Frenck said:Are there any news regarding the Skirmishers in the Edge preview? What makes them different compared to the regular non-Dino Jackals?
Zedsdeadbaby said:As long as they get rid of the green flying aliens that's fine by me. Cramming them into Halo 2 and subsequent games out of nowhere with no context or backstory made no sense at all. They aren't even remotely enjoyable to deal with.
Blueblur1 said:I'm okay with third person assassinations but I think an elaborate first person assassination animation with a small amount of frames would be better.
Gui_PT said:They're ridiculous in ODST.
Worst thing in the game.
Hopefully they won't return.
Falt said:Dare's face?
was one of my favourite campaign moments from ODSTData Hive. Picking off Drones with the pistol is really, really satisfying. I like the frantic combat they bring to a fight.particularly after you meet up with Dare
It may be like AC2 where the blip becomes more defined as you get to the proper elevation. Me likey.Gui_PT said:Yeah, but that's on the outside, and it doesn't really show different elevations. What I was wondering is if, when you're inside a building you'll be able to tell the difference between the floors.
squidhands said:It may be like AC2 where the blip becomes more defined as you get to the proper elevation. Me likey.
SupposingGui_PT said:Are you supposing it's like that, or is it a fact?
tonitoni said:Seems like the radar is no longer seen from the top and instead is now shown at an angle, so the blips that are at a different elevation now have a line connecting it to the same plane as you are. The longer the line the furthest up or down the player is from you.
As an example I added some blips into Dani's hud mockup:
green: a bit higher than you
red: higher
blue: lower
The Crawf said:Halo theme is not in.
For Dax
"More immediately apparent though, is an entirely new timbre to the AR. It sounds markedly more powerful than the otherwise satisfying chugging stutter heard in previous games".
Sweet!Night vision as seen in ODST is in.
Motion tracker shows elevation.
Some revealing information. Talks about how Bungie is taking a different approach to the story and the game.The Crawf said:
tonitoni said:Seems like the radar is no longer seen from the top and instead is now shown at an angle, so the blips that are at a different elevation now have a line connecting it to the same plane as you are. The longer the line the furthest up or down the player is from you.
As an example I added some blips into Dani's hud mockup:
green: a bit higher than you
red: higher
blue: lower
Dax01 said:D:
Mm. Hot stuff. I guess they didn't say anything about changes to the gun gameplay-wise (greater accuracy and distance)?
Some revealing information. Talks about how Bungie is taking a different approach to the story and the game.
Dax01 said:
Dax01 said:Mm. Hot stuff. I guess they didn't say anything about changes to the gun gameplay-wise (greater accuracy and distance)?
I accidentally deleted it while deleting messages.Gui_PT said:I see you're too busy posting here to accept my FR
I take my apology back.
We better see some gameplay tweaks! But yeah, I'm liking what I'm hearing.Letters said:Liking the stuff about the AR. And I bet the halo theme will appear in the final cutscene, showing PoA aproaching instalation 04, fade to black.
NutJobJim said:As for the 3rd person assassination thing, I think it sounds cool for SP, especially if they look brutal like the executions in Gears (not expecting them to be anywhere Near as gory, but hopefully they look brutal and powerful like a Spartan killing an enemy should).
I think I'll be extremely disappointed if you cant still melee like normal though, especially in MP. Beatdowns are fun and the whole shoot/grenadge/melee dynamic is pivotal to the Halo formula IMO.
Dax01 said:I accidentally deleted it while deleting messages.
Lunchbox said:Relic was a TERRIBLE map, why are you people getting all nostalgic for that crap? every time it popped up in big team people bitched. now ascension, that was a map
dilatedmuscle said:oh crap oh crap.. i just woke up... has edge met google or something?
The Crawf said:The new "abilities" are persistent rather than one-time use like equipment. You'll use them like you use grenades. Only 2 shown were active camo and dash, but expect more.
Halo theme is not in.
This is not Halo 4.
Cut scenes use a handheld camera style.
New grunt currently nicknamed 'keg grunt'
The engine has been 'gutted' and just about every aspect overhauled.
Voice actors faces will be mo-caped.
When performing assassinations old one-hit kill replaced by third person animation - but "there is a good chance that Reach won't feature instant assassinations at all"
During playthrough, the player is inside a building and skirmishers speed toward him and he didn't manage to take down a single one.
For Dax
"More immediately apparent though, is an entirely new timbre to the AR. It sounds markedly more powerful than the otherwise satisfying chugging stutter heard in previous games".
Bigger environments encouraging exploration - in co-op, the teleport is far less strict. You can be in one area and your buddies in another.
Night vision as seen in ODST is in.
Motion tracker shows elevation.
.The Crawf said:Longer interval between sniper shots confirmed
CrazedArabMan said:Hot steaming cup of Instant Win
Hopefully it's better than the "rain" that was in ODST. That was some pathetic rain right there!CrazedArabMan said:-The game features rain which will leave covered areas dry and vice versa.
CrazedArabMan said:Here is some more info, stolen from gametrailers, so sorry for that.
-The AR leaves smoke and sparks when it fires. Explosions have been completely redone for Reach. They are apparently, huge, dirty and lingering.
-Green marine monocle returns. WIN.
-Elite AI has been improved a lot. They might be doing something like fixing a door and then something may attack them, but once they have dealt with the threat they'll go back to what they were doing before.
-"Bungie's not fixed on leaving the trusty BR out". The DMR has 3X zoom.
-Shield recharge not as fast as Halo 3's.
CrazedArabMan said:
-Hints there will be power drain and grav lift armour abilities..
CrazedArabMan said:Halo Reach's current build has a lot of computer generated audio used a place holders, meaning that the leaked beta menu footage may well be genuine.
urk said:It's a complete and total fabrication.
Longer interval between sniper shots confirmed
urk said:It's a complete and total fabrication.
CrazedArabMan said:-The game features rain which will leave covered areas dry and vice versa.
-Lehto admits that there was no generational leap on the animation side between combat evolved and ODST, but in Reach they will make them like all look like the trailer (including facial animations).
urk said:It's a complete and total fabrication.
Nice. There is always a place in my heart for Bungie's AI...some may said it's retarded but i find it fun and every game playthrough is different!CrazedArabMan said:Here is some more info, stolen from gametrailers, so sorry for that.
-Reach is 70 percent complete.
-They gutted the old engine and left "no component untouched" when improving it.
-Now players will look the same throughout multiplayer, coop and singleplayer (and the way they look will be customizable)
-Hints there will be power drain and grav lift armour abilities..
-There is a 3d radar and the HUD can now highlight various environmental features and overlay information about them.
-Night vision returns to Reach (as seen in ODST).
-On the pause screen it mentions "grades and credits" but Bungie wont discuss them yet. Probably to do with the character customization system.
-The AR leaves smoke and sparks when it fires. Explosions have been completely redone for Reach. They are apparently, huge, dirty and lingering.
-Green marine monocle returns. WIN.
-Bungie were disappointed with the reaction of people to the halo 3 marine, so theyve brought back the flavour of the halo 1 marine.
-Mongoose return confirmed.
-Assassinations (by holding down melee) will feature in multiplayer and the instant assassination of past halos may not be featured at all. Bungie is using the Beta to decide how it will feature.
-Huge landscapes - but you can visit each area. In coop you may see your buddy fighting a long way off in the distance.
Teleportation is far less strict.
-Bungie is bending the Xbox as far as it will bend and really pushing the hardware.
-Tung says there will be some big surprises in campaign.
-The game features rain which will leave covered areas dry and vice versa.
-Elite AI has been improved a lot. They might be doing something like fixing a door and then something may attack them, but once they have dealt with the threat they'll go back to what they were doing before.
-"Bungie's not fixed on leaving the trusty BR out". The DMR has 3X zoom.
-Shield recharge not as fast as Halo 3's.
-Halo Reach's current build has a lot of computer generated audio used a place holders, meaning that the leaked beta menu footage may well be genuine.
-A few new screenshots in the article, the best being a double page spread epic view of the spartans in a cockpit. There is an artwork of Emile with a grenade launcher.
-Lehto admits that there was no generational leap on the animation side between combat evolved and ODST, but in Reach they will make them like all look like the trailer (including facial animations).
Theres probably some stuff I missed which I may add in later.
Like the UT jump boots? That would be so awesome.CrazedArabMan said:-Hints there will be power drain and grav lift armour abilities..
HOT. So like Bad Company 2, where you shoot the wall and the dust lingers there for a bit. Good stuff.-The AR leaves smoke and sparks when it fires. Explosions have been completely redone for Reach. They are apparently, huge, dirty and lingering.
Dax01 said:The best two stories in Evolutions are "The Mona Lisa" and "The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole." By far.
Lead time is around two weeks.Merguson said:Does anyone have any idea when EDGE hits newsstands in North America? I want to skip looking at scans and getting a copy.