That is very cool. As a famous and accomplished artists myself, who has created many masterpieces of proper good art, you can take that as a pro endorsement.
Please give the antagonist in Halo 4 a Sword
That is very cool. As a famous and accomplished artists myself, who has created many masterpieces of proper good art, you can take that as a pro endorsement.
Well see, the mind blowing factor comes in 2 places:
a) Aiming at the correct location where their jump will take them
b) knowing they are even going to jump in the first place.
It seems like once you commit to aiming up there, you're gambling a bit with your aim. Tashi, you blow my mind. That last snipe on that Halo Community Tournament will forever make we say wow.
TU Infection in Anniversary? Because we really needed a pistol that was more spammable for the humans?
GGs bros, shoulda kept doing MLG, BTB is ZzzZZzzz...
That is very cool. As a famous and accomplished artists myself, who has created many masterpieces of proper good art, you can take that as a pro endorsement.
Daedalius i have a request.
How about you paint a daedalius inspired master chief?
Forgot to say, i checked out the site you have some awesome stuff.
Wow, you have no idea how happy this makes me Fronk.
I have a few other things I am working on for my portfolio right now, but I will try to think of something to do.
GGs bros, shoulda kept doing MLG, BTB is ZzzZZzzz...
Save me
So, in a perfect world, how much damage should grenades do?
It should be enough that players actually have a reason to use them (and potentially take damage during the animation it takes to hurl them), but not so much that simply spamming them is an effective technique.
Grenades can be just like how they are now but they need a longer fuse time.
Enough to take out your shields. No more, no less.So, in a perfect world, how much damage should grenades do?
It should be enough that players actually have a reason to use them (and potentially take damage during the animation it takes to hurl them), but not so much that simply spamming them is an effective technique.
I say no because detonating after bounce is a staple to how Halo grenades work. Cooking is unnecessary.Should 343i include the ability to 'cook' grenades in Halo 4?
Who is the incompetent person in charge of the playlists? Started up Reach for the first time in awhile and the first thing I get is fucking Elite Slayer on Headlong. How is that fucking possible? Red team gets the Banshee and blue team gets fuck all - In Elite Slayer Covenant weapons do nothing to Banshees which means blue team is at a severe disadvantage! I quit when the score was around 50(them)-5(us) with most of the 50 kills going to the Banshee.
It blows my mind how fucking incompetent Bungie and 343 are at managing their own playlists. It doesn't take a genius to work out what a stupid fucking idea it is to still have the Banshee spawn on Headlong in Elite Slayer. Stupid, STUPID fucking decisions. My dog could manage the playlists better!
Playlist management is pretty bad...
They should hire someone for that.
Grenades can be just like how they are now but they need a longer fuse time.
It looks awesome.So since we're posting so much art today, I've got another piece I just finished up for my portfolio. Its not for Halo specifically, but I'd say its Halo-esque. I'm not going to deny I have a couple windows up of FUD up all the time, and the Halo Encyclopedia/Art of Halo 3 on my desk (of course there are other books as well, Darksiders artbook is also greatand Guildwars 2).
Havok suggested I post it, so here it is.
I think I need to make a picture of all of my artbooks sometime, my collection is getting pretty big.
Just want you to know how much I appreciate your galleries
Yea, I think I get carried for the most part; I'm much better at art than I am at halo, haha (at least I like to think so).
I even exploded after reading this post. <3If 343 was giving away real shirts (or hoodies) I think Hypertrooper would explode.
Can you see that, my channel just keeps reloading right now...
SpikeTV Stream Link
Stream might be locked to US IP Addresses only ill provide various ways around these restrictions at the bottom of the post
Preshow starts at
7.30 PM EST
6.30 PM CST
4.30 PM PST
12.30 AM GMT
Awards start at
8.00 PM EST
7.00 PM CST
5.00 PM PST
1.00 AM GMT
Firefox Header Manipulation
Modify Firefox Headers to fool the site into thinking your in the US worked last time spike streamed the VGA's
Hotspot Shield Tutorial
Spoof your IP via a VPN to make it look like your inside the US.
Enough to take out your shields. No more, no less.
When they're as powerful as the one's in Reach they either need to have a longer fuse as wwm0nkey said, or we need faster movement speed to get away from them.
I say no because detonating after bounce is a staple to how Halo grenades work. Cooking is unnecessary.
Yeah, right now they're like a hybrid CE/3 nade. You either go Halo 2 & 3's way or you go CE nades. Having them powerful and having the fuse time of a Halo 3 nade makes them too powerful.
When I looked at this pic, I thought that the circle could be linked to the portal of Hang'em High. I know it is farfetched but the circle looks a bit distorted around a specific angular degree and that means it'd show the galaxy like the Hang'Em High's portal does. (Courtesy of Blue Ninja, Microsoft, CA etc)
What will happen if I renew my Bungie Pro membership?
You can't. You just keep the 24 slots into (hopefully) eternity
Edit.: I forgot to say: You did impressive pics again, Blue Ninja. You are using the screenshot function of Reach, right? I'd like to see if you did the screenshots with a capture card.
Doesn't work for me.Might try hotspotshield, or might just say "fuck it", because this thing only starts at 2 AM for me.
Hmm odd, where you at?
That works! Sweet.
So since we're posting so much art today, I've got another piece I just finished up for my portfolio. Its not for Halo specifically, but I'd say its Halo-esque. I'm not going to deny I have a couple windows up of FUD up all the time, and the Halo Encyclopedia/Art of Halo 3 on my desk (of course there are other books as well, Darksiders artbook is also greatand Guildwars 2).
Havok suggested I post it, so here it is.
People actually watch the VGAs instead of waiting for the videos to hit gametrailers within the hour?
Last year one of the hosts was asking Don Mattrick for his gametag.People actually watch the VGAs instead of waiting for the videos to hit gametrailers within the hour?
Last year one of the hosts was asking Don Mattrick for his gametag.
She gave him sex faces*, he was like "awwwwwwkward".
*I wish I was joking, but I aint.
People actually watch the VGAs instead of waiting for the videos to hit gametrailers within the hour?
Also seeing face Geoff get pissed when shit went wrong and boy did shit go wrong :lolThe whole thing made me laugh. This year is hosted by spock so hopefully we get more awkwardness