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Hardest music game?


Well...I figure there's somebody on here that knows. I'm posting this, mainly because I saw someone playing Pop'n Music last night, and it looked friggin hardcore.
I personally think cool cool toon is pretty hard. I got most of the other ones whipped :)

Edit: Let me just add why. CCT's controls are a bastard - you need these precise movements to move the analog stick in just the right place, and that damn stick is too
loose to ever be precise with :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Wario64 said:
Gitaroo Man on 'master play'

There you go. Gitaroo-Man can get really tough on that Legend Mode or whatever they call it.

But another choice would be some really hard DDR songs. Stoic on Heavy Mode with 2.0x speed kicked my ass at the arcade on Wednesday. :(


Grizzlyjin said:
But another choice would be some really hard DDR songs. Stoic on Heavy Mode with 2.0x speed kicked my ass at the arcade on Wednesday. :(
I can't pass Stoic on 1x, but I can pass it on 2x easily. Go figure.
DDR Double play has some nasty songs.

I can't argue with the difficulty of IIDX or P'n'M.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
explodet said:
I can't pass Stoic on 1x, but I can pass it on 2x easily. Go figure.
DDR Double play has some nasty songs.

I can't argue with the difficulty of IIDX or P'n'M.

I don't know what I was thinking, I should have just put it on 1.5x speed. But I was really pumped up...I made it to the end but all the jumps tired me out. :p
Grizzlyjin said:
I don't know what I was thinking, I should have just put it on 1.5x speed. But I was really pumped up...I made it to the end but all the jumps tired me out. :p

I can only AA Stoic when I 2x it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Asskicker064 said:
I can only AA Stoic when I 2x it.


Damn you! So I assume you can do all the Maxx songs? One day...I'll get that Extra Stage, you'll see!


Cool Cool Toon is legendarily tough. It probably doesn't get worse than the hardest Beatmania shit, though, it's gone well beyond the capabilities of mere mortals.



I'd put IIDX and PnM on an even keel, at least on their hardest levels.

PnM has a wider selection of "easier" songs.

IIDX WILL bust your balls, though.

Gitaroo Man on Master isn't necessarily hard, its just that the penalties for missing kick your ass. Actually following the notes isn't terribly difficult, though.
How is the difficulty in IIDX RED? As I understand it, one of the major complaints about IIDX was that as the series went on, the difficulty became absurdly lopsided towards the expert level. It used to be that there was a generally smooth grade of song difficulties from 1-2 up to 7, but nowadays it seems like there is only a handful of 1-6 songs for 7KEY, with the rest being 7 or flashing 7. Please correct me if I'm wrong; I haven't played anything seriously past 8th Style, so if this isn't the case anymore please let me know.


Hates quality gaming
sp0rsk said:
nothing. i mean nothing. is harder than IIDX.
Beatmania IIDX 9th Style.
Quasar - Double (Another).
At 155BPM, these measures are coming down approximately at 1 every 1.8 seconds.

The site I got this from has notecharts for basically every IIDX song (light, 7, another, light double, double, double another), and just perusing some of the 10th Style songs should show that IIDX is never fucking around. Ever.

I don't know how the songs in RED are; I haven't looked as hard but I don't think there's many location test recordings floating around, not to mention note charts, so I have no idea how rough they are yet. If it's anything like the toughest of 10th Style (1st Samurai (a), Debty Daddy(a)), it'll be hell on Earth :)
A L99 song from Guitar Freaks or Drum Mania is mostly just an excuse to laugh as your power bar plummets to zero.

I beat Gitaroo Man on Master Mode!! One of the gaming achievements I'm most proud of.


Keyboard Mania by far and this is coming from someone that played Keyboard for several years. It was just hard as hell. Beatmania is the next to hardest music game.

And the one game i'm most surprised that i am good at that i thought would be hard is Drumania. I never played drums at all and i can get on the Insane mode and kick it loud. Guitar freaks is a shame though. Playing Guitar is easier than Guitar freaks.
B'z-chan said:
Guitar freaks is a shame though. Playing Guitar is easier than Guitar freaks.

Really? I should learn to play guitar, then, cause I shred a MEAN Guitar Freaks session.

I would agree with the people saying IIDX Double. IIDX is so serious. A lot of music games seem as difficult to learn as their actual instruments, but when I watch someone in a Shinjuku arcade prefect a 1000+ note IIDX song on Double I am reminded of the part in Life, the Universe, and Everything where Slartibartfast endeavors "to learn to play the octraventral heebiephone --- a pleasantly futile task, he knew, because he had the wrong number of mouths."
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