Haha nice! A pink elite somewhere will cry himself to sleep tonight.Tashi0106 said:Only Spartans in Multiplayer?!?!?! Reach is already my favorite game ever lol
Tashi0106 said:Only Spartans in Multiplayer?!?!?! Reach is already my favorite game ever lol
edit: Why the longer interval between Sniper shots. It's already longer than it was in Halo 2. I love the Halo 3 sniper. You can give me back Sweep sniping though.
I think I love you, Mr. O'Connor. Can I call you Frank?OuterWorldVoice said:It's for a good cause, which will be revealed next week, I believe.
Is this true?suspicious EDGE article summary from the interwebs said:Gone are Grunts "squealing jokes and making pratfalls"
So my dream of Spartan vs. Covenant multiplayer battles is dead?Letters said:Haha nice! A pink elite somewhere will cry himself to sleep tonight.
Letters said:Haha nice! A pink elite somewhere will cry himself to sleep tonight.
If only the cutscenes were realtime. Then they'd be able to show the player's customized armor. IF ONLY!Letters said:And what about the touched up SP cutscenes, will they include your customized version of LWG, or just a default. Mmm... so many new questions with each article that comes out, oh gosh. HYPE HYPE HYPE
No reason? I'm guessing it'll be red vs. blue, which is reason enough. This way they can bring elites back to their former glory and not make them hunched over fat asses in order to approximate the same hit-boxes as spartans. As you can see in this pic, elites are huge and wouldn't exactly fit in to traditional Halo MP. That's not to rule out Human vs. Covie MP battles, it would just require a lot of balancing.NullPointer said:So my dream of Spartan vs. Covenant multiplayer battles is dead?
Its just going to be the same spartans running around arenas killing each other for no reason?
"Religious wars never die, Jorge. They just get moved to Multiplayer."NullPointer said:So my dream of Spartan vs. Covenant multiplayer battles is dead?
Its just going to be the same spartans running around arenas killing each other for no reason?
Is Red vs. Blue part of the fiction of the Halo universe? I just see it as a lost opportunity to inject more of the Halo universe into the biggest part of Halo gameplay, and give more context and flavor to the multiplayer. It would also be something really different that would show the series in a different light.EazyB said:No reason? I'm guessing it'll be red vs. blue, which is reason enough. This way they can bring elites back to their former glory and not make them hunched over fat asses in order to approximate the same hit-boxes as spartans. As you can see in this pic, elites are huge and wouldn't exactly fit in to traditional Halo MP. That's not to rule out Human vs. Covie MP battles, it would just require a lot of balancing.
NullPointer said:Is Red vs. Blue part of the fiction of the Halo universe? I just see it as a lost opportunity to inject more of the Halo universe into the biggest part of Halo gameplay, and give more context and flavor to the multiplayer. It would also be something really different that would show the series in a different light.
And yeah, I know "lost opportunity" just means that I had an idea of the game that I wanted to see happen with no reason to believe it would. Still, its disappointing. Spartan-only just sounds so... safe.
Agreed, I love flashlights. The flashlight+ sniper w. nightvision combo was perfect in Halo:CE.Letters said:Just realized, the flashlight is probably not in the game now that there's VISR. Noooooo... please Bungie, give me both options, I like exploring the darkness with a nice looking flashlight.
I think it's all about the speed with which they happen. If we're talking a one-second event, it can work. But if it's like say, boading a vehicle, it's going to be a mess.clashfan said:third person assignations sound great for single player, not so sure about multiplayer.
The M6S in ODST had 4x zoom. So, four times the magnification of normal.Tashi0106 said:Also the new BR with the 3x zoom. Does that mean 3 different levels of zoom or 1 zoom level with 3 times the magnification of normal? I'm guessing the former but I don't know how that'll be. We'll see in the beta but "YY" will be oh so necessary.
Dax01 said:The M6S in ODST had 4x zoom. So, four times the magnification of normal.
Agree with the former glory comment. Elites have question-mark shaped spines, yes, but they are 7 and a half feet tall, and if fully stretched out, would probably be 8-9 feet. Seeing that majestic nature that Halo CE did in SP for Reach is worth losing the elites in MP. I don't know anyone besides casualsEazyB said:No reason? I'm guessing it'll be red vs. blue, which is reason enough. This way they can bring elites back to their former glory and not make them hunched over fat asses in order to approximate the same hit-boxes as spartans. As you can see in this pic, elites are huge and wouldn't exactly fit in to traditional Halo MP. That's not to rule out Human vs. Covie MP battles, it would just require a lot of balancing.
GhaleonEB said:I've always thought it a bit odd that Elites were shoehorned into MP to begin with. While understanding that their capabilities are similar to a Spartan, I didn't see a lot of value in trying to force a differently sized and shaped character to play exactly like Spartans, just to play as different models. It was neat aesthetically, but otherwise superfluous.
What? This has been confirmed? It'd be foolish not to have those badass elites in MP IMO.AwesomeSyrup said:I'm so glad there are only Spartans in Reach MP. There is nothing worse than playing SWAT and unloading on the back of an Elite only for them to turn around undamaged and shoot you in the head.
One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in matchmaking (and I've made so very many) was wearing Recon into SWAT. Not only was I the only Spartan around, I had an unusually large bullseye on my head to begin with. It did not end well.OuterWorldVoice said:SWAT CHEATS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE
(I don't think it's "cheating" but it turns SWAT into something SWAT isn't and changes the rhythm and pace so dramatically that it ruins it for me, even when everyone's an Elite)
Ramirez said:I just want some MP info, the beta is more than likely 3-4 months out and we don't know the first thing really.![]()
CrazedArabMan said:Here is some more info, stolen from gametrailers, so sorry for that.
-Reach is 70 percent complete.
Hope this means they'll get to polish it to hell![]()
-They gutted the old engine and left "no component untouched" when improving it.
Nothing new, but still good to know.
-Now players will look the same throughout multiplayer, coop and singleplayer (and the way they look will be customizable)
-Hints there will be power drain and grav lift armour abilities..
No comment yet, I wonder how this'll be implemented MP-wise, and however it ends up being, we better have tons of options to control this.
-There is a 3d radar and the HUD can now highlight various environmental features and overlay information about them.
I prefer radarless play, but this is awesome![]()
-Night vision returns to Reach (as seen in ODST).
As long as it doesn't make the game too ugly.. I still hope we get Halo 1 NV with the Sniper.
-On the pause screen it mentions "grades and credits" but Bungie wont discuss them yet. Probably to do with the character customization system.
Wait and see.
-The AR leaves smoke and sparks when it fires. Explosions have been completely redone for Reach. They are apparently, huge, dirty and lingering.
Good to know. I wonder how the AR's been modified gameplay wise though.
-Green marine monocle returns. WIN.
-Bungie were disappointed with the reaction of people to the halo 3 marine, so theyve brought back the flavour of the halo 1 marine.
-Mongoose return confirmed.
Good to know.
-Assassinations (by holding down melee) will feature in multiplayer and the instant assassination of past halos may not be featured at all. Bungie is using the Beta to decide how it will feature.
I'm alright with this for SP, but for MP I hope Bungie keeps the old model. And make meleeing skillful once again (different weapons = different damages / still != running != jumping
-Huge landscapes - but you can visit each area. In coop you may see your buddy fighting a long way off in the distance.
Teleportation is far less strict.
Halo 3 was a massive letdown regarding invisible walls/insta death barriers. These are welcome for MP (after the superjump clusterfuck that was Halo 2, but keep that shit away from SP.
-Bungie is bending the Xbox as far as it will bend and really pushing the hardware.
Good to know.
-Tung says there will be some big surprises in campaign.
Wait and see.Oonsk playable character?-The game features rain which will leave covered areas dry and vice versa.
As long as we have snow and ice, à la AotCR.
-Elite AI has been improved a lot. They might be doing something like fixing a door and then something may attack them, but once they have dealt with the threat they'll go back to what they were doing before.
Better AI is better. What about friendly AI?
-"Bungie's not fixed on leaving the trusty BR out". The DMR has 3X zoom.
Keep the BR in, they don't fit the same purpose anyways (burst for short to mid versus semi automatic for mid to long).
-Shield recharge not as fast as Halo 3's.
Good, though as for Halo 3 we'll be getting to change that in MP. Also, can damage/speed/jumping/shield-regen/etc be changeable in increments of 5% rather than giving us some random (and different!) values for each. Not that hard to code. Thanks =)
-Halo Reach's current build has a lot of computer generated audio used a place holders, meaning that the leaked beta menu footage may well be genuine.
-A few new screenshots in the article, the best being a double page spread epic view of the spartans in a cockpit. There is an artwork of Emile with a grenade launcher.
-Lehto admits that there was no generational leap on the animation side between combat evolved and ODST, but in Reach they will make them like all look like the trailer (including facial animations).
Only two (three?) games late, but better late than never.
Theres probably some stuff I missed which I may add in later.
We've already seen one of these, so I would think it's safe to assume it will be your customized Spartan in the scene.Letters said:And what about the touched up SP cutscenes, will they include your customized version of LWG, or just a default. Mmm... so many new questions with each article that comes out, oh gosh. HYPE HYPE HYPE
MagniHarvald said:I prefer radarless play, but this is awesome
Here's hoping that there is an equipment perk to jam everyone's radar.Gui_PT said:I can't play without a radar. Shut up.
More like jam everyone's radar within a certain distance of you.Trasher said:Here's hoping that there is an equipment perk to jam everyone's radar.
If MW2 is any indication, that'd just end up getting the jammer killed right quick.Dax01 said:More like jam everyone's radar within a certain distance of you.
Right. Wouldn't make sense if it could jam everyone on the entire map...unless you could call in some ship or satellite to do it.Dax01 said:More like jam everyone's radar within a certain distance of you.
That's what I had thought you said. Sorry.Trasher said:Right. Wouldn't make sense if it could jam everyone on the entire map...unless you could call in some ship or satellite to do it.
Kibbles said:Saw some of the pics in edge. Sweet concept art, sweet elite character renders, and 2 new pics (one of which I can't see cause of the flash and the other is just Carter walking in the grass... hey look there is s a few patches of actual grass standing up!).
Also, no more bullet lag, you won't really have to lead your shots. It says the human weapons will hit just about as soon as you press the trigger. They will feel more powerful and precise.
Major Williams said:Edge scans have hit the internet. I wish I could tell you where....
Major Williams said:Edge scans have hit the internet. I wish I could tell you where....
http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/CouncilorMajor Williams said:Two more things to add:
- Some Elites have councilor-type helmets FTW
- A new pic of the Skirmishers for Eazy to photochop big bird