimately the word of mouth is built from how much fun you had during your experience (be it 10 minutes or 3 years). If you can control that, you've won. Its as much the philosphy of business and design as it is about gameplay. A good product is as much about it functioning consistently as it does so well.

Trasher said:
What? What would bloom/no bloom have to do with that?
You're joking right?
A bloomless pistol firing across boneyard at full bore.....


Trasher said:
I know we were already given an answer, but why were so many of you opposed to the idea of having an option to adjust or turn off the bloom?
Forgive my ignorance, as I'm just catching the end of this discussion... But when people say 'get rid of bloom', do they want recoil in its place? Or neither? I'm assuming recoil.

Anyhow, I just checked CE (PC), and it has zero recoil. Sure, there's a tiny camera jostle when firing some weapons (RL), but it doesn't affect your aim in the slightest. The weapons do have a varying amount of spread (bloom, without the visual feedback), however. Sniper has none, pistol has a little, and the AR has a lot. To me, Reach's aiming/firing mechanic is like CEs, minus strict ROF, plus visual feedback. I couldn't be happier.

With it being so similar to CE, I just don't understand why this is so scandalous all of the sudden.


Dirtbag said:
When you release a product, you want the consumers to have a consistent experience so their take-away is hopefully by design and controlled (good or bad). Think about the idea of bloom and why its frustrating to you (or others) - because its random or inconsistent. When you sell an experience, you sell the illusion of choice, but ultimately the word of mouth is built from how much fun you had during your experience (be it 10 minutes or 3 years). If you can control that, you've won. Its as much the philosphy of business and design as it is about gameplay. A good product is as much about it functioning consistently as it does so well.
Yup, and it will function well in MM where it should. Are you saying the game wouldn't function well and people would stop playing it because they have the option to change some things for their own customs game? I highly doubt that. Especially since people had a lot of options to mess around with in Halo 3 like movement speed which is arguably just as important to the game as bloom is for Reach.

Dirtbag said:
You're joking right?
A bloomless pistol firing across boneyard at full bore.....
People weren't freaking out about the Pistol or BR on large maps in Halo and Halo 2. Why would it be such a ridiculous thing to at least have the option to try a bloomless Reach and be able to test out these ideas? You never know. A lot of people might enjoy it. I personally probably wouldn't, but look at the different people in this thread and how each person has their own way of enjoying Halo. Some like big vehicle battles, and others completely despise any map with vehicles. Some like spraying with an AR, and others find it more satisfying to 4-shot dudes with a BR. My point is that there are lots of things about Halo that a lot of different players with different playstyles can enjoy in these games. So if you are going to give your fans the ability to manipulate most of the options in your game, why not give them the option of messing around with bloom?


Trasher said:
Yup, and it will function well in MM where it should. Are you saying the game wouldn't function well and people would stop playing it because they have the option to change some things for their own customs game? I highly doubt that. Especially since people had a lot of options to mess around with in Halo 3 like movement speed which is arguably just as important to the game as bloom is for Reach.

People weren't freaking out about the Pistol or BR on large maps in Halo and Halo 2. Why would it be such a ridiculous thing to at least have the option to try a bloomless Reach and be able to test out these ideas? You never know. A lot of people might enjoy it. I personally probably wouldn't, but look at the different people in this thread and how each person has their own way of enjoying Halo. Some like big vehicle battles, and others completely despise any map with vehicles. Some like spraying with an AR, and others find it more satisfying to 4-shot dudes with a BR. My point is that there are lots of things about Halo that a lot of different players with different playstyles can enjoy in these games. So if you are going to give your fans the ability to manipulate most of the options in your game, why not give them the option of messing around with bloom?

I just told you why I think its a bad idea. Because you create an inconsistent experience to the average user that doesn't live on forums to know the difference. Its one thing when you have a gametype with some bizarre options, its another thing entirely when you have something that on the surface looks exactly the same, yet radically changes and unbalances everything.

Bungie has repeatedly said, they don't want one gun to dominate. A bloomless pistol would rule them all. Deal with it.


Dirtbag said:
When you release a product, you want the consumers to have a consistent experience so their take-away is hopefully by design and controlled (good or bad). Think about the idea of bloom and why its frustrating to you (or others) - because its random or inconsistent. When you sell an experience, you sell the illusion of choice, but ultimately the word of mouth is built from how much fun you had during your experience (be it 10 minutes or 3 years). If you can control that, you've won. Its as much the philosphy of business and design as it is about gameplay. A good product is as much about it functioning consistently as it does so well.
I just feel like you're drawing an arbitrary line where there needn't be one. Bungie controls MM, it's where most people will play the majority of their games, and casual gamers (the idiots that'd be confused by such discrepancies) will judge the game based on that. I really don't think Bungie's MP customization palette is built around the illusion of choice but I'm not really following you there anyways so

Dirtbag said:
You're joking right?
A bloomless pistol firing across boneyard at full bore.....
They've already slowed down the fire rate. It'd be like the CE pistol, 2x zoom, not exactly pinpoint accuracy. You never had too much of a problem being 3 shot across Blood Gulch I hope.

Gosh, I promised I was going to drop this but I just find the possibilities so awesome. What if you could change the bloom, RoF and weapon damage so that the game would play just like CE. I think it'd be so fucking awesome to have a CE gametype - running around in Reach's engine and netcode online with buds playing CE map editor remakes with CE mechanics. Increase the sniper to CE RoF :D

It'd be like the online CE remake with half the work (maps) being done by the community and the other half (customization depth) thrown into Reach by Bungie.

Alright, I'm really done this time.
Still legitimately shocked at everyone's negative reactions to the prospect of more options. I eagerly await the day when Bungie does reveal some fucking incredible game-changing options for customization and these same people do a 180 and defend it.
So, I pretty much just got a chance to listen to the Podcast properly, and I love how much its cleared up critisms. I must say that it felt like I was getting called out a lot, because of the 'stupid shit' I posted, but to be fair without being able to see the code its hard to tell how some things work, and based on gameplay experience something may seem unfairer than it actually is. I know I wasnt personally getting called out, but as a sub-section of the community that was like "1/10 times someone can get lucky, wtf" I feel like an ass. :lol

Anyway great podcast, its quite clear that Reach has different design goals in mind than I personally want it to, but whatever, I think on the whole I will prefer it to the beta in a big way.

Then again Alienshogun brings up a good point. Screw it, im not buying Reach. How could you kill his mum?
At the risk of being a jerk: if someone wants to play Halo CE, why not play the actual game?

The more possibilities, the better, of course. Though they should be used to enhance Halo Reach, and not to bring Halo CE back.


My breakdown:

I don't like bloom.
I would rather they used recoil and rate of fire to balance the sandbox.
But simply removing bloom all together (without adding in recoil and ROF changes) would totally unbalance everything.
So since the entire sandbox was built around bloom, I think its got to remain.
Maybe next game they try regular recoil and ROF to create guns with long range / short range versatility.

My reasoning on the decision to use bloom, centers around the strength (or in this case weakness) of the average person to aim with a controller. Rather then knock their screen (aim) around with recoil, bloom allows a weaker shooter to keep his aim in line - while simultaneously allowing for simulated recoil in the form of gun innacuracy (open bloom). Maybe its beckons back to the mouse vs. joystick argument and it being more difficult to aim adjust for recoil with sticks, but there it is.

If you simply remove bloom (without also providing recoil and ROF tweaks), you've only presented another set of problems in place of the current system. So now we have two 'imperfect' systems thanks to the same complaint.
All the while this goes on, you present joe gamer with an inconsistent experience that looks the same in both instances.

EazyB said:
What if you could change the bloom, RoF and weapon damage so that the game would play just like CE. I think it'd be so fucking awesome to have a CE gametype - running around in Reach's engine and netcode online with buds playing CE map editor remakes with CE mechanics. Increase the sniper to CE RoF :D

It'd be like the online CE remake with half the work (maps) being done by the community and the other half (customization depth) thrown into Reach by Bungie.
This is exactly where I knew you'd have to end up. You need a full range to tweaks for your bloomless gameplay to work, which I think is ridiculous to even expect such a range of tweaks. You're now talking about splitting huge online populations with all the tinkering.
You know why the ipod sold well? Because it was simple and effective. It didn't have a million buttons. Its the difference between having some crazy stereo setup with tons of plugs and buttons to fool with, when most people don't care. They just want to play the music. The reason we get forge and not a real map editor is because most gamers (fuck people even) are stupid and they need a simple end product
. It's the same idea.


UltimaPooh said:
It looks as if Halo: Reach is going to create a rift in the HaloGAF community.

Which side are you on?


Plywood said:
The one that enjoys the fact it isn't Halo 3.5

Then this

bobs99 ... said:
I cant believe people are still saying this, im on the side where people write detailed posts and dont make stupid 1 sentence generalizations.

And this

bobs99 ... said:
I agree with this though sadly. The people that absolutely loved every aspect of the beta would probably have blindly adapted to anything.

And now this

Kuroyume said:

Then this

And this

And now this


To be fair I did say: "I agree with this though sadly. The people that absolutely loved every aspect of the beta would probably have blindly adapted to anything."

I worded it carefully because I knew I would cause offense to people who loved the beta here otherwise, I think most people here are intelligent enough to understand its a beta, its going to have flaws and that Bungie aren't perfect so feedback is a good thing. I have seen a lot of posts on Bnet like "Its Bungies game, its they're choice, just go adapt noob" and it boggles my mind how anyone can have that much blind faith, especially when the company themselves say the betas going to be rough.

So while I compacted that small part of the original post (which actually had some depth to it) I dont think it was a broad generalization. =)

While im at it, I also hate people who selectively choose a sentence from a full post and just quote that to give the original poster less credibility, I guess arguing semantics is just an internet thing though,
yeah yeah go adapt noob


I hope we hear about the structure of the campaign at E3. In particular, whether it's some kind of hub and spoke model ala ODST, or a more fixed storyline as with the rest of the series. I know I've said that before, but it's something I keep thinking about.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
EagleEyes said:
Question for HaloGAF, is it confirmed that there will be Brutes fighting along side Elites in the campaign? Just curious.
Not officially confirmed, no. But artwork has been seen in one or two vidocs suggesting the possibility.


Hoping to some of the differences between a campaign with your AI buddies we saw from the original Reach reveal (campaign cinematic) and then for our on-line co-op with our own Spartans.

re: Brutes

I think we'll see them along with the Elites fighting, but they won't play a major role... at least I hope. They will add some diversity among the enemies since it won't make sense the Flood won't be around as the third wheel.


I'm hoping the brutes are menacing as hell, and if that pans out, they might even be a highlight of the campaign. Then we can bitch about how they took out all the brutes :lol


Striker said:
re: Brutes

I think we'll see them along with the Elites fighting, but they won't play a major role... at least I hope. They will add some diversity among the enemies since it won't make sense the Flood won't be around as the third wheel.
That's what I'm guessing their role will be. The differences between fighting Brute packs and Elites will be accentuated to provide a late-game shift in the primary opponent, thus fulfilling the role the Flood occupied in the trilogy.

EagleEyes: Pretty much. The first vidoc for Reach showed someone modeling a Brute from a concept art piece, and the Gravity Hammer was in the Reach Beta, implying Brutes will be using it in the Campaign. (Since it's largely campaign that drives the MP content.)
Dax01 said:
I'm hoping for this. And I'm hoping in Reach that, if Brutes are in it, they're kind of like mini-bosses that force you to really think on the spot.
I think that's what the Chieftains will be. Considering how big the Elites look in game, I'm sure they'll seem huge as well.

Speaking of size...Hunters...
GhaleonEB said:
I hope we hear about the structure of the campaign at E3. In particular, whether it's some kind of hub and spoke model ala ODST, or a more fixed storyline as with the rest of the series. I know I've said that before, but it's something I keep thinking about.
I'm hoping for this. And I'm hoping in Reach that, if Brutes are in it, they're kind of like mini-bosses that force you to really think on the spot.
Dax01 said:
I'm hoping for this. And I'm hoping in Reach that, if Brutes are in it, they're kind of like mini-bosses that force you to really think on the spot.

Think about ODST firefight and replace standard brutes with elites.
A hub and spoke world wouldn't work for Reach. It worked in ODST because you are cut off from command and trying to piece together what happened; a hub and spoke world in Reach would only dilute the narrative drama of the fall of Reach.


Thagomizer said:
A hub and spoke world wouldn't work for Reach. It worked in ODST because you are cut off from command and trying to piece together what happened; a hub and spoke world in Reach would only dilute the narrative drama of the fall of Reach.

This is what I've been thinking. Although I'd love to see a hub/spoke model for Reach, I doubt it'd work for the storyline it seems it'll be. Though, I'd love to be proven wrong, as always, and see Bungie incorporate one. Heck, maybe we'll have to travel to each mission area and not have Pelican/Falcon pickups after every mission. :lol

I wouldn't object to it having a continuous level structure (like Half-Life 1/2), either.

Or I dunno.
ZayneH said:
This is what I've been thinking. Although I'd love to see a hub/spoke model for Reach, I doubt it'd work for the storyline it seems it'll be. Though, I'd love to be proven wrong, as always, and see Bungie incorporate one. Heck, maybe we'll have to travel to each mission area and not have Pelican/Falcon pickups after every mission. :lol

I wouldn't object to it having a continuous level structure (like Half-Life 1/2), either.

Or I dunno.

This would be good.


Any Bungie employee reading this, a random unimportant request, but could you please pass around the office that it wouldn't hurt to have an option to turn off the ingame achievement trackers?? I really like to get totally immersed into good singleplayer experiences, escape reality and pretend I'm there, I always turn off all the xbl popups to achieve this, but now this whole ingame achievement tracker fad is ruining that for me. They totally break the immersion and jarringly take me out of the game world. It was introduced to Halo in ODST, and I'm sure it will be there for Reach in order to please the current short attention span generation of gamers, but please, make it optional!! A silly request, I know, noone else cares but...

(It's even worse on ps3, there I can't even turn off the console achievements at all. Thinking of seeing them popup during my first The Last Guardian playthrough makes me cringe.)
2am and still no update. I miss urk :p

Edit: Can't blame Mancannon, poor guy must have worked himself into a state of paranoia wondering which of his colleagues was gonna hop on gaf and leak out his update :lol
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