I had forgotten that Crab said he was going to post something later. We're still two votes away so I don't feel that I need to unvote but I will if someone else votes before Crab posts.
You want an unabashed opinion from LoC? Here you go. Why haven't I talked much in the last 2 days? Well for one, as I said, I was genuinely inactive most of the first day, not that matters. Fact is the last two days have been dull as dishwater to the point that 75% of the player base is coasting through. Plus iff you look very closely at certain players that were active day 1 they have grown rather slient. Why keep the activity up when you've already gained the towns trust? There's nothing to talk about because nothing matters right now. I could talk about TheExodu5 and how he's transparently scum., or how B&B are the only players I trust in the game right now. It wouldn't matter though. One of the main reasons I hate drawing the game out. We're just wasting time. Pointless circle jerk. You know what? Fuck it. I'll hammer the damn vote in, because why the fuck not. It was a boring conversation anyway, yolo.
Oh crap, we have one day left, I was THIS close to post the Day end post, good thing I double checked to be sure.
Anyway, keep going kiddos.
Oh crap, we have one day left, I was THIS close to post the Day end post, good thing I double checked to be sure.
Anyway, keep going kiddos.
DAY 1 ends!
Day 1 votes
no lynch (1)
gorlak 105(436)
rynam 337(412)
theexodu5 391(513)
retroid 401(484)
retroid 586
rynam (0)
hyperactivity 109(305)
roytheone 335(386)
zippedpinhead 389(461)
burbeting (2)
thegoddamn 159
blargonaut 168(296)
flame_ac 345
kingkitty 398(596)
lord of castamere 548(603)
lone_prodigy 719(775)
flame_ac (0)
kalor 167(497)
hyperactivity 305(358)
theawesomepossum (0)
kingkitty 251(294)
sawneeks (0)
swamped 265(438)
arkos (1)
lone_prodigy 281(316)
gorlak 732
magnumboy20xx (0)
bananaspaceprincess 313(334)
gorlak (0)
magnumboy20xx 332(356)
hyperactivity (1)
kingkitty 361(398)
blargonaut 628(636)
christina mackenzie 666
matt attack (0)
lord of castamere 364(383)
swamped (0)
burbeting 388(444)
lord of castamere (1)
blargonaut 394(610)
swamped 438
blargonaut (2)
roytheone 420
gorlak 436(729)
theawesomepossum 580(625)
kawl_usc 676
rats off to ya (11)
hyperactivity 475(656)
retroid 484(500)
burbeting 487
kawl_usc 488(627)
rynam 495
kalor 497
magnumboy20xx 501
theexodu5 513(533)
enker 550
theexodu5 594
kingkitty 596
lord of castamere 603
sawneeks 606(675)
zippedpinhead 621(772)
theawesomepossum 625
blargonaut 636(637)
matt attack 662
sawneeks 712
retroid (0)
zippedpinhead 482(526)
zippedpinhead (0)
theexodu5 533(594)
rats off to you (0)
zippedpinhead 620(621)
kawl_usc (0)
blargonaut 685(686)
thegoddamn (1)
bananaspaceprincess 720
palmer (0)
gorlak 732(732)
bananaspaceprincess (1)
zippedpinhead 772
As you see, my role in this game is Severus Snape, the potions master of Hogwarts. At first, my reaction was this:
So yeah my role is The Miller, a Hogwarts aligned role, but if Im investigated, I will show up as a Death Eater.
As far as Burbeting's claim, I do believe that he is probably Snape as no one has counter claimed explicitly, it would be risky to do so otherwise. However, I wonder if maybe Snape isn't actually a Miller, but aligned somewhere else, as some have alluded toward. I don't think I will be voting him this time around unless something changes, and hopefully something will.
Sorry for the double post but I wanted to add that I am starting to feel pressured into voting for Burb (not necessarily the result of anyone in here, more my own thoughts are pressuring me). What I mean is, there's a good chance that if we don't kill Burb, and we don't No Lynch then we will kill some other innocent. Down the line that could look bad on me. The other option for myself is to obviously No Lynch, but I am getting the feeling that most don't want to go that route based on previous GAFIA games.
Alright,let's get started.
I think burb's claim is fine for now,but will obviously be subjected to a grain of salt.
My position on Burbeting right now, is that it strikes me as a very high risk claim for scum. However, I also wouldn't put it past a Snape role to be actually scum. He does have the mark after all. I'm not going to be voting to lynch Burbet but I'm also going to be taking everything he says with a grain of salt, and will be adamantly against him becoming anything like a head town/leading discussion too much.
This is true. I could see Draco as Hogwarts aligned, PP as evil, SB as good, Umbridge as some kind of neutral. But honestly, the question of Snape's true nature was the longest running thread of his character. Sirius was resolved in a single book as was Peter. Draco was up in the air for longer, but his story of redemption and overcoming his families history of evil leans towards town.
Not to mention we shouldn't lean toy heavily into the flavor in trying to figure things out. Probably will be a bad time if we do that too much.
As far as all the talk on Burbeting I think it's useful as something to talk about and maybe to look back on further into the game to see if anyone might have had a better idea of what was going on that other people. I don't have a problem with it dominating discussion, because what else would we be discussing really?
I'm ambivalent to it possibly being a tanner role and think the possibility of Burb having a positive townie influence outweighs the chance of the tanner being tried out on this game.
I'm inclined to believe Burb...I don't agree with lynching him. I think that's too ballsy of a move for death eaters, especially given that a snake would most likely be in the game and counter claim.
I don't see us coming up with a day 1 vote. Burb seems legit to me...too risky of a play considering how likely it would be for someone else to be Snape. There's no gain to voting him out.
Regarding Burb's claim, I'm ok with it for now. His first post felt pro-Hogwarts, and if he continues with that playstyle then I will definitely feel good about him.
2. Not sure how to handle Burbeting's claim. I mean, there's nothing we can really do to verify it, he doesn't claim any useful powers, and it could be a (bold) cover. Then again, no one has counter-claimed him... but maybe that's because the theoretical "real" Snape could actually have useful powers? I will admit that the Miller seems to be a fitting role for Snape. So, not really sure what to do with this one either. If we had no other good options I could support a Burbeting lynch.
So, quite a wild role claim day one huh...interesting. I'm not entirely convinced yet but I'm also not entirely versed in this Miller role but I will investigate more on that topic.
Great to be here. Honestly completely forgot lol I do not think No lynch is a viable option on first day but I also don't exactly want to vote the Miller right now either until I get more information.
Good morning
I don't want to vote for Burb because I generally believe his claim but he is the only thing we have right now... ok besides Blarg but I don't think I'm smart enough to solve his riddle![]()
So, quite a wild role claim day one huh...interesting. I'm not entirely convinced yet but I'm also not entirely versed in this Miller role but I will investigate more on that topic.
Great to be here. Honestly completely forgot lol I do not think No lynch is a viable option on first day but I also don't exactly want to vote the Miller right now either until I get more information.
Hm, Burb claiming Miller-Snape is an effective way to avoid D1 lynch, scum won't target him because a Miller always draws suspicion to himself. If he is scum, I don't see the need to provoke a counter roleclaim so early on, especially for someone like Snape.
Does somebody care to analyse Blargs statistic? I'm certain he has some vague hints inside this matrix which lead to his actual role. Something like "he is very emotional -> he must be x"
As we can see Burb is the main topic and will be tomorrow, no matter how he defends himself ("trust me"&"don't talk about me"?). I can see myself jumping on the wagon against him, to have the distraction out of the way. Even if I tend to believe him. Argh, but maybe... I don't know.
Yes, they would likely claim before their death.
Snape not counter-claiming doesn't necessarily mean burbeting's claim is true, if snape was a pr that could obtain info it would be better to leave the burbeting lynch for another day or two imo
It took me a minute or so to sort through the thread considering not much has happened yet, but as far as Burbeting's claim goes, I'm inclined to believe him, but I don't know what point there is in keeping him alive.
Assuming he's telling the truth, he's a miller who turns up as a Death Eater when checked by an investigator. Other than that, there's seemingly nothing important about him so I say why not lynch him? If he has no other use to us besides being a potential stumbling block for an investigator. The Death Eaters have no reason to kill him as they will just keep him alive, the longer a supposedly confirmed Hogwarts player survives, the more likely we are to lynch him just to be sure. The longer Burbeting lives, the more likely he is to cause us problems later, even though he may not want to intentionally hurt us.
I'll withhold my vote for now, but it will likely go on Burbeting unless someone else decides to claim something.
I think what someone mentioned earlier is correct, Burb will be a source of discussion for many days after this one if he lives. I agree that we have a chance of taking out a power role, but if you're afraid of ever losing a power role, then we should never lynch. Burb gives us an opportunity to get rid of a wild card for little loss on our side.
If Burbeting is Snape, then that's too bad, he is much like Blarg was during our Cthulhu game. Every day he survives is another day we ask if it is the correct day to lynch him. The Death Eaters have no reason to kill him as he will just siphon away our discussion as the longer he lives as a supposed "Confirmed Townie", the less likely anyone here is to believe him.
I don't believe that Burbeting is a Death Eater, but I do think that it is entirely possible. He could have worked this out with his fellow members and decided that our town would be too afraid to lynch someone with such a believable claim. They would think that we want to keep someone with a role alive. Naturally, they would never kill their own member and so he would live on every day, always drawing discussion away from other topics of that day. I couldn't think of a more valuable use of a Death Eater than to draw all of a day's discussion away from his fellow Mafia. They would know that we are careful not to lynch someone like Snape right away, and so they have at least a couple of days until it's a real possibility.
I think that Burb is our best choice by far as he is simply going to be a distraction, Hogwarts or Death Eater, and that to save him for Day 2 or any other day is to throw away meaningful discussion. I understand why you came out early, assuming you're pro-Hogwarts, not wanting to trip up an investigator, but I think you coming out now will trip up any day in which you are alive.
Vote: Burbeting
I agree with you that it'd be great to have a better target than Burb, but I think it will be hard to have someone else reveal themselves so long as Burb is on the hotseat. If another candidate pops up, of course we'd all change our votes. I think you're right in saying it is a safe vote, but that can be a good thing on a Day 1 in a game supposedly filled with power roles.
First person outright suspicious of burbetingBurb's claim makes a whole lot of sense from a lore perspective- but that means it's also a particularly easy claim to think up. I'm not willing to buy into it at this point.
Burbeting's claim sounds legit.
Failing something exceptional I'm going to
VOTE: Burbeting
simply because a) if he's lying then we're storing up trouble and b) if he isn't at the end of the day a role which is not exactly pro-town is removed from the confusion. I mean, if I have sufficient reason to suspect someone strongly enough that I weight that more than just cleaning up town around the edges as per D1 norm then I'll swing with that, but until then this will do.
alright, here's my hot take.
if Burbeting is mafia, then what he did today was incredibly bold. He created a gutsy alibi for why he would show up as mafia to an investigator.
But I dunno, the boldness makes my gut believe he isn't mafia. Also, with so many players, there's bound to be a Snape. Wouldn't mafia Burbeting be afraid of a counter-claim?
Now even if he isn't mafia, I think it's probably in the interest of Hogwarts that he dies sometime in the near-mid-far future, if not today. Only death is the surefire way to prove himself, unfortunately.
From a story standpoint, Snape being the miller is actually kinda clever.
Burbeting if you're actually mafia, then you made a very bold, and story consistent claim, and I applaud you. Besides miller, if Snape happened to be a neutral instead, that wouldn't surprise me either.
There's like, 28 of us
I mean, 1/28, an early Miller loss isn't that bad a loss, numbers-wise
Remove that doubt early, right
Just sayin'
Good to be back
I've heel-turned on my Day 1 stance quite quickly, but re: Snape?
sry, but the way I sees it
VOTE: Burbeting
Nakatomi Plaza belongs to the muggles
UNVOTE: Burbeting
I am in support for a lynch today and the reason for this is because tonight Mafia will kill someone who will give us little information from their death, likely someone who will be quiet. If we lynch someone today then we have voting patterns for who votes for who and get more conversation out of everyone.
Burbeting's role claim sounds believeable for now. No real need to question it.
I'm ok with letting Burbeting live at least another day. I know that they will likely continue to be a major topic of discussion as long as they are alive but I don't think that a mafia/neutral would fake claim in their first post of the game. The game is going to last a while so having a gambit on the first day just seems unnecessary and detrimental to their team. Which is why I am leaning towards them being Town for now.
Snape as Miller does work perfectly with the theme and the role.
Mmm, that last line was made in jest! If Burb is really town and Snape, he might have an additional special ability. Let's not waste our vote on him at this early hour.
I have no reason to doubt you right now, Burb. We aren't supposed to use the flavor as any sort of proof towards truth-telling, but, as I said, it does make perfect sense. Everyone else is convinced that Snape is evil, except for Snape (and Dumbledore). With 28 players, you can be damn sure that lots of major (and minor) Harry Potter characters will show up.
I never liked Snape; even if he's on our side, he's still a git. Let's drown him in shampoo.
Maybe there was something to my "killing Burb" joke, too, once I separate it from the flavor (Snape as Miller really is a great choice) and outside knowledge of Burb.
Vote: Burbeting
Blubbertings choice seems a little convenient. Ties to get it out asap to curb suspicion, which is a scum tell imo. Then again fake claiming Snape is very risky because Snape is likely in the game. Without a real Snape to call him on it, I'm forced to believe his story for now.
Burbeting's claim does sound plausible... if we keep lynching Town over the next few days he'll definitely be a vote to return to.
I agree with you on the no lynch sentiment. It's more likely that we'll lynch one of our own.
One thing I think about a Snape claim is that he is not the only HP character of questionable allegiance. Would Draco or his family be scum or neutral survivors? Peter Pettigrew was good and became evil, and Sirius Black vice versa. Umbridge, while a despicable character, isn't a Death Eater.
Burbeting: Miller is a sucky ass role to have, ask Cabot about that. Now, it could be a way for a scum burb to hide, but I am not willing to lynch him just for that. Sure, his role is anti-town, but Burb has proven to be a VERY GOOD town player, maybe even the best, so I think he could be useful for us even with that anti town role. And if he is scum in hiding, he will probably slip up later in the game and we lynch him then based on those events combined with his miller claim, but I will not vote for him purely for the miller claim.
Three things I want to say about this:
1) Normally, I would agree that a 1 for 1 trade off favors town. However, if Burbs is actually scum, he has just crippled himself by putting himself in the spotlight. PR like role blockers and trackers will probably focus on him more than usual, and during the day he can't really try to steer discussion a certain way because he is going to be mistrusted by default. This makes him a lot less dangerous if he indeed turns out to be scum.
True, Burb has put himself in the spotlight, and if weird shit happens, our PR s will most likely be all over him. Sure, a cop can't do much, but a tracker or role blocker can still catch him doing dirt. If this is a scum play, it is VERY balsy and risky.
If we kill burb, and he flips Snape AND is not scum, how do we classify his role. What job would the scum have that would make Snape actually beneficial for town?
Or is the miller role purely a town F-U like burb postulated in his reveal post? At least at this point I can get behind a burbeting vote.
I am going to hold off for a day though. It's day 1, no need to throw anyone under a bus yet.
I am so confused, but I know I want to punch someone today.
If we decided that burbeting really is the best chance, then I will likely switch but for now..
vote: Rynam
I don't agree with a no lynch, and you want a no lynch. It's just that simple
We still have a Day and a half worth of discussion left to us to discover who we wish to vote for but as it stands right now I'm still not comfortable voting out Burb. If it comes down to it I probably will just because this is Day 1 and I would rather mislynch now instead of way later but voting him out feels very safe. It's an easy bandwagon for Scum to jump on and leaves us with little to work with, not to mention the possibility that Burb is telling the truth and all we will learn from his role is that a miller existed. If another candidate pops up today I would much rather vote for them than Burb and then leave him until another Day.
Right now I feel a bit selfish, and want to say that I don't want to make the final vote on Kitty, just in case there really is a lynch bomb there (Which is more than possible). I know it's stupid, but my reasoning is that I really don't want to die once again right at the beginning of the game (this is my fourth game on GAF, and I have never lived past day 2 so far, mostly because I have been NK.'d on either night 1 or night 2).
But I'll think about it, I guess. Just not fan of dying again so early, after so many times of that happening to me -__-.
? h?v? th?s f??l?ng th?t ?'m f?rg?tt?ng s?m?th?ng
? h?v? th?s f??l?ng th?t ?'m f?rg?tt?ng s?m?th?ng
01 [m] Retroid -
Believes burbeting to be snape, making burbs claim a safe claim, unsure of his allegiance though
Same reason as flame_ac, wants to get it out of the way sooner rather than later
As I said before we hit the point of stagnation. Nothing is going to come out of this day anymore. It's decided and everybody who wanted to join the discussion had the chance (aside from crab, who also wants to lynch kk?). Only two more votes are needed.
Can we please have some people unvote, I really don't want the schedule to be thrown off from how it's set up right now as I think it might hurt activity a little bit.
Can we please have some people unvote, I really don't want the schedule to be thrown off from how it's set up right now as I think it might hurt activity a little bit.
I think that nin1000 fellow should unvote. Just noticed that.
His vote is on behalf of TheWorthyEdge who is still banned.
Matt Attack Few things here to note: Matt has not really said much on his posts, and they have been a bit far and between (might be IRL reasons? If thats so, cant really blame him), which makes him one of the Blendy Blenders. However, what really peaked my interest was his him basically saying, that he doesnt care that much if he is the last vote or not? Why the disinterest, if kitty is the lynch bomb, the last voter might die. I had the idea there, that maybe Matt actually knows, that kitty is not a lynch bomb, but the possible trump card is something else. So then, he could hammer the vote, and not die, but people would give him trust due to him actively going for it. And the only ones who know for 100% sure if Kitty is lynch bomb or not, are the scum themselves.
Note: LoC also said he could hammer without blinking the eye, but that came during a post, that at least for me read like he had written it while a bit emotional about things, while Matt seemed much more calm.
Alright guys. I wanted to let this day play out as naturally as possible before dropping this, and now we're approaching the deadline. I promise you, this isn't a gambit. I didn't come to this decision lightly, but I believe it's for the best.
I am Town, and I have a role. But I consider my role to be very anti-Town. Ideally I would simply choose not to utilize it, but that choice won't always be given to me. I believe I am too dangerous to be kept alive. I am intentionally being vague about this, because if I survive into the night, the enemy could use this information against us.
Some of you are nervous about hitting a powerful role, and four of you are even voting for the dreaded No Lynch. I am offering myself as a safe lynch target for today. Put your vote on me, and we can eliminate a liability.
I'm not sure who I would want to vote if not a No Lynch, but after Rats Off To Ya's claim, it is definitely something to consider. As well, I've been led to believe by posts that Blarg is someone to also consider, as he might not be helpful during the beginning of the game, and in turn, cause confusion during the end. There is also the issue of you as we are clearly not seeing eye to eye right now, and maybe won't during the end of the game.
I promise to keep this vote if you reveal your role, and explain why it is dangerous. Anyone can and should hold this against me if I don't follow through.
Vote: Rats Off To Ya
UNVOTE: Rats Off To Ya
Sounds like you aren't going to tell us your role beforehand, but I intend to keep my promise that I will vote for you if you change your mind. I urge everyone who trusts me right now not to vote for Rats Off To Ya as I think that it is not the right choice, although I can't explain why.
I don't think that would be the case. If it were, he could just tell us not to use a power on him at night because bad things will happen.
I unvoted, and plan to no lynch if Rat doesn't reveal his role.
I really hope everyone does the same as me, which is to promise to vote for Rat if he reveals his role and the reason why we should vote for him. This way, anyone who doesn't follow through can be held accountable.
I find it hard to believe there would be a role with so much power that it could ultimately ruin the game in one day.
I don't want to vote him in this current state because we can use him.
Either we get a majority, or near majority number of people to promise they will vote for him after he reveals his role and why it is important to lynch him. That way we can use this against anyone who decides to defect after his reveal in future days. That would mean we would have at most one day of scum using his powers against him because the town would come together and vote him out the next day.
Or something else, which I can't explain, but you would have to trust me, although I would still prefer him to reveal his role because I am going off of speculation why he wants to be killed, and I think I could help him.
Both cases I've already stated in previous posts since the end of the last page.
I wasn't saying we should keep him around after he reveals his role, which is why I've promised to vote for him when and if he does. I was more saying that if everyone pledged to vote for him and Person A decided to go against his promise, we could lynch Person A at the next chance.
Vote: No Lynch
I hate to do this, but everyone has pretty much ignored my suggestion. It would have been nice for some people to at least acknowledge it, even though I don't expect everyone to agree with it.
My suggestion was that people should promise in writing to vote for Rats Off To Ya if he reveals his role and why we should kill him based on that. This way, he could feel safe to reveal this info as he would know that if people didn't follow through, they would be lynched in the short future. As well, it would be good to know why Rats Off To Ya really believes his role is bad for the town.
I will still follow through with my promise, and I hope others join me.
The only way I can see it not being beneficial is if he thinks people will stop voting for him after he does a reveal. Getting 50% of the people, or even less, to pledge they will vote for him if he reveals his role/intentions should give him the safety, and would be beneficial to town as anyone who doesn't follow through could be considered scum.
As far as pressing for more details, and not lynching if he doesn't go through with it, I guess I more thought it would be up to the individual if they wanted to follow through with the lynch even if he didn't reveal his role and whatnot. For myself, I can't see the negatives to it for both the town and Rats, which is why I don't plan to vote for him unless my request is made. If he can give some, I'd be glad to reconsider, but it looks like he will get the votes even without my protest, so it's not like it matters.
If it turns out he can't reveal anything, that's a different story and I don't know how to deal with that. But, I don't think he has lead us to believe that, unless he is also not allowed to say anything about not being allowed to say anything.
Okay, I re-read, or rather skimmed a lot of what has been talked about with Burb and the people who voted for him, and now what is happening with Rats. I agree, there will be most likely lots of useful information there, although I'm not sure what, I'm sure you don't know either until we get deeper into this game.
The pledge wasn't much more than an idea, and it is flawed. I guess I wanted to figure out a way in which we could get more information while making sure that people could be held accountable. Of course, if people decided to defect, they could always post why they did such, with a good explanation using the extra info Rats would provide. I don't see how I can hold people accountable for voting for Rats right now when there is a good amount of people voting for him, more than there are likely anti-town people.
I guess that I should apologize then. This being my first game, I have been trying to play it safe. I think that I should trust my gut more and take some chances, that way we can get more info and try to really win this.
With all of that said
vote: Rats Off To Ya
This is really weird: scum at this point doesn't necessarily know ordinaries have named roles and this seems like a bad ploy to figure this outWhat's your role name?
Every role has a name, including ordinaries. If you are truly an ordinary townie you would have a name that no one else has. If some one else were to have the name you claim to be... That would only make you one thing:Scum.
Can you reveal more info if you look to be heading for a lynch?
If that's the case VOTE: Rats off to Ya. Sorry for being a little quiet the past 24 hours, will post more complete thoughts in a bit. Still anti lynch for Burbet for today.
As someone who was resistant to lynching Burb and is in favor of lynching Rats, I want to go ahead and make the case for why I'm holding those positions. My approach of people in this game is to generally assume town unless given reason to believe otherwise, due to the whole town majority deal.
Looking at the miller role, I believe that Burbeting's move to get out in front of it and spill the beans day 1 is the most town-centric play. A role based on deceiving investigation loses all of its teeth when its known before hand. If he had just kept quiet and laid low, there are several situations where he can do harm to the town. Either having a cop reveal early (especially maybe a new player who doesn't realize its more useful for them to stay alive longer than to reveal a single scum) or showing scum late in the game where lylo or mylo could be a real concern. This isn't me saying that Burb as town is the hill I'm going to die on this game, but I think his actions this day have been pro town.
Likewise, Rats off to Ya has seemed to have the town's best interest at heart. He was quiet for the first few days but did chime in on the lynch/no lynch and the if it was best to go ahead and lynch Burb since he isn't a useful PR discussions, as seen here.
The way he handled his reveal has seemed on the up and up.
I think that Burbeting has had posts with sound logic and meaningful discussion thus far. I think he would be an asset to the town even as miller. I've seen less personal evidence of Rats strength as he has been quieter until his recent claim, but others have vouched for his ability as a town sided player, and I thought the few post he made were more than just fluff. Burbeting has said that he will do his best to contribute to a town victory any way he can. Rats has said that same thing. The difference is that Rats believes that lynching him is the best way to do that.
I don't think there is a necessary contradiction between having been hesitant to lynch Burbeting and being ready to lynch Rats.
I think, I have a vague idea what Rats role could be that's pro-town but dangerous for the town itself. I hope I'm correct with it, so for now I'll vote for him too.
At least it's better than no voting or voting the Miller. And I hope others are right and there is no 'Jester' role in this game.
vote: Rats Off To Ya
I'm kind of with you.
I can't for the life of me think of a downside to him revealing his role's power. Town should outnumber scum in any vote, so I'm sure we can all commit to killing him if we agree that he is indeed a liability alive.
Actually, I may have guessed what Rats role is.
He's Lupin, or something of the sort.
His power is to kill anyone who investigates him at night. Which sounds like a great scum cover...which is how it could be used against him. Scum brews mistrust to keep him alive today, and he remains a strong suspect moving forward.
That being said, if this were the case, I feel confident that we can pull together and manage 50% on a vote.
I suppose that's a possibility.
Could there be a possibility that there's a scum who does something bad when they die? Of course, if that were the case, then I don't see why they'd reveal it now...better do it later to take heat off scum (and I don't believe Burb is scum).
I guess I feel pretty safe in doing so.
Vote: Rats Off To Ya
Sorry guys, sorry Rats, I think I have to do this.
Vote: Zippedpinhead
A masked role-claim for no reason whatsoever.
I don't see anything wrong with your plan, but I don't see us getting it together by the deadline tomorrow and lynching Rats is preferable to no lynching.
That being said, I'm removing my vote for zippedpinhead and am putting my vote back in for Rats. Zipped was foolish, but I'd say he was just a foolish townie at this point. No scum would bring that much attention unto themselves. If someone is willing to look through Zipped's pasts games to get a more accurate profile, go for it, but I'm not that suspicious of him anymore.
Vote: Rats Off To Ya
As others have said, we understand your plan and some may agree with it, but you're not going to coerce people into following it and it doesn't look like it's taking off, thus people aren't paying it much mind. I agree that no lynch is a bad idea too. (I'll be voting before the day is over, I guess I'm leaning rats too but I am genuinely perplexed at his claim. I'll think on it and see if I can provide any input that isn't pure speculation.)
LOL guys... I was just getting used to the nice and slow pace of this game...
Interesting turn of events!
With only 3 more votes needed for majority I will not vote for Rats right now. Some of you mentioned that he might not be allowed to talk about his role. Probably true. If that's not true I don't see a reason why he doesn't at least leave us some hints to work with.
As for his power I remember that in Election that very own SalvaPot claimed to be kind of a bomb-man who gets informed if someone visits him and then can use the command OOPS and blow his visitor up... It wasn't true back then but I wonder if he took this idea over to his own game.... With that in mind Rats is dangerous for town and should be lynched today.
But as I said I don't see a need to rush things now. And there are players who were not talking a lot lately. The one that sticks out to me the most is TheGoddamn. You've been waaaayy to quite this game so far.You had your vote on Burb and that's why your inactivity might have been overseen but it doesn't change the fact that you only posted twice in this game so far!! Please chime in and give us your thoughts on the recent events!!
Vote: TheGoddamn
weekend was busy. Here I am. The pleasent anticipation of the game was real, I still am excited to be here and play![]()
I like to take a different view at things, a good town is a town which considers every possibility and does not vote because it's easy. My no lynch proposal sparked early discussion and was my way of starting the game. Burb's claim offered another opportunity to get to know the crowd in here. And over the weekend discussion shifted to Rats.
Now with Rats offer I have a problem. Many people are willingly jumping at the wagon, because he has to be town. Besides his vigorous "pro lynch" argument there was nothing special from him, I don't understand why some see him as town. Well, he could very well be town and upfront with us, but this is mafia. Does nobody have the imagination to see something bad coming out of this? Scum being wanted to be lynched? Being more powerful in death? I'm not the one to simply swallow "I'm town as fuck".
One important note: He is essentially saving Burb today. I don't know if this is his intention, but a result of his claim nonetheless. In post 158 and 263 he says he believes Burb, and yesterday he claimed. I don't know if this is good/bad/intended but we have to keep in mind this will happen if we follow through his plan.
Rats: My guess is, you soft claimed Lupin/werewolf and will kill somebody every other night without having a control about it. Maybe scum can force you to lose control. You vaguely talk about your info being used against you. Maybe people would have different opinions about your lynch if you reveal yourself? Some will probably not see you as dangerous enough to lynch you? The override is a classic and basically creating a theoretical worry in your favour.
Would you lynch any random person in here if he/she came up with the exact same claim as you did? Would you trust anybody with such a claim?
If you came to your decision before the game, why did you wait until now?
Completely different topic, because some wanted me to speak up - I want to come back to the No Lynch one more time:
Look who voted for it: people who joined the community. There is some form of peer pressure in Gafia towards a Day1 lynch. Don't get my wrong, today I'm against a no lynch, because we have claims and can make a decision based on them. But the general attitude of "we have to lynch" still doesn't sit right with me. This is why I wanted to talk about it. It is an unwritten law in here and even discussing it, is ultimately suspicious? Crab stood out because he was very threatening, so I reacted especially to him. We should not sit around and silently agree on things that have always been done a certain way. I question my viewpoints and my conclusions a lot. Otherwise one can be blinded easily and miss crucial information.
Speaking of missing, looking at the one flame ac post now.
Probably won't get an answer to that.
My initial thought to Rats claim was that he offered another bandwagon option and wanted to see who would swing towards him. Ultimately following with him withdrawing his claim and looking at the early switchers. Now this not a probable outcome anymore.
Tanner vibes?
He wasn't so bad in election, but the poor dude got stereotyped into being lynched.
Think I know what you're role claiming
Ugh Rats. Pretty sure I believe in you being town
-You're drawing weird attention to yourself if you're scum
-I don't believe in jesters
One of three things is happening right now:
1) You're telling the truth
2) You have some sort of protector role ala Palmer in Star Wars, and Burbeting is who you must protect. This would likely lead to Burbeting getting lynched tomorrow though. A better way to have accomplished would be to have vote no lynch, let yourself get lynched tomorrow at worst, and leave Burb to his own mercy
3) You're trying something, and I'll leave it at that
Think I know what you're doing here buddy and I guess I'll try to help you out
VOTE: Rats Off To Ya
I'll play along here.
Scum can often use roles like switchers or roleblockers to manipulate town prs, and his role might be something that randomly kills or roleblocks.
Excellent tool right there for scum use
This is not the most ordinary of games, these aren't the most ordinary of circumstances.
I believe Rats, and think it's better just to trust him right now
I'm sorry, but I can decide my own views for myself, and I've decided I trust Rats in this
What would you say if I reason that you're just trying to save the life of Burb, perhaps a fellow scum mate? (I don't believe this, but how do you defend yourself, seems oftly convenient to save Burb.)
I agree with those urging people who are voting Rats! to wait until he reveals his role. If it is truly something that will damage the town, then we'll lynch him. All of you running to Rats! are just following a consensus and not necessarily your own views.
I agree with this, everyone who is bandwagoning Rats! is looking quite suspicious to me. There could easily be scum hiding in this lynch train since it's such an obvious vote for those that haven't taken a side on Burb yet.
Personally, as a miller I'd play the odds game and keep it to myself until I got found out. I'd bank on the investigator going for one of the other 27 people and hope that my actions in the game are enough of an alibi for me.
Believed rats, doesn't mean much either way at this point (bandwagon has started by this point)Burbeting, I mentioned that I believe you are Snape but I dont know if that is good or bad for us. However, after thinking about it, I do not want to vote for Snape because youre probably hiding some role power thats good for Town. Hopefully well see it assuming Scum doesnt NK you. My guess at the moment is that you have an Agreement to protect Draco while both he and Dumbledore still live. If you were a cop (or secret doctor given the Potion Master abilities) you probably wouldnt have role claimed.
Also, if we had all voted for you before, then Rats would not have had the chance to volunteer. As I am another person who will be unable to participate on Monday during the mad rush to the bell, I need to vote tonight as my final vote. If someones asking to die, especially on Day 1, why?
I believe that if Rats was playing a Scum gambit to protect Burbeting, the volunteer would have happened pages ago. So, likely Town and as such has no reason to lie to us.
VOTE: Rats Off To Ya
That said, Im around for a few more hours and if something more convincing pops up reserve the right to change my vote.
If anyone else is thinking of claiming roles today for some reason, you really need to not do that as the Death Eaters are getting a lot of stuff they could use right now.
I'm afraid to say, but probably Burb. I don't want him to dominate game discussion like EzekealRAGE did in Archer mafia. I still don't know why he would role claim almost immediately at the start in fear of investigators. Was he worried that he would seem suspicious enough that he would be investigated almost immediately? It's too precautionary.
I've decided to VOTE: Blargonaut until he starts making sense.
On second thought...
So this is a case of wanting to be lynched as a sacrifice for the greater good of Town players? Wat. I don't know what to do... I'll just wait and see for a few hours, and then decide if I should change my vote.
After reading a few more responses, Rats seems to really want this. I've never seen someone literally tell everyone to lynch him in Mafia before.
As you wish. Vote: Rats Off To Ya
I'm going to think about my reads on some player (not on everyone, that would a waste of time at the moment), but Rats, you really can't tell anything further about this role? At the moment I just get Tanner vibes.
Cautiously for rats lynch???Ratsy: Otherwise has been silent, other than his claim. Dont understand why he wont reveal it all? It would give people more incentive to believe him, otherwise it sounds kinda strange. I dont think he is a scum, why would scum try to bus himself this hard? Even in the hypothetical scenario where I am scum, it still would not make any sense. So I say I will believe that he wants to do best for town, but why the secrecy?
Fix it by posting another post?
If there is no Tanner here, most likely, then I don't know any other scenario than that Rats is telling the truth. Scum has no good reason to do this, really.
VOTE: Rats Off To Ya
note: For now this is a temporary vote, I still would really like to hear what your role really is, so far your reasoning why not to has sounded halfbaked.
I will say that my vote came from my own thoughts, and not from the concensus, so I will keep my vote for now. I don't see how Rats could be a scum, so I'm inclined to believe him.
However, yes. If you are just following just the concensus, rethink. But I don't agree with Flame, who jumped quickly to the conclusion that everyone voting rats to not have used their own brains either.
I don't think Rats is a scum who is giving himself on a silver platter, for these reasons:
When I am town (which I am): Sacrificing a scum just to make a Miller look suspicious? That's just stupid play from scums.
If I was scum (which I'm not): If Rat's flipped scum, it would make me look more suspicious, and that would be two scums down quickly. That would be also extra stupid play.
Now, there could be a scum role, that would so something bad when dying (like lynch bomb), but that would be saved until the last possible moment for maximum impact, not on D1.
It's not like I'm 100% against voting him out, but I'm usually apprehensive about voting out people who are likely to be town (and he probably is, because if this is a scum play then wow). If has to be between Rats and Burb, then I would prefer to vote out Rats because I know he's a strong player- if he says that he's a liability, then I'll take his word on it.
VOTE: Rats Off To Ya
I don't think I'm going to find my other candidate today, so I'll take your word for it that this is a good decision. I'm more comfortable with this than lynching Burb at least.
vote: rats off to ya
If you really, really think this is a good idea because your role will somehow be a hindrance to town...then okay. I guess better your role than potentially killing someone with a more helpful role.You shall be burned at the stake.
I still think Burbeting is a safe choice, but eh whatevs
Skimming this thread, I do agree that Rats should at least reveal what his role is. Curious why he isn't. Is he afraid we won't lynch him because of the role?
Perhaps his role is contingent on him dying (but isn't tanner), and he doesn't want to give his plan away.
I'm currently in deep thought, rubbing my chin.
Apply yourselves
Hat's off to ya
I'm not voting for Rats.
Glean from that what you will, but this is one heat shield I'm not gonna stand behind.
Well, I was hoping that another vote canidate came up and it has in the form of Rats. If they think that their role could end up being detrimental to town then I'm willing to vote for them today. They are a far better option than Burbeting or a no lynch.
Vote: Rats Off To Ya
I think you misread my posts. I've said that odds are good Burb is telling the truth but that there's a slim chance he isn't. When it comes down to it killing a known weak role is better than randomly hitting a possibly powerful one. Plus, as I said, he could be neutral too. All possibilities. I don't see no lynch as an option and he's our best choice for day 1.
VOTE: Burbeting
I caught up with the rats affair and I agree. As of right now Rats is now the best option for a Day 1 lynch. A town role that works against us is bad indeed. I wish he'd reveal what the role is though and let us decide on that.
Kill Rats today and using what information we get from it to revisit Blurb tomorrow. Good plan, with no lynched doctors hopefully.
Vote: Rats off to ya
I don't agree with the line of thought that leads to Rats = scum. A scum ability that lets a scum cripple town isn't common, mainly because it's too easy to force your lynch. The main possibility paints Burb and Rats as bad players.
Scum Burb does an automatic role claim at the beginning of the day hoping town would spare him for his honesty. Plan backfires and it looks like town might lynch him. So Scum Rats soft claims to save his life. Sparing him for one day. Either Rats deliberately cut in to save a fellow scums life or capitalized on the opportunity. Why though? Nothing that speculative role does could make up for 2 players lost. Horrible play. I can't believe it. Even one scum lost this early is unnecessary. Especially when just not talking would have spared both of them. The role would have to be very powerful which I just don't find likely. I think Rats is telling the truth.
Well this day has certainly taken a turn.
I hope we get a reads list from Rats before he dies. We'll also learn from those who voted for him. I doubt anyone will hammer, but I have a good feeling that there is scum that voted early (but not too early), and scum that will not vote at all since they'll seem too eager to get him to a majority.
The day is still a bit obfuscated though. It's been pretty easy to make a vote against Burb, debate the merits of a no-lynch versus a lynch, and then jump on Rats to fulfil your activity quota.
I suppose, in a game of this size, it will be difficult to sniff out scum until our numbers are whittled down a bit.
I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier.
Don't lynch Rats.
28 person game and he wants to be lynched Day 1? Adamant that if he claims we STILL lynch him? Does he have that little faith in us? Is his role THAT detrimental to the town? Cthulhu, town lost doctor and cop early, still won. NX, cop and jailer died first day, and town almost won. We lose a PR, that will suck. But we have numbers, and if Rats stays, as a strong town player, we can use him, even if he's inadvertently killing PR's left and right.
Unless he can be converted to a Death Eater, in which case lynch away.
No one would bow out so easily just to save a townie or two. The other alternative I can think of (besides lynch bomb but that's a survival tactic) is that he WANTS to be killed/lynched so that he can come back stronger. You know, kind of like how Voldemort was "killed", but just lost his physical form so he could go around possessing people and wreaking havoc. Yes, don't look at flavour, yada yada.
So yeah, don't lynch Rats. Heck, I'd prefer a no lynch instead.
Refuse to lynch Rats unless he fully claims. If scum can use him, then lynch him tomorrow.
VOTE: Burbeting
Alright, so a lot has happened while I was asleep. Now, looking at what rats is saying and specifically telling us hyper and Sawneeks were on the right track leads me to believe he is some kind of role that randomly kills (or does something else that is bad). BSP has offered the option that Rats is some kind of "visitor bomb", but that seems very unlikely to me since then he could just not use his power and he will not be a danger to town. No, if rats speaks the truth, he has little to no control over his powers. That would be very bad for us, as
A) Statistically he will be much more likely to hit a towny then scum, and
B) It makes the night happenings much more chaotic and harder to make sense of, which will help scum to hide their night actions.
Now, the obvious question we need to answer is if he is speaking the truth? I think he is. I struggle to find another explanation for this kind of behavior. Him being scum trying to save Burb makes no sense so early on in the game, and being a tanner is also highly unlikely since that role is kind of a no-go in this community. Being a role that "powers up" after being "lynched" is also a long shot, since if we lynch him and he doesn't die, that would put a ridiculous amount of suspicion on him during D2 and he will probably be lynched again, this time for real.
The only thing that does strike me as weird is his complete unwillingness to share his power with us. He has a very high vote lead right now, and has said that he can in fact talk about his power, yet he doesn't. His main arguments are that he is afraid of an override and that he want the role reveal to be "exciting". I disagree with both arguments. I doubt a town PR with an override would use it to save Rats right now, it would be kind of a waste. A scum PR with an override would also not make a lot of sense, since that scum would basically out himself. And for what, to profit from rats power for one night? I doubt they will do that. And playing to make a game "exciting" is not a smart thing to do IMO, especially if that hurts your own team.
Still, even with that bit of doubt in my mind, I think Rats is the best option for today. I find it unlikely he is lying, and if his role is what I think it is, it would be very bad for us to have around, so:
VOTE: Rats Off To Ya
(I don't want to risk a turbo right now since a lot of people are sleeping and may want to say some last minute things later)
The annoying thing with this situation is that whatever we decide to do, we are taking a risk. If we decide to lynch him, we are taking the risk he is some kind of weird scum/neutral PR that benefits from being lynched. If we don't, we risk that he was speaking the truth and we have a random killer during the night which will cause a lot of problems. The way I see it, it is more likely he is speaking (at least partially) the truth about his role, and I see a random killer being active during the night as the bigger danger for town, so lynching him is the smaller risk of the two.
I can get behind pushing for rats, but I'm not going to help tunnel him out without at least a chance for him to explain his ability.
If this is another game where everyone has an ability except for me...
It's ridiculous, third game in a row as just a non-ability Hogwarts (read town) aligned character.
It's not for "no reason" it's a theory, we have two people who have role pained a power day 1, we've never had that before. My theory is that most of us have power roles, or death information, or something, and it stinks to not have one. I'm complaining about my luck.
It's ridiculous, third game in a row as just a non-ability Hogwarts (read town) aligned character.
It's not for "no reason" it's a theory, we have two people who have role pained a power day 1, we've never had that before. My theory is that most of us have power roles, or death information, or something, and it stinks to not have one. I'm complaining about my luck.
I will vote before the day is out. Likely for burb or rats (assuming the votes don't swing drastically one way or another). I'm going to think it through before I throw my vote on a miller or someone who wants us to kill him...
vote:rats off to you
I don't like doing this, but if it gets you to reveal why you want to die...
I've decided that I don't want rats to die today. The fact that he hasn't come back for any defense, offense, rebuttal, or discussion of any kind leaves me too leery to leave my vote on him.
I'm still voting, so I'm going to vote for someone else. I'm going whole random number generator on this one.
vote: bananaspaceprincess
Sorry just drew the short straw today.
If you all want to vote out rats it's not with my help.
Also a general question for those who don't want to vote Rats, why? What are you afraid of?
'Variant', he could become stronger/uncontrollable or, as Rats alluded to, could be used against Town by Scum. He talked about answering a question previous asked in the thread about roles and seeing as he could be dangerous I think there can be a safe assumption he is Lupin.
Rats is alluding to something bad and I'm going to assume it means a killing power. Why should we keep that around? If Rats is willing to sacrifice himself because he might become a danger later then we should lynch him instead of Burb. We should get rid of the potential killer now and reevaluate Burb later since you really want to keep talking about him in the coming Days.
Why should we even keep him around for that long if even Rats said it would be better to lynch him now instead of later? Town!Rats does anything to help Town win and I'm assuming that's what's happening now as he would rather sacrifice himself to help us win than keep playing in some hope that his power won't work against him. Also 'one more day of scum using his powers'? We don't know what his powers are but going with the safe assumption of 'Lupin' it either means he can kill at Night or he can Roadblock, both of which would severely hinder Town. Instead of 1 Scum kill a Night we would end up with 2, something we don't need.
Also everything that you are saying can be used against Rats can be used the same exact way with Burb. Find out who would vote out Burb today, let Burb live and see what happens later. Except Burb apparently doesn't have a killing role while Rats does so I don't see why Burb should be lynched over Rats.
I even double checked to make sure I wasn't missing something. My mistake.
To answer your response; I still think you can use that same principle but with what happened early with Burb. There a multiple people who pledged or said something about lynching him at Day's end before Rats even came forward and you can use that info when the time comes to lynch Burb. What I disagree with is keeping Rats around just to play your gambit when Rats has said he could be a real danger to Town. Burb hasn't said that or even hinted at it so if we want to run a gambit with him it would be much safer than using Rats and his mystery power. Keeping Rats around could mean more deaths and I don't want to run that risk.
Also, like I suggested earlier, it could be Rats can't talk about the details. Or he is lying altogether and we are about to unless mayhem. BUT I would much rather risk lynching a possible murderer than a possible miller.
Vote: Rats Off To Ya
15 [m] Burbeting -
1. Cautiously for rats lynch???
2. Gonna say this in regards to my current situation again- Burb just revealed that he was hiding something from us all.
16 [m] Matt Attack -
Apprehensive of voting out Rats and Burb, would rather random lynch
And a change in opinion from what was already flawed logic, weird stuff, andwagonny vote
Uhh, no on that first one. Rats didn't do his whole "please lynch me guise" thing yet. Flame_ac was asking if I was leaning on anybody particular because I said before that I had no half-decent reads on anyone. I decided to talk about Burb in response. A few posts later, I got over it because as you said, it's a good precaution to role claim as a miller at the beginning of the game.14 [m] TheAwesomePossum -
Leaning to lynch burb over (rats I think). Which is REALLY weird to me, red signals everywhere
And now for something completely different and off topic
Bandwagonny vote, doesn't mean much either way
Uhh, no on that first one. Rats didn't do his whole "please lynch me guise" thing yet. Flame_ac was asking if I was leaning on anybody particular because I said before that I had no half-decent reads on anyone. I decided to talk about Burb in response. A few posts later, I got over it because as you said, it's a good precaution to role claim as a miller at the beginning of the game.
For the second one, Blarg was legitimately not contributing to discussion at all. Just talking about how "bored" he was. I decided to leave my vote on him because why not? Obviously, it was short-lived once Rats decided to tell us his role would be dangerous.
For the third one, I'm sorry that I didn't immediately join the bandwagon? I honestly didn't get why Rats would do that. Even now that his role has been revealed, I still don't know why.
Lastly, that was just me clearing my head and making what seemed like the obvious choice at the time. Call it me bandwagoning. Me "joining a bandwagon" doesn't automatically make me scum.
I actually think I was being pretty consistent- I maintained that I preferred a lynch of Rats over Burb if it came down to the two of them, so I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that my opinion changed.
it seemed you were catching up overall. Wasn't actually entirely sure about the context, which is why I put parentheses around the rats part. There are a bunch of these posts, I can lose track or forget something occasionally. They're meant to be things EVERYONE looks at and comments on, helps me notice things I myself didn't notice, etc. Voting blarg to me seemed really off-topic because it did? It was really abrupt and random, off topic, etc. 3rd things i wasn't gleaning any info from, put that there because you hadn't spoken much in general iirc. To get this straight right now- I don't see joining the bandwagon yesterday as being particularly damning, instead, I saw it as going either way. Not contributing to you being scum or town
For the record, if the lynch bomb does exist, my personal preference would be for Sawneeks to take the fall, as I'd like the doubt regarding the poison and her allegiance to be removed. If she were to end up being cured, it would probably be pretty difficult to verify that she was actually poisoned to begin with. I do hesitate a bit here though because I know that Sawneeks can be a really strong town player based upon my experiences in the GAFia game.
Lol Blarg being Blarg? Getting off work soon will check in with thoughts later this evening
Also, when looking through the posts of the low activity posters, I realized this is still the only post of Arkos in this day phase:
Seriously, this is barely better than not posting at all this day phase, which really is unacceptable IMO. If you are too busy to play in this game Arkos, please tell us that and don't say you will be back with thoughts later and then disappear.