I only have ONE question: Is you're super duper ultra mega special awesome blog post almost done? 0_0
Many, many questions
I only have ONE question: Is you're super duper ultra mega special awesome blog post almost done? 0_0
blarg is gonna come out with the crazy relegation that Rats, Swamped, and Burbeting are all town and kingkitty is Voldemort himself
LordofCastamere doesn't have an item. I tried to steal from him.
My win condition is if I manage to Steal and Sell a different item 3 times.
I can only use one command per night so it was slim chances I would've won anyways![]()
Thanks. At least you didn't kill me.
Hmm. It might be best to lynch him. Unknowing of what these items do there is a risk by leaving him alive. Saying he'll give it back to blarg isn't much of a trade off because we know that scum has a roleblocker or multiple. A roleblock the next two nights still leaves him in pocession of the ring. Our prs could do something but we shouldn't funnel them into an action when there are other viable targets because it takes the risk off of scum. By lynching him we at least have a chance at stopping whatever actions these items cause. All in all a lynch feels like the safer route to take here.
Thanks. At least you didn't kill me.
Hmm. It might be best to lynch him. Unknowing of what these items do there is a risk by leaving him alive. Saying he'll give it back to blarg isn't much of a trade off because we know that scum has a roleblocker or multiple. A roleblock the next two nights still leaves him in pocession of the ring. Our prs could do something but we shouldn't funnel them into an action when there are other viable targets because it takes the risk off of scum. By lynching him we at least have a chance at stopping whatever actions these items cause. All in all a lynch feels like the safer route to take here.
wait, how do you know that for sureI can say that when I die the Horcrux will be destroyed.
Since when do we know that Scum have a roleblocker? We know they likely have a cop, cursed vowel role and maybe a switcher and poisoner but not a roleblocker.
I can't say this for sure, but I don't think the item will harm town. It sounds to me based on what we've heard from Blarg that destroying it would only have negative consequences for scum (alternate town win condition) and whoever does the destroying. I also think that because of the poison, he's a dead man walking as it is- it would be a waste of a lynch.
I'm thinking don't lynch TWE
I think I have a plan for him
You wanna be "Town"? You're gonna earn that Ring
Pre-order* my upcoming Mega-post for exclusive bonus TheWorthyEdge content! *While stock lasts.
I'm thinking don't lynch TWE
I think I have a plan for him
You wanna be "Town"? You're gonna earn that Ring
Pre-order* my upcoming Mega-post for exclusive bonus TheWorthyEdge content! *While stock lasts.
I wanna pre order the collector's edition! Just don't include a freaking statue and slap $200 for it. >:|
he already has the ring though
ew, physical rewards are so 2009
You get a download code for an e-book copy of my award-winning bio
ghost-written, of course
I'm thinking don't lynch TWE
I think I have a plan for him
You wanna be "Town"? You're gonna earn that Ring
Pre-order* my upcoming Mega-post for exclusive bonus TheWorthyEdge content! *While stock lasts.
wait, how do you know that for sure
I asked Salva because it was all so very confusing.
What does "play for Hogwarts or Death Eaters" mean? If TWE is a poisoned neutral, he'll die before achieving his win condition (which seems to imply that he needs to live for at least 6 nights and successfully steal and sell each night). That win condition is nearly impossible unless the game lasts for 10 days.
I think it makes sense for an item to be destroyed upon its holder's death. It's not like the items just lie there waiting to be picked up, nor do they default to a location.
Who else might be holding a Horcrux?
-Bellatrix with the Hufflepuff Cup
-Regulus Black with the locket
-Ginny with the diary
-The diadem
The fact you have an item shouldn't mean much in terms of alignment, as Ginny is town, Regulus is former scum, and Bellatrix is scum.
Could the Death Eaters have a thief, though? If they do, it might make sense to lynch TWE today to keep it out of their hands.
Also the fact that TWE isn't affected by switches is interesting.
What does "play for Hogwarts or Death Eaters" mean? If TWE is a poisoned neutral, he'll die before achieving his win condition (which seems to imply that he needs to live for at least 6 nights and successfully steal and sell each night). That win condition is nearly impossible unless the game lasts for 10 days.
I think it makes sense for an item to be destroyed upon its holder's death. It's not like the items just lie there waiting to be picked up, nor do they default to a location.
Who else might be holding a Horcrux?
-Bellatrix with the Hufflepuff Cup
-Regulus Black with the locket
-Ginny with the diary
-The diadem
The fact you have an item shouldn't mean much in terms of alignment, as Ginny is town, Regulus is former scum, and Bellatrix is scum.
Could the Death Eaters have a thief, though? If they do, it might make sense to lynch TWE today to keep it out of their hands.
Also the fact that TWE isn't affected by switches is interesting.
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan on this poison thing but ah whatever!
I just say SELL: [playername]
As far as lynching TWE, I would like the questions I asked above answered before deciding whether it's best to keep them around or not. If they can't steal two items at a time, I'm not sure how they can be of use to town. They would have to sell their ring (to one of our 3 confirmed townies) and then steal the next night upon the end of which they would die. We also only have their word that the ring will be destroyed upon their death.
sorian is in this game?!
sorian is in every game
flatearthpandas will from now on replace Arkos in the game !
Please welcome him into this game.
Welcome to the madhouse !
H?W? Wh?t? Th?t d??sn't m?k? ?ny s?ns?. ?xpl??n pls.Which does confirm that Blarg was switched 100% if that wasn't already known
Can you not possess multiple items?
Are your only options for action to steal: playername until you find an item and then your action becomes sell: playername?
Or do you have another action like the other power roles we have seen?
are you able to sell an item back to the same character/can you steal back something you sold or is your win condition stealing and selling 3 different items?
?'m s?rry ? c?n't c?ntr?b?t? m?ch t?d?y. Th?s sp?ll r??lly h?s t?k?n th? f?n ??t ?f th? g?m? f?r m?, wh??v?r p?t ?t ?n m?, ?t w?s ? s?bl?m? s?cc?ss?t's h?rd?r t? wr?t? ?nd ?v?n m?r? t?m?-c?ns?m?ng f?r y?? ?ll t? d?c?ph?r.
? c?n't h?v? ? d?c?nt c?nv?rs?t??n, ?ll ? c?n ?ff?r ?s my v??w f??nd?d ?n my p?rc?pt??n ?nd my r?l? pm. M?r? w?ll f?ll?w t?m?rr?w.
L?rd ?f C?st?m?r?
Bl?rg, M?r?cl?, Th?G, Ryn?m
BSP st?ll g??s f?r fl?ff m?stly
Hyp?r ?nfl?t?s h?s p?st c??nt
? l?t ?f p??pl? st?ll c??st ?l?ng w?th v?ry l?ttl? t? n?th?ng t? s?y.
?f ? d?? t?n?ght L??K ?t th?s l?st! Th?t ?s ?mp?rt?nt.
?n TW?:
H?W? Wh?t? Th?t d??sn't m?k? ?ny s?ns?. ?xpl??n pls.
?f ? n??tr?l c?n st??l h?rcr?x?s, w?ll sc?m b? ?bl? t? r?tr??v? th?m ?s w?ll"?" Th?y pr?b?bly w??ld n??d th?m t? g?t V b?ck. N?w th?y kn?w wh?r? ?n? ?t?m ?s. TW? w?nt?ng t? d?? ?s ?nd??d str?ng?, w?ll th?s wr?ck ??r ch?nc? ?t d?str?y?ng th? r?ng"?" H?s h? st?l?n ?nyth?ng ?ls?"?"
H?w m?ny h?rcr?x?s d? y?? b?l??v? t? b? ?n th? g?m?"?" 7 s??nds t?? m?ch, m?yb? th? H?ffl?p?ff C?p, Slyth?r?n L?ck?t ?nd R?v?ncl?w D??d?m w?r? l?ft ??t ?f th? g?m?"?" Th? Sn?k? N?g?n? c??ld b? th? p??s?n?r ?nd th?r?f?r? b? p?rt ?f th? g?m?. H?rry ?s ?n h?r? ?nd pr?b?bly th? d??ry w?th G?nny"?"
Thinking about this, I think TWE is not telling the truth, or at least, not the whole truth. Multiple things about his claim/behavior strike me as weird.
-He gives "there will be no more thief" as an advantage for us of lynching him. But he himself said he wanted to ally himself with town. So we would lose a thief that is basically town aligned. How is that a benefit? He could try to steal some more horcruxes in the 2 nights he still has to live to help us even more.
- His win condition is very hard to achieve, forcing him to live at least 6 nights and that is in a best case scenario, and there apparently isn't a secondary win condition for him in the case his main one is no longer achievable? This sounds very implausible.
-His action ignoring switching powers is very.....convenient.
- He says we should lynch him and "take the risk" of using a lynch on a (non dangerous) neutral to destroy a horcrux. But as I understand it, if he dies of the poison (which with Burb gone will probably be unavoidable) the Horcrux will also be destroyed. I mean, sure, there could be a scum aligned thief that now has a good target, but that raises the question: why did TWE out himself? If he really wanted to do the best thing for town, wouldn't it have been better to stay quiet, and try to get some more horcruxes before he would die? A scum aligned thief wouldn't be as much of a problem in that case since they wouldn't know TWE has one in his possession.
- His role claim was very "drip feed", he told us a couple of things, and then waited until people asked about other aspects of his role before he told us those. I am always very suspicious of role claims in that style. If you need to claim, claim everything (unless you have a very good reason to withhold some information), don't wait until people ask you for more details before giving them.
Still, I am of two minds about lynching him. On the one hand, lynching him will give us confirmed information about his role, removing any doubt there is about him, and if it turns out he did speak the truth we destroy a horcrux as an added bonus. On the other hand, he wants to be lynched himself, which is always weird, and unless he lies about being poisoned (which is unlikely IMO) he will die soon anyway, still giving us his role PM and probably destroying the horcrux. So for now:
UNVOTE: TheWorthyEdge
Who is that weird guy in the beanie? He looks suspicious. Can we lynch him?
I'm not so sure we should waste a lynch on TWE since he's going to die anyways. That puts us one more night behind on catching scum.
I'm sorry I can't contribute much today. This spell really has taken the fun out of the game for me, whoever put it on me, it was a s?bl?m? successit's harder to write and even more time-consuming for you all to decipher.
I can't have a decent conversation, all I can offer is my view founded in my perception and my role pm. More will follow tomorrow.
Lord of Castamere
Blarg, Miracle, TheG, Rynam
BSP still goes for fluff mostly
Hyper inflates his post count
A lot of people still coast along with very little to nothing to say.
If I die tonight LOOK at this last! That is important.
on TWE:
HOW? What? That doesn't make any sense. Explain pls.
If a neutral can steal horcruxes, will scum be able to retrieve them as well"?" They probably would need them to get V back. Now they know where one ?t?m is. TWE wanting to die is ?nd??d strange, will this wreck our chance at destroying the ring"?" Has he stolen anything else"?"
How many horcruxes do you believe to be in the game"?" 7 sounds too much, maybe the Hufflepuff Cup, Slytherin Locket and Ravenclaw Diadem were left out of the game"?" The Snake Nagini could be the poisoner and therefore be part of the game. Harry is in here and probably the diary with Ginny"?"
Yes, but if mafia have a thief and mafia's thief has priority over TheWorthyEdge, then mafia could have another Horcrux by the end of tonight.
Also, as for this Horcrux thing, if we believe what we know so far:
- Dumbledore had the Ring - has a command to destroy it. He is not a thief and as such DESTROY is only for the ring. Blarg states that using DESTROY has bad consequences for him, potentially. Seem odd?
- Mundingus has a win condition to steal items, not Horcruxes persay.
- If Harry is in this game, theres a good bet wed have to kill him to win this way
- If Scum have all the Horcruxes, and a Horcrux dies when you do, than theres a fairly high likelihood that it becomes a redundant win condition.
- Nobody else has come forth claiming to have one.
- There is no way to know if TWE is actually a thief until he dies in 2 turns, or we lynch him.
So, it seems to me that the Ring may be a red herring for us to THINK there are Horcruxes, and that certain others in the game have lore-interesting items but not Horcruxes.
How does what not make sense? My ability isn't affected by switching. I went to go steal from Blargonaut, and I did it successfully. Then more was added to my role saying that nothing was able to stop me from stealing besides a role block, and that Blarg was switched last night.Salva explained this to me lol
So, it seems to me that the Ring may be a red herring for us to THINK there are Horcruxes, and that certain others in the game have lore-interesting items but not Horcruxes.