pringles said:Not to mention I think the whole deal with the Elites defecting from the Covenant is the biggest mistake Bungie has made in the series.
Halo 3 should have featured Elites as enemies, no question.
pringles said:Not to mention I think the whole deal with the Elites defecting from the Covenant is the biggest mistake Bungie has made in the series.
Why For? said:Reads like it was written by a SonyGAFfer.
Dante maybe?
Kibbles said:
Disagree. I loved fighting Brute packs, and the change of pace they were from Elites. I'm ready to go back - partly because I think Bungie will flesh out the Elite ranks they way they did the Brutes - but I have no regrets about their decision. Personal preference, though. But I'm glad they're going to move back to Elites again, just for the change of pace.soldat7 said:Halo 3 should have featured Elites as enemies, no question.
GhaleonEB said:Disagree. I loved fighting Brute packs, and the change of pace they were from Elites. I'm ready to go back - partly because I think Bungie will flesh out the Elite ranks they way they did the Brutes - but I have no regrets about their decision. Personal preference, though. But I'm glad they're going to move back to Elites again, just for the change of pace.
The group dynamic of the Brutes was tuned superbly, but I'm looking forward to the insane, protracted shoot outs with high ranking Elites in Reach.
Kibbles said:
Horrible Gaming Website that should be taken down and has no credibility said:Well, at least after the 0:34 mark in the premiere trailer. Sorry fans but those parts, featuring a Warthog drive through a morose atmosphere with Pelicans overhead, are decidedly not real time.
That's exactly where I got it from. Such a terrible site. I used to go to it pretty often, but for the last year or so it's been a complete piece of shit.riceandbeans said:The title alone will hit number one on N4G no problem.
Chrange said:Go read some of the other articles there. :lol
<3big ander said:I accidentally chose the wrong size, and then told windows to use Tile. I think it came out pretty awesome.
GhaleonEB said:Disagree. I loved fighting Brute packs, and the change of pace they were from Elites. I'm ready to go back - partly because I think Bungie will flesh out the Elite ranks they way they did the Brutes - but I have no regrets about their decision. Personal preference, though. But I'm glad they're going to move back to Elites again, just for the change of pace.
The group dynamic of the Brutes was tuned superbly, but I'm looking forward to the insane, protracted shoot outs with high ranking Elites in Reach.
The only issue I have with this is that even if you were fighting a pack of brutes, they all basically stood there absorbing your bullets [on higher diff.] then they would throw down their bubble sheilds, and eventually lose thier armor and run at you. So count me extremely excited to see the elites return, I am looking forward to having Elites controlling the battle field along with having the bullet absorbers (aka brutes) in the same fight/encounter. Throw in new species, along with your usual low level grunts, jackals and hunters.. you have one mean armada.GhaleonEB said:Disagree. I loved fighting Brute packs, and the change of pace they were from Elites. I'm ready to go back - partly because I think Bungie will flesh out the Elite ranks they way they did the Brutes - but I have no regrets about their decision. Personal preference, though. But I'm glad they're going to move back to Elites again, just for the change of pace.
The group dynamic of the Brutes was tuned superbly, but I'm looking forward to the insane, protracted shoot outs with high ranking Elites in Reach.
TTG said:Don't care about the multiplayer balancing:lol I hope there are a few times when wind has to be taken into effect etc. etc. Sort of like the sniper level in COD4, but it should not be a scripted moment, just something you could elect to do.
Granade launchers are nice, but a mortar could work as well for the demo man. Far Cry 2 mortar and the fires/destruction it started was awesome. It wasn't an easy weapon to use, but great nonetheless.
GhaleonEB said:Disagree. I loved fighting Brute packs, and the change of pace they were from Elites. I'm ready to go back - partly because I think Bungie will flesh out the Elite ranks they way they did the Brutes - but I have no regrets about their decision. Personal preference, though. But I'm glad they're going to move back to Elites again, just for the change of pace.
The group dynamic of the Brutes was tuned superbly, but I'm looking forward to the insane, protracted shoot outs with high ranking Elites in Reach.
I liked the change of pace. I'm thinking back to encounters like the hallway and barracks Brute pack fights on Crow's Nest, especially on harder difficulties, where there's a real pack dynamic at play; or the jet pack encounter later on the same mission (as examples). You won't have those kind of fights with Elites, and I loved'em. It's a different encounter style than fighting a couple of high-level Elites.TTG said:Elites have an advantage in that you can't really chip away at them. This demands much more planning and better resource management. It also makes the AI shine because the battles are made longer. It was much too easy to take out a squad/pack of brutes as long as they were out of range. The monkey rage gets old really quick too.
EDIT: they were a good change of pace, but that change lasted years :lol
I would pay so much money for a redone Halo CE. 720p and XBL multi and coop... omg yes.Grimm said:God I would love CE on 360 with online co-op.
Remade for next MS console. [Believe]Grimm Fandango said:Yeah Gold Elites on Legendary were ruthless.
Nothing beats Assault on the Control Room with them. That one big open area with rocks here and there. The Gold Elite way down the field, totally fucking me up with a plasma rifle from afar. Used a sniper rifle to give him a haircut.
God I would love CE on 360 with online co-op.
Hmmm, I don't know about that. I think many people favor Elites over Brutes mainly because Elites weren't enemies and miss them...I'm not sure if Elites are necessarily more fun to fight. The Brute packs offered just as many tactics that Elites had (invisibility, one-hit kills) but also were much more aggressive (esp in hard/lengendary levels).soldat7 said:Halo 3 should have featured Elites as enemies, no question.
Piper Az said:Hmmm, I don't know about that. I think many people favor Elites over Brutes mainly because Elites weren't enemies and miss them...I'm not sure if Elites are necessarily more fun to fight. The Brute packs offered just as many tactics that Elites had (invisibility, one-hit kills) but also were much more aggressive (esp in hard/lengendary levels).
Having the Elites backs in Reach is a welcome change from Halo 2 and 3, and just that fact alone will make the experience seem better.
Jtwo said:You guys should pick up Halo on PC.
I'm sure it's like a dollar nowadays, and wouldn't take much of a computer to handle it.
GhaleonEB said:I liked the change of pace. I'm thinking back to encounters like the hallway and barracks Brute pack fights on Crow's Nest, especially on harder difficulties, where there's a real pack dynamic at play; or the jet pack encounter later on the same mission (as examples). You won't have those kind of fights with Elites, and I loved'em. It's a different encounter style than fighting a couple of high-level Elites.
That said, I really want to see what they do with Elites. Some of the fights in Halo 1 on Legendary could go on forever, especially the spec ops Elites near the end.
I liked both types of enemies equally. But I'm glad to move back to Elites, because 1) I think Bungie did about all they could with Brutes, and 2) I want to see the crazy Elite fights in Halo 1 really expanded in similar form to what Bungie did with Brutes from Halo 2 to Halo 3.
Shorter Ghaleon: I liked'em both, but variety is gud.
Kimosabae said:Can someone please clarify:
-To have access to the Reach beta, was it necessary to pre-order ODST, or is simply owning the game enough?
Kimosabae said:Tangentially related:
-How does one access the extra Halo 3 multiplayer maps that come with ODST?
Thanks in advance.
No co-op.Grimm Fandango said:Is there online co-op? Or do you have to use a tunneling program?
Kimosabae said:Can someone please clarify:
-To have access to the Reach beta, was it necessary to pre-order ODST, or is simply owning the game enough?
Tangentially related:
-How does one access the extra Halo 3 multiplayer maps that come with ODST?
Thanks in advance.
That's the exact encounter I was referencing, and the one after in the barracks.TTG said:Do you remember the battle against about 6-9 Brutes and a Brute chief in the second level(crow's nest?) where you start at the bottom and work your way up? There are damaged cars and room for cover on the flanks along with weapon stacks. If I'm not mistaken you should be carrying a turret when you get there. I tried that on elite a couple of different ways, but by far the easiest was taking cover behind the metal plate and chipping away at the Brutes, it's that kind of stuff that they need to eliminate.
I've never succeeded at tackling that encounter just by picking them off from afar, in all the times I went through it; they always overran my position (though after my first run it was always Legendary or Heroic with skulls on). I always had to play hide and seek between the vertical levels and around the cars. Probably in my top 5 encounters in the entire series.GhaleonEB said:I'm thinking back to encounters like the hallway and barracks Brute pack fights on Crow's Nest, especially on harder difficulties, where there's a real pack dynamic at play.
Kibbles said:
Grimm Fandango said:You need the disc to play the beta.
clashfan said:Lots of useful info in that article. Insightful...
GhaleonEB said:That's the exact encounter I was referencing, and the one after in the barracks.
I've never succeeded at tackling that encounter just by picking them off from afar, in all the times I went through it; they always overran my position (though after my first run it was always Legendary or Heroic with skulls on). I always had to play hide and seek between the vertical levels and around the cars. Probably in my top 5 encounters in the entire series.
But that's really neither here nor there: I think we're all looking forward to Elites in Reach.![]()
Yes. This a thousand times.Thagomizer said:. I wanted to see at least one battle where a bunch of high-ranking elites just bumrushed a brute pack with swords and kicked the shit out of them
urk said:Yup. We'll flip a switch and it'll be available through the Extras/Intel menu.
Same switch that turns on the videos via the Intel menu.StUnNeR H2K said:Same switch that turned on the Halo 3 Beta? Cause that switched failed... hardcore.
StUnNeR H2K said:Same switch that turned on the Halo 3 Beta? Cause that switched failed... hardcore.
Actually, that mishap was good for everyone... Bungie gave us all a few extra days at the end of the Beta.StUnNeR H2K said:Same switch that turned on the Halo 3 Beta? Cause that switched failed... hardcore.
(Lucky for me I got the early opt-in from and didn't have to pull my hair out like the rest of the Crackdown users did.)
Generic said:I just wish there was a single game where they BOTH worked together against you without killing each other while doing it. I hope we get some of that in Reach. I know Halo Wars isn't a bungie game, but they featured brutes, didn't they, and that took place before CE too. Now THIS would be an epic encounter.
I remember a friend and I playing Halo PC multiplayer for entire days one summer, it was awesome. Our favorite map was a custom one called Wartorn Cove. Best CTF games I've ever played, bar none. They'd last for fucking hoooours because of touch return and the fact that the map was huge, but they were insanely fun.Jtwo said:No co-op.
But full online 16 player MP.
The community is actually quite active, believe it or not.
Some of the Gearbox made maps are pretty neat. There is this one called Timberland that's really fun.
Good times, especially for those like me never affected by the delays, cuz of the early codes from Bungie.Grimm Fandango said:We got it for longer because of it![]()
I thought all you guys did was push buttons. Wtf. Now you have SWITCHES?!urk said:Yup. We'll flip a switch and it'll be available through the Extras/Intel menu.
Wonder if they'll ever upgrade to knobsTrasher said:I thought all you guys did was push buttons. Wtf. Now you have SWITCHES?!
StUnNeR H2K said:Same switch that turned on the Halo 3 Beta? Cause that switched failed... hardcore.
(Lucky for me I got the early opt-in from and didn't have to pull my hair out like the rest of the Crackdown users did.)
Stormtrooper30 said:Can anyone cap a larger version of the beginning with the warthhog and two falcons with the epic valley? I think that would look better as a wallpaper than the current Reach with spartans in front would.
Actually that cutscene was in Halo 3, albeit heavily modified:Domino Theory said:Anybody can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Halo 3 E306 trailer was an actual cutscene from the game. It was something they spent months making on the side during Halo 3's development to "supposedly" show off their new engine, not something they took straight from their in-development build of Halo 3.