I rather have Elites simply laugh, "Ha ha ha ha!" - so good from Halo 1.InvincibleAgent said:One thing I'll miss with alien language is quotes like "The demon is dead, by my hands!"
I think a map with barriers restricting teams from transporting the Elephant over an area would be pretty cool. Sandtrap was an open map where you could drive the Elephant anywhere. As if the Elephant acts as a "spawn base", another spot for a Mongoose spawn, and defense support (turrets).TheOrangeKid007 said:I think they need to utilize the elephant much more...maybe having a gametype that features an elephant drag race with teams attempting to protect their driver and having obstacles on the course...remake of Wario stadium anyone?
Maybe I think too far outside the box.
It would also be nice for the Brutes to be this vicious, mysterious creature that gets unleashed during battle. By the appearance of them in the ViDoc, though, it looks like they're the same fit from Halo 3; could be wrong, or could be old material.