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Happy International Lefthanders Day Everyone!



Some people will never understand the struggle.

This was MY LIFE as a kid.
Why do lefties need a day? It's just the hand you write with
I'm left handed, so yay me...PRAISE ME REVERE ME

Lefties unite!


did no other left handed people use the Circle pad pro, it made the game so much better to control and the extra shoulder buttons made shooting so easy.


Hi everyone. My name is AntChum, and I am a lefty. I'll never forget the first time someone — a teacher no less — said I was 'sinister'.

Phew, a great weight has been lifted today.
Why do lefties need a day? It's just the hand you write with

Jokes aside, I'm only 28 and I met people my age that still had their left hand tied behind their back, to force them into righthandedness.
And I've heard some horrible abuse stories from my parents generation.

So yeah.. I think the fact that this is a relic of the past is cause for celebration.
Jokes aside, I'm only 28 and I met people my age that still had their left hand tied behind their back, to force them into righthandedness.
And I've heard some horrible abuse stories from my parents generation.

So yeah.. I think the fact that this is a relic of the past is cause for celebration.

Actually same thing happened to my Grandmother, she learned how to write with both hands as a result. I guess that make some sense, was there any religious reason for this. I've heard that using your left hand is using your "devil" side or something.
Actually same thing happened to my Grandmother, she learned how to write with both hands as a result. I guess that make some sense, was there any religious reason for this. I've heard that using your left hand is using your "devil" side or something.

I mean, look at the words "righteous" or anything with "right" in general, vs "sinister".
For some reason, left meant bad.
I'm guessing religion too, but no idea why that would be.
Hi everyone. My name is AntChum, and I am a lefty. I'll never forget the first time someone — a teacher no less — said I was 'sinister'.

Phew, a great weight has been lifted today.
That's because 'sinister' is 'left' in Latin :)

My favourite term for our affliction is 'bollock-handed'.
Jokes aside, I'm only 28 and I met people my age that still had their left hand tied behind their back, to force them into righthandedness.
And I've heard some horrible abuse stories from my parents generation.

So yeah.. I think the fact that this is a relic of the past is cause for celebration.
Yes my mother was naturally left-handed but she says she was beaten at school by the teachers into using her right hand. She still writes with her right, but finds herself performing most other tasks with her left.
I mean, look at the words "righteous" or anything with "right" in general, vs "sinister".
For some reason, left meant bad.
I'm guessing religion too, but no idea why that would be.


How did I not realise this.

For the religious aspect, I've had someone tell me to not use my fork with my left hand because "your letting your devil side eat" or some shit like that.

Also we all had that moment when someone says look right, you end up looking left. Hell I sometimes get confused about right and left because I always think that word right is where your dominant hand is.


A large percentage of recent US presidents were left handed. That can't be mere coincidence given that only about 10% of the population is.

Harry S. Truman.
Gerald Ford.
Ronald Reagan.
George H.W. Bush.
Bill Clinton.
Barack Obama.
Why do lefties need a day? It's just the hand you write with
I'm left handed, so yay me...PRAISE ME REVERE ME

did no other left handed people use the Circle pad pro, it made the game so much better to control and the extra shoulder buttons made shooting so easy.

Don't forget that many lefties in a past were beaten by nuns and other wacko religious nuts.
For the religious aspect, I've had someone tell me to not use my fork with my left hand because "your letting your devil side eat" or some shit like that.

Fun fact: People didn't eat with forks in the middle ages because the shape was thought to be similar to the devil's horns

Also in some cultures the left hand is still considered unclean because it's used for wiping your butt
Fun fact: People didn't eat with forks in the middle ages because the shape was thought to be similar to the devil's horns

Also in some cultures the left hand is still considered unclean because it's used for wiping your butt

Jokes on them, because I use my right hand for that too. Usually, the holder is on the right. I wash my hands.



I also write in a really fucked up way... I rotate the paper around 75 degrees counterclockwise and write like that, pretty much down to top. Basically anyone sitting to my right could read what I write perfectly.

I'm left handed and never understood why other lefties write in that strange way, or like Obama does. Is it so you can get the feeling of your hand moving away from what you're writing, like right handers have?


I'm left handed and never understood why other lefties write in that strange way, or like Obama does. Is it so you can get the feeling of your hand moving away from what you're writing, like right handers have?

More than a feeling, it's to make sure that your hand won't touch the ink and smear it all over the paper.


More than a feeling, it's to make sure that your hand won't touch the ink and smear it all over the paper.

Seems to me like it'd make it do that even more though.

I write with my hand rotated a little more anti-clockwise, so it's always below the line and I use my fingers and thumb mainly.
I didn't know we had our own day, even if it seems like every random thing has popped up as "International ____ Day" in the past decade
Best day ever. My SO and I are both lefties. Though, I am mixed handed for just about everything. Can, throw, wank, shoot a ball, mouse, clean, etc with either hand. I can write with both hands as a result of hand injuries I experienced as a child but left is way dominant there.
I learned to use a mouse with my right hand so I could take notes with my left at the same time.

Yeah I'm a right mouse guy too, that must be why I suck at FPSs! Or maybe not :(

Happy lefty day everyone, I should celebrate by trying to cut something with scissors.


Happy Lefthanders Day.

I am glad that kids today don't have to go through as much of the bullshit I had to as a kid, left handed shit is more readily available. When I was a kid, finding left handed scissors was difficult, we didn't even have walmart or amazon back then (hence ned wanting to make a store for those goods when I was in my teens). I was just forced to adapt and learn how to use right handed versions of everything and probably why I was so bad at sports. Definitely glad that kids are no longer beaten in schools (i hope) for writing with the "wrong" hand. My grandfather had horror stories of that and is a huge part of why I dislike organized religion.
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