Good morning

So it's Blarg vs KK today... here we go then.
Back in the day when I was trying to make sense out of Blargs posts there was actually a time when I thought he was Dumbledore (first in his first long post when he said he has to chose on who to go to school and who is not, and then in his 2nd large post when he said he's now going to Alchemy class) But I was more convinced by the thought of him being Lupin so I discarded that idea right away...
That being said I kind of believe him being Dumbledore.
Hyper pointed out that reading info into flavor most of the time does not get us anywhere but in this case I tend to put my trust in it. I might go a little to far here but what if Blarg is right AND KK is telling the truth as well??
I don't know what to think about Blargs being targeted multiple times last night but I really think he is onto something with his Horcrux theory. What if he did find out that KK is HP and (as Dumbledore in the books) is the only one who knows that Harry is a Horcrux himself?!?
Could it be possible that now he is trying to get KK lynched so Voldy loses his immortality?? In this scenario KK might not even die by getting lynched....
Now to the new win condition Blarg hinted. What if when we kill KK (meaning Harry and the Horcrux he might be) we will win by only killing the one who must not be named (I actually am a little scared to say is full name) instead of the whole Death Eater gang??? I mean, flavor wise it would make sense that the game is over when the leader is dead! That's what happens at the end of the books as well, right? V dies and the battle is won.
I am soooo extremely unsure about all of that but it makes sense in my head. I will put my vote on KingKitty tonight. I first want to hear some voices about all of this, especially from the very quite players!!!