TacticalFox88 said:Can we see John's face? It's not that hard Bungie.
Why? It would serve no point at all.
TacticalFox88 said:Can we see John's face? It's not that hard Bungie.
NullPointer said:Anything as big as Halo is going to have teeming hordes of nay-sayers. You can't please everybody.
I agree with your points, but imo they've already managed to prove their merit with their unbelievable community tools and support, matchmaking system, AI enemies (although allies need some serious driving and mounted gun lessons), and graphics considering the scale of encounters in terms of game space, number of enemies/vehicles and 4 player co-op.
Yup. ODST was not an improvement in that department. It's one of the things I'm hoping will see a significant inprovement in Reach. I think Bungie's cinematics are mostly superb, but when Buck has a fat one planted on him by this, it was not romantic. It was horrifying.NullPointer said:I thought Halo 2 and 3 each found their own way to make faces look terrible. Its not like Bungie is alone in this department, but jeez. Keep the helmets ON people.
GhaleonEB said:"Kiss meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
Seriously. I'm freaking out here.Dax01 said:Ghal - did you have to post a big and up-close picture of Dare?
kylej said:Because most other FPS's aren't developed by a team that can afford to move into a movie theater complex and has Microsoft paying the bills. If Reach doesn't look phenomenal and run at a high framerate then some people need to be cut and replaced with fresh talent. It's pretty inexcusable for a game with so many resources behind it (Halo 3) to launch with 9 maps and a 5 hour long campaign.
Ten-Song said:Why? It would serve no point at all.
They have a mocap studio now. In fact, they just put up an article about animations.clashfan said:Please do mocap. The animation really needs to improve.
OBrien is seated back in his chair now. It appears the portion of the interview Ill be able to write about is winding down. OBrien picks back up on a conversation we'd gotten into on the way up to the conference room and talks a little bit more about where he sees video game animation going in the near future. Hes clearly excited. I set my pen and pad down and just listen.
He drops some details about the new motion capture equipment and software setup the team has been working with for Halo: Reach, and about how hes been thoroughly enjoying the process of blending the new technology with tried and true animation techniques.
Lunchbox said:what if he's a chick?
The feature suite surrounding the MP game is just incredible. Saved films, Forge, the custom game settings and the file sharing system (including b.net integration) easily doubled the lifespan of the multiplayer for me. The lack of those are what really clipped the long-term appeal of Firefight in ODST. It's my hope that those features return and are expanded on, and applied to the new Firefight mode as well.DarkJC said:Reading the beginning of this thread was hilarious.
Sure, I'd love dedicated servers for Halo: Reach, with the ability to set up custom games. But even without those two features, Halo 3 is one of the best online console experiences I've had. Playing MW2 and dealing with failing host migration, random members being completely dropped from parties, etc etc, has reminded me not to take that for granted, no matter how big the franchise. It's the one thing I think Bungie is still king at.
edit: And, I forgot to add, something I think we can expect Reach to be best in class in as well.
GhaleonEB said:The feature suite surrounding the MP game is just incredible. Saved films, Forge, the custom game settings and the file sharing system (including b.net integration) easily doubled the lifespan of the multiplayer for me. The lack of those are what really clipped the long-term appeal of Firefight in ODST. It's my hope that those features return and are expanded on, and applied to the new Firefight mode as well.
Letters said:Jesus The Christ, they arrived fast.
SecretBonusPoint, matchmaking is a must for Halo. Unlike other games, you cannot match people of different skills levels here and expect everyone to have fun. I have warhawk, skills level doesn't matter much there.. you can just hop in a game and start flying around killing people who have played forever. In Halo, specially in small games, you can never outplay someone that is much better than you.
And just...Dax. I don't have the energy for you, its too late and I'm too ill with flu, but just because something has lots of shit in it, doesnt make it "far better than everything else". What Halo achieves through its extra stuff like cinema modes, screenshots and so forth, it is criminally behind in terms of actual Lobbys, hosting, tactical co-operation gameplay and so much more that I just can't see many people in agreeing that Halo 3 stands tall above all other console FPS in any way.
No, the cutscenes use 4xAA, a higuer level of AF, also, the lighting/shadowing system performs better. The differences are incredibly obvious.GhaleonEB said:The cinematics in Halo 3 were pretty comparable to the game, especially since most of them took place in campaign environments and using in-game assets. There may have been some extra layer of goodness on them, but I though they were quite comparable, including the flaws (facial modeling, etc.).
I'd be content with a stripped-down Forge for custom games, one affecting only elements that players control, such as spawn locations and weapons. I really don't like some of the spawn boxes and weapon placements on several ODST Firefight maps, and would like at the least to change those.Dani said:A Forge variant of Firefight would probably be too much to ask for, despite being almost too awesome to imagine.
Compared to multiplayer environs in which Forge excels, introducing campaign AI into a Forged environment would be precarious at best and really make the limitations of the AI apparent at the worst.
Then again, if anyone could realise such an idea in a fun way, it'd be Bungie.
I am expecting Firefight to return, I think I recall comments referring to the possibility from the horse's mouth. Only fans are wanting matchmaking and online game finding for the mode and setting up this kind of infrastructure for Firefight could possibly distract from meatier additions such as the proposed Forging addition.
This is what I scientifically described as "an extra layer of goodness", and why I then cited something not affected by it - facial modeling.godhandiscen said:No, the cutscenes use 4xAA, a higuer level of AF, also, the lighting/shadowing system performs better. The differences are incredibly obvious.
The images you posted can't be hotlinked, cept for the last one.Dani said:stuff
Fixed. =) Unless you mean the OP...Plywood said:The images you posted can't be hotlinked, cept for the last one.
No, you got it right.Dani said:Fixed. =) Unless you mean the OP...
GhaleonEB said:
GhaleonEB said:This is what I scientifically described as "an extra layer of goodness", and why I then cited something not affected by it - facial modeling.
Don't listen to this guy.SA-X said:My wishlist is all multiplayer related (I loved h3's campaign but was bored to death by the multiplayer):
More complex level designs
I think if you look at it there are two approaches to level design in shooters that have emerged this gen. There is the Halo (and Gears I guess) way where the maps have very distinct and cool setpieces but very simplistic and sometimes boring layouts. Then there is the way games like Battlefield BC have done it where the maps don't have as memorable setpieces but there are so many buildings/vegetation/hills/rivers/shit dropped all over the place that there are a million different ways to play the levels. I would like to see Bungie embrace the second way. I think throughout the halo trilogy they have gotten so involved with creating memorable little doodads and other bullshit in the levels that the complexity and variety of the level design itself has suffered and it really shows now that Halo is no longer the only big console fps in town.
Weapon kit selection
Weapons spawns are last gen, get with the times Bungie.I know that battling over the spawns can sometimes add some strategy to the game but it sucks when your team gets fucked because the 1 or 2 key weapons that your side gets were picked up by jackasses who charged off like rambo only to get crushed and now the other team has all the good shit and you spend the rest of the round getting spawn killed and trying to get it back.
Those two things, plus the revolutionary feature of letting us pick what map and mode we want to play (shocking I know) would make my day. If Reach is pretty much the same multiplayer experience we've had since halo 2 with some more community features and different maps then I'll be sticking with the more modern shooters and just pick Reach up later on the cheap for the campaign.
No kidding. No saved films or map creation. Get with the times GG.Nutter said:Seriously how is it that ODST and Killzone are the same gen.. :lol
SA-X said:My wishlist is all multiplayer related (I loved h3's campaign but was bored to death by the multiplayer):
More complex level designs
I think if you look at it there are two approaches to level design in shooters that have emerged this gen. There is the Halo (and Gears I guess) way where the maps have very distinct and cool setpieces but very simplistic and sometimes boring layouts. Then there is the way games like Battlefield BC have done it where the maps don't have as memorable setpieces but there are so many buildings/vegetation/hills/rivers/shit dropped all over the place that there are a million different ways to play the levels. I would like to see Bungie embrace the second way. I think throughout the halo trilogy they have gotten so involved with creating memorable little doodads and other bullshit in the levels that the complexity and variety of the level design itself has suffered and it really shows now that Halo is no longer the only big console fps in town.
Weapon kit selection
Weapons spawns are last gen, get with the times Bungie.I know that battling over the spawns can sometimes add some strategy to the game but it sucks when your team gets fucked because the 1 or 2 key weapons that your side gets were picked up by jackasses who charged off like rambo only to get crushed and now the other team has all the good shit and you spend the rest of the round getting spawn killed and trying to get it back.
Those two things, plus the revolutionary feature of letting us pick what map and mode we want to play (shocking I know) would make my day. If Reach is pretty much the same multiplayer experience we've had since halo 2 with some more community features and different maps then I'll be sticking with the more modern shooters and just pick Reach up later on the cheap for the campaign.
The fuck? When was the last time you played Halo MP?SA-X said:But I guess flying around with the 1 sword and chopping a dozen helpless smg holding retards is fun too. :lol
Unless you don't have the sword of course.
Vast Inspiration said:The fuck? When was the last time you played Halo MP?
And your point is? They could do that for Halo as well...VaLiancY said:It works for Battlefield because the game is designed for that type of class play interaction.
Over a year ago. I didn't bother much with the H3 dlc. :/Vast Inspiration said:The fuck? When was the last time you played Halo MP?
SA-X said:You guys who shit on weapon kits should play battlefield. All the different kits are used pretty evenly because they are all balanced and awesome.
But I guess flying around with the 1 sword and chopping a dozen helpless smg holding retards is fun too. :lol
Unless you don't have the sword of course.
I don't know about you but this is what an average Halo match plays out for me.Vast Inspiration said:The fuck? When was the last time you played Halo MP?
This point reminds me, reach must HAVE a custom game browser. They promised it initially in halo 3, and yet it never appeared. It's annoying having the organize a group of people just so you can test out some cool-looking game-modes or maps you found at bungie.net.kylej said:Unbelievable community tools and support... when's the last time you played Halo 3? If you somehow manage to make something interesting with spools of wire and crates while forge fights you the entire step of the way, then your creation has a .001% chance of being placed in matchmaking.
I've been hearing about the grand planets and environments of the Halo universe for ages. Give me a sexy planetary surface to work with and a ton of options to play with and allow me to really make a unique map in Reach.
Lafiel said:It's annoying having the organize a group of people just so you can test out some cool-looking game-modes or maps you found at bungie.net.
EazyB said:I don't know about you but this is what an average Halo match plays out for me.
He got level 50 in Grifball.Captain Blood said:How did you unlock that Kimono armor perm?!?
I'm surprised this is on Youtube. Someone should sick Frankie on that ASAP!EazyB said:I don't know about you but this is what an average Halo match plays out for me.
Replace sword with Chopper, and yeah, that's you. I still haven't forgiven you.EazyB said:I don't know about you but this is what an average Halo match plays out for me.