alright, EVERYONE in this game check your role pms and night action pms again
claimed players, tell us if you notice anything
Still very tired (yesterday after my Sirius roleclaim I passed out because I hadn't slept for 27 hours. I'm still running in only four hours of sleep)
All I'm popping in to say now is that I'm in, Blarg. But yes, let's make it a square dance: Rynam must watch one of us. Tonight, I'm taking point. I will be Weasley twin to do any switching. Please acknowledge, Miracle.
I propose that Rynam watch either Blarg or me tonight, and say today.
Oh yeah and I'm up for Town Tank.
We need a photoshop picture of Me, Goddamn and Blarg in a tank in town.![]()
alright, EVERYONE in this game check your role pms and night action pms again
claimed players, tell us if you notice anything
There's definitely a Death Eater stunner, though there is the possibility of a Hogwarts or neutral stunner as well. Blarg mentioned crucio as a curse lashed out at him. Maybe the stunner Death Eater has crucio as an option he can choose instead.
Having thief and poison be the same person would explain why we had poison N1 but not N2 and thief N2 but not N1, so I buy that.
In my head, there's 2 confirmed (living) Death Eaters that we know of so far. The thief/poisoner Death Eater who likely can only do one action each night. Thank you Crab for that thought. There's definitely a Death Eater stunner, though there is the possibility of a Hogwarts or neutral stunner as well. Blarg mentioned crucio as a curse lashed out at him. Maybe the stunner Death Eater has crucio as an option he can choose instead.
I can't see the poisoner being the thief. Why would they give up a killing ability at night to steal from someone? Unless they needed to recharge their ability by stealing poison from Snape. That might make sense.
But Blarg said he was stupefied and crucio'ed iirc
Crucio is of course a death eater ability, soI have two theories as to why no one is claiming it:
1) It hit a neutral last night, so they don't want to reveal themselves
2) There's something more to the role than just crucio interrogating people every night
This is probably something we can figure out as the game goes on, thankfully, as its likely more and more people get hit by these different spells
I might have missed the post were he put himself out of doubt and if anybody knows something I don't please tell me!!!
I know he did soft claimed and of course it always sucks to be put on spot like this if you are a town PR but still there is just a huge part in me that can't trust him with that.
also KKs HP claim taught me lesson in not to trust in everything being said ^^
The problem with assuming Crab as guilty of killing Swamped is that he should have been seen by Rynam N2, shouldn't he?
Not necessarily, since a scum team doesn't have to use the same person for every night kill. However, if Crab is lying about being switched and there was only 1 switch this night, that DOES mean Rynam should have also seen the killer, unless the killer was indeed hidden for some reason.
The killer might only have a limited amount of uses to hide themselves and so they used it on Burbeting since some people would visit him. Crab was seen N1 because the Death Eaters didn't want to use up a charge of the ninja's power on the first night. I don't know if they would have a permament ninja as that reduces the use of Rynam's role early on.
The killer might only have a limited amount of uses to hide themselves and so they used it on Burbeting since some people would visit him. Crab was seen N1 because the Death Eaters didn't want to use up a charge of the ninja's power on the first night. I don't know if they would have a permament ninja as that reduces the use of Rynam's role early on.
Roles are useful at providing information and reads but at the end of the day this is a game about judge of character. I did visit Swamped N1, yes. I didn't kill her. I have done a significant amount of legwork for town today in terms of creating content from a variety of players. I am in complete confidence that if I have to role claim, you will not want to lynch me, but that gives away my role, so I'm not going to do that now. I'm going to rely on you reading my material and having trust in me. It's better for all of us.
I assume you know that you are a viable scum target for tonight and if not claiming will be more beneficial to town at this point, then it's your prerogative. If so then I will leave you for another day but naturally your continued survival will be a cause for concern going forward.
The vote count posted earlier is incorrect by the way.
At this point, I'm just waiting for blarg's big post and for crab's post that he promised for after that.
For various reasons, I'm not going to claim until Blarg has confirmed whether he was switched or not. I have said enough already that you will be able to match my claim to my actions; it won't just be random bullshit. Leaving that aside for the moment, Miracle's claim doesn't actually make things more helpful because we don't know which switcher has higher priority and therefore whether Rynam was watching Gorlak or Burbeting. Confusingly it also doesn't reveal why I was switched N2. Have we got a mafia switcher?
Okay, let me put it this way. There is a specific reason it would be bad for me to role-claim. I'm not going to say why, because then mafia know what to do and what not to do. What I will say is this: I have very carefully alluded to my role in enough ways a particularly observant person can make a good judgement as to an important part of it. If you reread my posts in this day carefully, you'll notice I'm actually really glad under suspiscion, and also that I know who someone is. That should be enough.
Another known thief from the books it Grindewald. He stole the Elder Wand back in the days and was defeated by his old friend Dumbledore. I can't think of a scenario where he could be part of this game. He sure was evil but I think his glory days were before V. So I doubt he has something to do with them now.
I thought about this the other day and tried to piece together who could steal as well as become undetectable. The only idea that came to mind was Peter Pettigrew who could possibly become 'invisible' by turning into a rat to carry out his action.