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Saw it on Genesis at AVGC, but no manual :/ My OCD won't let me buy it w/o the manual. I'l be rocking OutRun 2 later on my OG Xbox though:)
Used to have one of these bad boys at my local pizza shop growing up.


You are probably a very happy person full of success
I cant imagine you not being any more grateful and full of ambition for the future.

Did you ever take your girl for a spin and made a cd with splash wave on it like I did?
No matter how many times I try to explain to my son what it was like seeing the sit-down version of this game in arcades at his age, I can't convey how much this game blew me away. Magical Sound Shower is an all time classic in video game music and whenever I hear it, I'm immediately transported back to a smoky arcade on the English coast.
OutRun is a game where, whether you make it to the end of a route or not, you know you had a fulfilling experience. Such a great way to spend time, driving to Splash Wave and watching the scenery fly past you.

And on top of that, OutRun 2 still amazes me as a successor to the original that isn't lacking in anything the original game had. It's just the same thing you love but better.

Gonna load up my 3DS and play the game again to celebrate. Try out some of the custom options too.


Outrun 2 is probably my favorite arcade racer. I'd kill for an Outrun 3.

Also, Magical Sound Shower is the best shit ever.


Love Out Run.

If I won the lottery I would be getting one of these, I know it's Out Run 2SP but it's still the BEST! just look at it!



You are probably a very happy person full of success
I cant imagine you not being any more grateful and full of ambition for the future.

Did you ever take your girl for a spin and made a cd with splash wave on it like I did?

The game taught me to flip the car and kill everyone.
There's an open road through an open field about 15 minutes away that is just perfect for blasting Passing Breeze on a clear Saturday afternoon.

Soundtrack is perfection.
Still my favorite driving game. No game can possibly compare.

Magical Sound Shower also still the best track made for a video game.
fight me


If there's such a thing as a culturally significant videogame, surely Outrun is on the list.

30 years! I've played so many different versions over the years. The 3DS version is amazing but nothing will ever match the thrill of actually sitting down in one of these cabinets in an arcade back in the day.

No other racing game (except for Outrun 2!) has ever captured the feel of blazing across the country in a cool sports car like Outrun.
I was jealous of you master system owners back in the day, while you guys got awesome games like Outrun and AfterBurner, we got Rad Racer and Top Gun.


One of my all-time favorite racers.

Honestly it's just a magically nostalgic experience. I loved playing it on Shenmue 2.


I remember enjoying the arcade but not being able to play much because of no money.

We got the Speccy version which came with the audio Cassette with the music.

I was in heaven.

Not a week goes by without me playing the Euro arrange tracks in the car.
+1 for Passing Breeze
though they're all the GOAT

Such a solid game, and I'm so glad it eventually came to 3DS. An announcement of 3D Outrunners after 3D Turbo Outrun would be heaven.

And let's get Outrun 2006 back on Steam, ay?


Truly a legendary game. Stunning graphics, great music and perfect gameplay. I'm still playing it after all those years. In fact, I beat my all-time highscore a few days ago :)

My favourite tune is Magical Sound Shower, but the other tracks are no slouches either. I also enjoy the two new tunes that were added to the 3DS version.

Those thirty years flew by like a passing breeze, but Out Run hasn't aged one bit. Man, just looking at the screenshots in this thread makes me want to go for another drive through this wonderful game.


I don't think I was ever any good at it but man was the original a fun game to play.

I really liked the xbla version as well.


I was jealous of you master system owners back in the day, while you guys got awesome games like Outrun and AfterBurner, we got Rad Racer and Top Gun.

Don't sleep on Rad Racer, that game was ace and had me by the balls the same way Outrun did. Both are great games in their own right.

By the way guys allow me to emphasize something regarding OR2....for those of you that are bummed out about Steam no longer offering OutRun 2k6: DON'T SWEAT IT!!! I wholeheartedly recommend picking up the original PC-CD Rom version. Why? Because the Steam version is not....I repeat....IS NOT compatible with Howard's FXT Patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Howard's FXT patch works *ONLY* with the PC-CD rom version! This is huge because you have not experienced OutRun 2 at home, until you've played it with proper and TRUE wheel force feedback which feels just like if not better than the arcade cab(at least on my wheel).

The FXT Patch also offers a lot of other additions as well such as real H-Pattern Gear shifting, the actual arcade menus, a custom texture pack, custom soundtracks, and some time in the future, a full course editior and even the Bonus Tracks from the Japanese OutRun 2006 Xbox version(Daytona 2 and Scud Race)!!!!!!!!!!!! So don't worry about the Steam version guys....grab it on PC -CD Rom.


the piano man
wow this is from my childhood and I always thought this was a bit underrated.

Which one was more mainstream? this one or Pole Position?
If I ever had money for an arcade machine, outrun would be one of the cabinets I would want.

Amazing game and remember fondly, playing it at the bowling abbey when I was young.

I never have completed it, but would love another chance
Happy 30th birthday, best racing game ever -- here's to you!

It's not a racing game; it's a driving game. That's how Yu Suzuki defines it, and I can see why. There's a timer so you have to be quick, but you're not competing against other cars. The goal is to reach the end; not reach the end before anyone else.


My favourite track is Risky Ride.

Also I own this on Steam (Coast 2 Coast), might give it a play to celebrate.
a great game, big fan of Outrun 2 as well. Not a racing game, but a driving game. About the joy, the spectacle, the escapism of driving across a picturesque America, fast car, cool music, not a care in the world. One of the ideal arcade video games. Something you can briefly play for 5-10 minutes, immediately get it, and have a good time.

also, magical sound shower >>>


Will play some Outrun 3D on the 3DS, and set up the OG Xbox for some Outrun 2 to celebrate. Seeing Outrun for the first time in the arcades is my earliest arcade memory. Can't recall anything else that was around it.. that's how much it stood out to me.

Straight up, I'd be happy with just the old Outrun games remade with current gen graphics.

Honestly, this is the case for me with the majority of Sega's classics.

I still have this through -

Must check if it works on Windows 10.

I have no idea what happened to my copy of this. Would be interested to know if it works with Win 10 though, as I'd probably just buy another copy for safe keeping.

I remember it was pretty broken for multiplayer though (only played it LAN, so not sure about online). You could often end up with two players taking completely separate routes.


Sega, if you are truly past making shoddy games, please greenlight Outrun 3 with the Ferrari licence and get SST to record the tracks.


Outrun demands to be played with your flip flops on, wet hair and sand still in your swimming suit.

Those late summer sunsets spent playing the game by the sea are one thing I'll never forget about my gaming career. I was 12 actually 10 or 11 and everything was just so perfect. The music, the aesthetics, the Ferrari, the feeling.

OP nailed it, Outrunners was the first true sequel and Outrun 2/2k6 was the perfect update. A modern but perfectly faithful interpretation of the atmospheres and feeling of the original.

Also, I was a magical sound shower kind of kid, but these days it's either passing breeze or splash wave, can't pick one.
I'm kind of disappointed no remix was ever as good as the originals, but the new tracks in OR2 worked rather well.


Sega, if you are truly past making shoddy games, please greenlight Outrun 3 with the Ferrari licence and get SST to record the tracks.

Greenlight Outrun 3 without Ferrari, and make the Ferrari stuff free DLC... because I swear if we have to go through the delisting shit again I will lose it.


This was my fave arcade game as a kid. The music was amazing too.

Made my aim in life to have a red Ferrari. But I've grown up since then ;)
I wish I could play a working sit-down cab just once. Anyone in the Pacific Northwest wanna invite me over to try it out or know of an arcade that has one? ;_;

Happy Birthday to the best driving game ever! I Hope we get a port of Outrunners sometime in the next few years.
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