Even though I'm skeptical, as for what maps/gametype settings will be used and how they play with no bloom, I'm looking forward to the Beta hoppers tomorrow.
Also, I forgot to post the results of the 1v1 I had with Ghostayame the other night....
he bet me 15-1. It hurt bad. I thought I would get at least 4-5 kills on him. I can usually hold my on in the lower Onyx division Arena and MLG but just wow, the kid was a monster.
We played MLG Sanctuary. I grabbed my Snipe at spawn and that was the last time I saw it. After that I knew he would hold my Sniper spawn and pick me off as I spawned, and that's exactly what happened. The whole game. I was able to escape several times but it's like he new where I was no matter what.
I know 1v1's are a totally different animal compared to team games but I wonder how some of the more competitive Gaffers think they would of matched up with him. Tashi, Kyle, Juices, Ram, Frankie?