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Hannibal Lecter VS Max Katy

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Last night I watched the 91 version of "Cape Fear". I knew Robert Deniro was good in it, I had seen the movie many times. However, last night he really blew me away with how good he was. I like it better then anything he's done really. Deer Hunter, Mean Streets, Goodfella's, Godfather II, Taxi Driver...only Raging Bull may be better. But, his character in Cape Fear was different then the roles he normally does...so that's my fave.

Anyhow, I got to thinking about the 91 Academy Awards when Silence of the Lambs swept the Oscars. And I thought to myself, was Anthony Hopkins really better then Robert Deniro? No, I think Deniro was better. But, that's not what this post is about. Instead, its a battle of the supervillians. Who would win in all their glory, Max Katy or Hannibal Lecter? Biographies of the evil boogie men follow...

Hannibal Lecter




Super smarts, will power, and the ability to make the impossible happen (How the fuck did he get Dr. Chilton's pen?)

Deceptively strong. Good with knives and culinary untensils.

Good cook and art critic.

Eats peoples faces.




Kind of swishy.


Max Cady




Really, really, really tough. Invunerability to all things except water and fire.

Tremendous will.

Ripped with lots of scary tatoos.

Self Educated.

Extremely street and jail wise.


Stupid; his trailor park roots show at times.

Has greasy hair.

Bites peoples faces (but doesn't eat them).

The Matchup

What makes this an interesting match up in my book is that each one has comparable strengths. While Hannibal isn't as tough or strong as Max, he's no slouch. That being said, he's not on Max's prison forged, genetic white trash superman level of toughness. I could see Max pummeling Hannibal and giving him the beatdown of life and force him to "give up the mud" post haste.

On the other hand, Hannibal is brilliant and can seemingly bend any circumstance to match whatever his mind wants. One could argue that Max wouldn't even get close to Hannibal because Hannibal would find a way to manipulate Max and those around him. Hell, he could probably put Max in a situation where he kills himself.

But, Max is no Multiple Miggs. He may be trailor trash, but he's super tough trailor trash with a will that could bend steel. And, that's really what this match up comes down to, will. I see Max overpowering Hannibal and whatever events come up through sheer force of his will and laying the phat beatdown on him.

The Winner: I'll go with what I'm sure is the minority and say Max Katy.



Lecter would just convince Katy to skin himself and eat his testicles or something.

Hannibal the Cannibal in 1 Round, without breaking a sweat.
No way man! Max spent 14 years in a 9 by 9 cell surrounded by people who were less then human so he could forge himself into something more then human. He doesn't feel pain! He can't be reasoned with!
It's Max Cady.

"Max Katy" makes him sound like an Olsen twin.

And Lector got Dr. Chilton's pen when Chilton absent-mindedly left it in Lector's cell after lying on Lector's bed while while Lector was restrained.
Deniro was indeed awesome in Cape Fear, but my nod goes to Hopkins simply because he invokes so much power with simply a look in his eyes.

As for the fantasy matchup, Lector's smarts beats Max's toughs. Lector in 5.


BiffR finally makes a worthwhile thread! :bow:

I'm personally gonna go with Mike Tyson. He's strong, he's black, he's ferocious, his style is inpregnable and he'll just straight up knock both of them the fuck out. Mike in 3 suckah!

evil ways

Max Cady by far. Lecter is just a crazy old man, Cady lifted weights, read his books and is a master of stealth.

The only way Lecter would win is by jumping Cady from behind with a knife, but hand to hand, no contest. Hell, scrap that, not even in a sneak attack Lecter would win, Cady took on 3 guys by himself who were ll armed with bicycle chains, pipes etc. and whooped their asses.

"I am like God, and God like me. I am as large as God, He is as small as I. He cannot above me, nor I beneath Him be. Selatius, 17th Century."
evil ways said:
Max Cady by far. Lecter is just a crazy old man, Cady lifted weights, read his books and is a master of stealth.

The only way Lecter would win is by jumping Cady from behind with a knife, but hand to hand, no contest. Hell, scrap that, not even in a sneak attack Lecter would win, Cady took on 3 guys by himself who were ll armed with bicycle chains, pipes etc. and whooped their asses.

"I am like God, and God like me. I am as large as God, He is as small as I. He cannot above me, nor I beneath Him be. Selatius, 17th Century."

Thank you!
evil ways said:
Max Cady by far. Lecter is just a crazy old man, Cady lifted weights, read his books and is a master of stealth.

He also got taken out by a doddering Nick Nolte and was set on fire by his spacey daughter. Meanwhile, Lector gets away every time. Advantage: Lector.

Plus, Lector's smart enough not to take him on in hand to hand combat.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Lector all the way. He looks like a weak old man but he is very intelligent. Plus he's quick with a scalpel and tough as nails. He chopped off his own freaking hand without breaking a sweat for crying out loud.
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