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Happy International Lefthanders Day Everyone!


Sonic handles my blue balls
did no other left handed people use the Circle pad pro, it made the game so much better to control and the extra shoulder buttons made shooting so easy.

Didn't the CPP come out a year after the game was released? I ended up buying one for Monster Hunter, but by that time I had thrown kid Icarus into a dumpster fire.

Do we get anything cool besides a day?

Aren't we also innately more creative? I'd take that over comfortable scissors.


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
I swear I was never taught how to hold a pencil properly and now my left hand has carpal tunnel. It sucks when you work with your hands a lot :(


Neo Member
Lefty here also, but use my right hand hand for lots of things just because they're easier to do right handed; mouse, calculator, etc. Happy day lefties!



Some people will never understand the struggle.
I have man, that was the worst.

Neo C.

The advantages are obvious:

- Southpole is superior in boxing
- Lay up on the left? People always forget to close the path on the left side

I'm a leftie, but mom forced me to write with the right hand. Now I'm grateful because I kinda have the best of both sides.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Didn't the CPP come out a year after the game was released? I ended up buying one for Monster Hunter, but by that time I had thrown kid Icarus into a dumpster fire.

Aren't we also innately more creative? I'd take that over comfortable scissors.

Yeah and bunch of mental illness too I think. I would love a comfortable can opener.
I got a thing for left-handed women. Serious.

The advantages are obvious:

- Southpole is superior in boxing
It southpaw not southpole.

(Because baseball fields were traditionally built with home plate to the west so hitters wouldn't be blinded by the sun going down. So left handed pitchers stood on the mound with the ball in their "south" paw=hand)


Left handed and proud. Some people will never know the struggle of writing a language built for righties, sitting in school desks that are all right handed, learning to play musical instruments that are right handed.


Unconfirmed Member
Still have my LEFTY scissors I stole from 2nd grade class. I'm now 35. Haha. They're the best pair of scissors I've ever had since. No one missed them cause I was the only lefty in the class.



I lost the ability the write with my left hand. I was forced to write with my right until it was normal for me.

I pretty much do everything else with my left hand.

Also don't you guys have electric can openers?
Lefties have increased likelihood to be psychotic, have dyslexia/ADD, most US presidents were left handed, are more affected by fear, quicker to anger and to feel embarrassment.

Being a lefty sounds amazing. How can I sign up


Lefty here! Had no clue today was the day.

Do they still have these in college? They were the bane of my existence.


Yep, those things are still everywhere. My back still hurts from having to twist for that long. Always tried to get a seat on the rightmost side of the room because it looked like I was trying to cheat otherwise. :-/

Lefties unite!


lol. I actually found a control scheme to get that game to work pretty well, actually. It took a while but fortunately you can customize the controls to an insane degree.
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