Gui_PT said:
I'm at college so i can't listen to the podcast. Could someone please sum it up for me?
Here's a rough summary, sorry if I missed anything as I'm super tired and braindead right now:
-Jay Weinland was the guest on this episode.
-Basically the sound system has been overhauled with new improvements.
- The guys didn't discuss anything about the trailer in great detail due to this being recorded before trailer being revealed.
-Brian and Urk looked at blueprints of new building. The new digs are apparently huge and the currently Kirkland place could fit into a 3rd of the new place. There will be no hot tub for sweaty dudes to relax in. The future place will have great new podcast room with a couch and will be in the front of the building so future guest can be external to the studio.
-New grenade sound is suppose to be awesome. When explosion is close to you, there is a deafing effect.
-New audio programmer made everything really cool
-The multiplayer announcer recorded the announcements for Reach with Luke, Urk and Jay(audio guru). Funny gems and out-takes will be on B-net soon
-Ske7ch is slacking on his Vitamin intake due to Northwestern hippies denying him of his vitamin water.
-Luke is still out BR'in or DMR'in Voc. in play tests.
-The Alpha/Internal Beta is coming along pretty good, the Bungie guys are crunching at all hours of the night, parking lot is full 24/7.
-Marty had one giant two-week long recording session while this podcast was being recorded, thus he couldn't interrupt this podcast with his shenanigans.
-Jay went into how the language spoken by the covy is an actually real language Bungie has invented.
-They said
jokingly how November will have 6 podcasts- but this might indicate a ship-date being in November. (This is
speculation for sure)