Podcats summary:
New theme...
First guest Derek:
Worked with Sage previously
Fasa bro
Fasa, rhymes with NASA
destroy shield generators in 4 min (if cant, game over)
Map opens up, loadouts open up
6v6 sweetspot
In final game, Boneyard not only for Invasion, others supported
Invasion is focus
Invasion Slayer Simpler Slayer to 100 Roaming territory If captured, 15 sec get "special prize" Vehicles/loadouts unlock based on kills or time Weapons Get better Hold the territories! like Rockets/sniper early Scorpion late game
Bungie does NOT hate CTF
Sage beard in game (on Cortana
Tons of gametypes outside of the beta
Derekball As crazy as it gets one noch less crazy than Cables gametypes Every partygame as long as you can stand it ex. Slayer for 5 kills Randomly picks game based on time/kills Cable had Calvinball: Every game all at once
New toolset for gametype engines. Totally sweet.
Armour lock a 'catastrophe' in headhunter
Sprint good on Headhunter
Another baldy: Dave Candland (EvilOtto)
UI guy, formerly merch/website
Did UI for Halo 1 in a year
Now: Reach UI
Urk stalks him for "daily erection"
Tinman wont let urk look
Doing a lot cooler things
More depth and complexity in the UI than ever before ("six layers deep")
Complex really quick
Have to plan for *everything*
Not gonna cut too much
2 systems of UI: Menus and HUD
Starts on Paper
Lots o prototypes
Dont want to load a menu
Concept art in Halo menus
Can back out to main menu in-party
Created additional problems though...
Cant support everybody on the low end for lo-def TVs
In theory, no need to bring up Guide over the Active Roster
Active roster updates real time
Pop-in co-op?!?
Can form entire invasion game at his house...
6 kids.
Oldest son works for Nintendo
"clencher" in game
Wants to hear feedback on UI!
Final guest: Froman!
His Razor: It shaves everywhere
Team of guys working on netcode
Automated internal stats website for beta
Arena rating formula still getting changed
Gonna make you care about statistics
Defending old code
Some stuff all the way back to Halo CE
Rebuilt good chunks of the UI from the ground up
Can track how long players live after spawns in dev
An advantage of old code base
Brian bad at understanding networking
How do you make a sticking warthog... meet expectations [under huge amounts of latency]?
BTB much better now
Less interesting to froman than other stuff
Hiding latency is awesome
Host selection improved
Much better with locality (that is, location of data center)
Lots of big terminology :[
Real-time matchmaking evolution (Skynet)
Luke's pipe goes limp
Better able to use historical data to pick hosts
Better improvements of data estimations
Trying to prepare for millions of users...
File of contingency plans...
Nuclear fire extinguishers
Froman can think like a cyber criminal
There are community snitches for network hacks...
Months on security model
Community are monkeys
4-way split screen is hard to code
Should mic up committee meeting...
Committee Froman is not Podcast Froman
Shipping is awesome and its also depressing
Chris Butcher says Halo 2 unplayable
"The perfect is the enemy of the good"
Not putting in bots
Network guys over the hump
New level of matchmaking
Froman wants us not to think about networking
Lots of cool stuff
Luke and Luke gonna kill every two man team possible.
New musics on outro?
"Spawn on your bro" remix as the coda