Believing Sawneeks, she was essentially killed last night. There's the second kill.
That's only by a poisoner though. I'm not sure if that classifies as a second killer but Hyper specifically mentioned a possible second killer.
Believing Sawneeks, she was essentially killed last night. There's the second kill.
Have no idea what to make of this. Although I do so hope we trust in Miracles! I like that line.
But only one person died last night. If there are more than one killer, whether it's 2 Scums, 2 Neutrals, 1-1 Scum and Neutral, wouldn't that mean someone else should have also died last night, instead of just one person?
I'm inclined to believe the poisoner is scum, seeing as it doesn;t make sense for a town poisoner (which itself doesn't make snese) to act on Sawneeks of all people, and because a neutral poisoner wouldn't be town or death eater aligned (most likely) and our win condition doesn't align with the idea
Another reason why a Neutral Poisoner probably doesn't make much sense is the fact that what is the end goal for such a role? Is he or she like a Lyncher only instead of looking for a target to get lynched, it looks to poison a target and wait for that target to get killed in two days and win?
I agree I find that unlikely. If there is a Poisoner around, it has to be a Death Eator.
It could be there, or the poisoner might have a goal of sucessfully poisoning x number of players
But its our win condition that rules the possibility out. Town wins when all death eaters die. A theoretical situation where a poisoner hasn't used his ability once till the end of the game but town wins when there is a malevolent killing neutral still alive makes 0 sense
I also like the idea that Salva and Nin are just commenting on the daily procedures and are laughing their asses off in the Spec thread![]()
i'm actually voldemort btw
i'll post my read list in 7 hours, don't turbo!
blarg, was there any specific reason you chose to investigate kk?
My personal view is that Salva and Nin are Fred and George Weasley, per the avatar duplication. This would mean that Ron and Hermione are in the game.
That said, I would have thought before the game began that Voldemort would be bulletproof until we killed Harry, who would have some kind of I live twice syndrome per the books. (More than one Horcrux would be overkill). After seeing the flavor text, I have no clue.
Might be overthinking it though, but is it logical to have a HP game without Voldemort or Harry?
Will be back on much later tonight.
I'm glad people approve of my view to post more reads. Now that you are here Miracle, we can talk a bit. You are obviously not scum, there is no way this could ever be happening, so who do you think is scum? You're very active and yet I don't remember that you stated suspicions other than on the ones who accused you. Is nobody else acting weird? Do you trust anyone?
- Enker
- Sawneeks
- Swamped
- Hyperactivity
- Bananaspaceprincess
- TheExodu5
- Christina Mackenzie
- kingkitty
- MagnumBoy20xx
- Lone_Prodigy
Okay, so, going out on a limb here and saying Burb is telling the truth about his claim I want to know why those who have votes on him right now think he is a choice lynch candidate. Snape being a Miller makes a good amount of sense ( almost too much sense.. ) but I don't see any real reason as to why Scum would fake a claim like this, especially this early.
Anyway, the fun times of last night. Sadly I didn't wake up with the fun and friendly curse like Blarg has right now, instead I have been informed that I have been Poisoned and I will die in 2 Nights from last night ( so Night 3 ). I'm coming out with this info now for a few reasons.
I don't even want to think about what exactly you are soft claiming here... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
- Enker
- Sawneeks
- Swamped
- Hyperactivity
- Bananaspaceprincess
- TheExodu5
- Christina Mackenzie
- kingkitty
- MagnumBoy20xx
- Lone_Prodigy
I totally did not ask for this, Miracle. A simple read list was beyond you and instead you choose to reveal information about your role? Stop it. Don't make such bad moves...
I totally did not ask for this, Miracle. A simple read list was beyond you and instead you choose to reveal information about your role? Stop it. Don't make such bad moves...
?mg ? f?rg?t Sw?mp?d s??d h?s n?m? t??
2 p??pl? fr?m th? l?st ?f t?n wh? s??d h?s n?m? w?r? f?t?lly t?rg?t?d!!!
M?r?cl? ?s ?bv???sly t?lk?ng ?b??t m?, ? m??n, n? ?n? ?ls? ?s ?s tr?stw?rthy ?r??nd h?r?
D?n't w?rry, M., ? f?r ?n? st?ll r??d
If you're telling the truth Sawneeks consider role revealing at day end. There may be no one that can save you. It seems odd that they would inform you about the poisoning if you could be saved. The ability seems kinda useless if you could inform a doctor so easily. If your role could help town or if you have any other information please consider revealing it. That may be why you were told.
Th?t's cl?ss?f??d
f??r ?y?s ?nly
Sawneeks as well is where I'm guessing about this.
No, I don't want role claims.But if we know the spells cast on people and what they do, then we can know the roles we have on either side and plan and think ahead with this knowledge
Suddenly a wild Daily Prohpet appeared !
WHATJust so you guys are aware, this is not flavor, its a Command/Spell.
that did something
that's not useless
there's something there
this is election Cabot all over again...
Just so you guys are aware, this is not flavor, its a Command/Spell.
If I had to guess, I would think that is a PM that someone can send to a mod and that will summon the paper. Now, the more interesting question is: are there any hints in the paper? Or is it something that person himself must write? I doubt it is just there so someone can be goofy.
If there really was a game mechanic that brought upon swift retribution onto the brave/foolish ten who dared utter his name, then I wanted to be where the highest repeat offender was, to see if anything potentially happened to him (or me) even though I'm an alignment investigator and not a motion sensor; thus, if something did happen to him/me/ (and if I survived to tell of it), that would've proved both my hunch about saying "V"'s name having dire consequences, and possibly also have proven whether the amount of times someone said "V"'s name was a factor or not with regards to triggering that potential game mechanic/Trap Card. kingkitty wasn't the first to say his name, but he seemed the most ?n?fr??d to.
Maybe saying "V"'s name the most in a Day somehow convert you into a Death Eater? Could we have started with an enemy team of recruiters who add to their ranks? The Elder Squad & Co. Sawneeks was part of the ten who said his name during Day 1. Could that possibly have been what Poisoned her? If so, is this toxin of the spell distributed amongst our numbers by a randomized vector, or as it specifically targeted, from the pool of players who mention him during a Day? Who knows?
Despite my investigation of kingkitty, I still don't know whether saying "V"'s name out loud has any effects on the sayers or ones who visit them; so I ask if you all: is a simple pr?c??t??n, please do not say "V"'s full name.
Secondly, I took a long look at the voting patterns of Day 1.
Before kingkitty "The Tank" shooted him out, I had originally planned to go for Enker, not kingkitty. I felt (and still feel) that Enker was very much a minimalistic non-presence throughout the first Day. He only voted once the entire Day 1, and it was a bandwagon vote for Rats. Also, Enker had no reservations about openly stating "V"'s name; and, Enker also mentioned something quite intriguing to me:
Enker: I didn't notice what Blarg had about how Enker mentioned the horcruxes and then downplayed their significance, however it is interesting that someone would go out of their way to do that for seemingly no reason. It also seems like Enker isn't really taking any positions and is just kind of dropping in to say something somewhat relevant before fading away again.
Please ignore Salva and Nin's use of highlights...
LoC tried some phising too, I think Sawneeks post left absolutely no room for interpretation, so this Fisher was weird.
I see people are suspicious of my low amount of posts. Well don't fret. Possum is now in full force!
I have a few questions for Blarg if it is okay that he can answer them:
1.) I find the idea of horcruxes as a secondary win condition very interesting, HOWEVER, where can they be found? Will it be like Archer Mafia's mission system? What are the conditions for them to be destroyed? Are there items like the basilisk's fang or the Sword of Godric Gryffindor?
2.) How do you know what exact spells were cast at you? When spells are cast against you, are you given a message indicating what happened?
1. Someone else already mentioned that if they do exist in this game, then likely they are ground on the person that dies/gets lynched. As for the other items, we have no idea yet.
2. According to Blarg, that is what happened to him. Although in the case of Sawneaks, she was not told how she got poisoned or who did it, just her getting messenged that she was poisoned.