You are really desperate, right?Oh my God. You guys. I think I have Frankie figured out.
He said there wouldn't be a trailer released at the VGAs...but he didn't say there wouldn't be a trailer released the same day as the VGAs.
EazyB's HaloGAF list needs to be archived on the site.
I think you have cracked the puzzle, good sir.Oh my God. You guys. I think I have Frankie figured out.
He said there wouldn't be a trailer released at the VGAs...but he didn't say there wouldn't be a trailer released the same day as the VGAs.
Oh my God. You guys. I think I have Frankie figured out.
He said there wouldn't be a trailer released at the VGAs...but he didn't say there wouldn't be a trailer released the same day as the VGAs.
HEY!!!!Oh my God. You guys. I think I have Frankie figured out.
He said there wouldn't be a trailer released at the VGAs...but he didn't say there wouldn't be a trailer released the same day as the VGAs.
Você não é bem vindo aqui.Finally got it today, great game so far. Late as hell though.
That's some damn nice paint Daedelius, so jelly.
I suppose you use some kind of tablet or something.
I remember reading this at the time thinkingEazy's List said:Zeouterlimits - Zeouterlimits - the one person looking forward to anime Halo
November NPD
360 - 1.7 Million (+24%)
PS3 - 900K (+70%)
WII - 860k (-32%)
3DS - 795k
NDS - 350k (-77%)
Anniversary didn't make the top 10 for NPD.
Anniversary didn't make the top 10 for NPD.
Did CEA even have a TV commercial?
Never saw it, or heard about it.
What happened to Numbers? (the gaffer)
Finally got it today, great game so far.
NPD said:When looking at the top 10 best selling titles at the SKU level, both Super Mario 3D Land and Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary would have been included
Holy shit.Perhaps a tribute song would be more fitting. (To be fair, I won't add this to the site either.)
I couldn't find a good instrumental I liked, so play this:
Goodbye EazyB
I love the first day, man. Everybody all friendly an' shit
Thought the same.Oh, I've seen that. Didn't realize it was a TV advertisement.
343 Avatar T-Shirt (Male) for the first person to post a picture of Frankie's beard.
Is there a way I can block certain people from following me on twitter? Because that stalker kid found my twitter. The one who has sent some of you guys messages pretending to be me. Ugh, he hadn't bothered me for so long and now he's following my twitter.
Is there a way I can block certain people from following me on twitter? Because that stalker kid found my twitter. The one who has sent some of you guys messages pretending to be me. Ugh, he hadn't bothered me for so long and now he's following my twitter.
I love the first day, man. Everybody all friendly an' shit
Dude...wat?!Is there a way I can block certain people from following me on twitter? Because that stalker kid found my twitter. The one who has sent some of you guys messages pretending to be me. Ugh, he hadn't bothered me for so long and now he's following my twitter.
Nope, my xbox won't read any of my discs. Sending it for repair would be the cheapest option (around 70 euro hopefully)
After making that joke, I googled for "anime forge art" out of curiosity. Isn't that enough punishment?!
I could have swore he freaked out on someone here a long time ago for telling another dude he liked him or something...maybe I'm dreaming.
Holy shit.
You're REALLY good at that.
I listened to a lot of Weird Al as a little kid. I had pretty conservative parents and didn't get into real music until about 8th or 9th grade. Until then I mostly listened to classical orchestra stuff and Weird Al.
The first CD I ever bought was a John Williams compilation.
Does it look like this?This was, and still is, one of my favorite CDs. It came free with a Nintendo Power issue. lolol
Does it look like this?
Without any exaggeration or hyperbole I can safely say I listened to that entire CD hundreds of times.
*Forgive my creepy unshaven myspace pic. I should have stood in front of a mirror to complete the effect. My eyes aren't normally that weird looking. Also I'm a little drunk right now.
That's it! God I love that thing. It made subscribing to Nintendo Power for all those years so worth it!
Sadly, I'm not sure where my actual CD is anymore, but luckily it's in my iTunes.