Hey guys, this is gonna be my first long post, so bear with me.
I really think Reach is destined for greatness... and here is why.
First of all, I have had extensive time with all the Halo games so far, but there is something different about Reach. There seems to be this drive in Bungie to truly go above and beyond the call this time with development. Bungie has always been a really talented studio but this time it seems like all the pieces are in place.
Bungie has its engine set and good to go early in the process, (not the case with Halo 1 and 2) Both Halo 1 and 2 were arguably rushed products due to a few errors in the beginning of development. Halo 1 struggled with identity, platform shift, and with being a launch title, and Halo 2 struggled with a scrapping of the engine and some assets late in the project.
Nonetheless both Halo 1 and Halo 2 were fantastic games for many reasons, both innovation and gameplay wise.
With Halo 3, Bungie still had to make up for the fact that it was their first Xbox 360 game which is why I think the graphical leap wasn't as big as many would've liked. Bungie also experimented with disabling hit scan, different story telling techniques, a new spawn weapon, and with a bunch of extra features such as Forge and the Theater. This resulted in one of the most played Xbox live game of all time so not too shabby for experimentation I would say
Although Halo 2 and Halo 3 were great games they were burdened by too much ambition, and the fact that they were part of a trilogy.
And Halo Reach? Oh baby Halo Reach!
One of the greatest things that Reach will benefit from are the mistakes of its predecessors. I am sure Bungie has learned volumes from its mistakes in the past, and this combined with an incredible staff built of Halo vets and new guys with fresh ideas (read: Sage), and mountains of data collected over 9 years will allow them to have a much more successful development process.
Finally, the planet Reach itself is what will hold all these great ideas together. Reach is a blank slate, a place where Bungie can go and introduce us to new experiences and wow us again with massive open spaces filled with mystery and unrelenting combat. With all the features making a return, with all the new features that are being introduced, and with a new lean mean graphics engine we may finally get the "perfect Halo game" that we have all been waiting for.
Man I am ready for this. Are u?
Haha, I know, corny but whatever.