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Has anyone here NOT seen The Incredibles yet?

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
flsh said:
And it's really fucked up people can ruin your viewing experience, can't you call the manager or something? If someone is loud here the manager will simply kick him out. Just because some brat paid for a ticket doesn't mean all the other people who paid need to put up with this.
Last I checked, except for a couple special theaters in LA that are real strict, the only way you're going to get a manager to kick someone out is if you leave the theater and go get him yourself. Why should I miss part of the movie just so I can get some common courtesy? That's not a fucking solution. This is why I haven't been to a movie theater in 2.5 months, and that last time was a matinee with maybe 20 people in attendance and still some dick allowed his phone to go off a whopping three times. He claimed he turned off. Sure, he got some nasty comments and looks, but why are my three choices to either deal with those idiots, go physically retrieve a manager, or not go at all? I've just been sticking with DVDs. Except for big spectacle movies that benefit from the big screen and a few smaller releases I'd particularly like to support, theater is basically dead to me.

That said, I went to the first midnight showing of The Incredibles and it was amazing. There was just an awesome buzz of excitement in that room and everyone was so jazzed throughout it. If people could just be decent human beings it'd be cool, but they consistently prove they can only be dicks.


(A) "The movie isnt for everyone, I actually nodded off a few times. "

(B) "Terribly overrated IMO."

The two don't necessarily go together. Would you say the same thing about Citizen Kane? Absolutely brilliant movie. Undeniably one the greatest pieces of film ever made.. but it'll still definitely bore a whole lot of people.

And I bet you dozed off during the final 30 minutes of The Incredibles, right?

I mean, if there's ONE movie for everyone.. THIS is it.


Let's set up the scenario.

It's early November. I'm in St. John's, Newfoundland (Not home). I'm a huge Pixar fan. Own all of the movies on DVD. Meet up with high school friend. Cram into a two-door car and in the back seat with three other people. I haven't got much sleep all weekend. I have to be up at 3:30 the next morning to catch a 5:20 flight. We head to a 9:30 showing of the Incredibles.

Now, this is no ideal movie going experience, so I more or less walked out of the film completely and totally unaware of how I felt about it. I mean, I walked out of Finding Nemo feeling like I had seen a really heartwarming, charming film. I walked out of Toy Story thinking "Whoa". I walked out of "A Bug's Life" thinking "I'm 11, so I thought that was as good as Toy Story because I am too young to correctly evaluate cinema, since it was clearly inferior, although not as bad as some say. I walked out of Monsters Inc. thinking "Best. Action. Sequence. Ever." (Followed quickly by "Dude, you need to get out more if that's your best action sequence ever"). But, my only real thought coming out of the Incredibles was "I have to be awake in less than four hours, and have three midterms this week".

I didn't come out thinking it was amazing. I, in all honesty, felt some parts were rather slow, and that the middle section of the film seems like too much setup, even for the final action sequence.

And then came the DVD, and it all seems like such silliness. There is no question now that this film, bar none, is the best "film" that Pixar has produced. I use quotes because I honestly found more giddy childhood enjoyment out of Toy Story 2 and Finding Nemo. Being more or less a kid at heart, and more of a stuffed toy child in my days, rather than a explosion expert, this isn't too surprising. However, on the whole, The Incredibles is the one Pixar film where there is an absolutely constant emotion of "Holy Shit!" that permeates throughout. I mean, it is by far the most impressive computer animated film to date, technologically, and will likely remain so for some time considering the art design behind Cars and Dreamworks' upcoming features.

Where the film really comes together, I think, is in terms of story. I mean, it may be because I've looked back through special features at the way it all came together, but it is a fantastic job by the Story department on this film. There ARE slow points in this film, but when I'm not dead tired I realize their effect. I just finished watching this early tonight, and I never saw the slow parts as dead weight; it seemed like necessary story, entirely. The story of a family of superhereos is so effective due to the story built up around them. It is a real family, with real problems, in real danger. Although you wish that there was more room in the story for Edna Mode and Frozone, they are really just sidekicks to the family.

This is the one Computer Animated film that really pushes the medium into a completely new dimension, because Brad Bird has written a story that could have been shot in Live Action. It would have required a shitload of special effects, but it could be done. This basically makes the film all the more effective, and all the more different from Pixar's previous films. The thought of domestic quarrels being in a Pixar film is absurd, but they exist in this movie because that is the story being told.

The film is not for everyone, though. There will be those who will dislike the fact that it isn't all fast-paced like the finale, or that it isn't exactly like the other Pixar films. There will also be those who just don't like animation; this film, still being animated, will do nothing to change that, because they'll never give it a chance. At the same time, it is NOT overrated. There is no way to, really, overrate this film. There is also no way to claim it is shoddy animatiion, or shoddy storytelling. It is a well-constructed, well-animated film, whether you like the results or not. Overhyped, it definitely can be. And, it likely is. I do not think it is the second coming of some sort of holy guy...you know the one, with the smock! It is instead simply a really good action film with the power of Brad Bird's fantastic story at its core. It is not like any of Pixar's films, or even The Iron Giant...it is its own film, and on that account it is incredible.


TJ Bennett said:
Anyone who doesn't like the Incredibles shouldn't be allowed to comment on movies. It annoys me to no end that people will dismiss a movie simply because it is animated and "for kids" yet they'll praise some truly overrated piece of shit like American Beauty or Ray.

"The Incredibles" is a truely outstanding movie, but "Ray" isn't by any means an "overrated piece of shit."


Naked Snake said:
Brad Bird is God, and I'm Pixar's bitch. I can't consider these people and myself to be the same species, it does not make sense, they're on an entirely different level of creativity and badassness.

Watching the commentary was really enlightening. I liked some of the small details he pointed out (like how Mr. Incredible winces right before the train hits him as if to acknowledge that even being superpowered, it's going to hurt a bit) and how animating the fabric of Mr. Incredible's ripped superoutfit was so difficult they dedicated a small set of people to it and it still took months.

Also, some of the small details on second and third viewings are really astonishing imho. Really shows why Pixar is a level above. Like how when Dash is trying to escape the fire blast he pulls Violet. But if you look closely after they're out of the cave you see Violet rubbing her arm because Dash pulled her so violently (and so fast, due to his superpowers) that it hurt.

Really great stuff.

Naked Suriken said:
How can anyone not think this movie is Pixar's best?
I can't wait to see The Iron Giant now.

I believe Toy Story 2 is Pixar's best, but it's a preference thing. I think the theme presented in TS2 is so subtle (and tragic), so understated that it's just a absolute joy in every way.

Not to take away from Incredibles, I agree with your love of it. It's a great movie. One of the best movies ever? Eh. But it's definitely a great movie.

P.S. I believe Iron Giant is superb.

Naked Snake said:
I was just thinking what if they made a sequel... Does Disney hold the rights for this one too? Please don't let it be so.

Yes, Disney holds the right. Brad Bird said he'd be interested in doing a sequel under the right conditions... but that's probably a "Pixar" condition which may or may not be possible in the upcoming months...

J2 Cool

sefskillz said:
I thought it was pretty disappointing, and all I wanted was for it to live up to the hype I had for Bird after the Iron Giant.

It's definetly different from Iron Giant. If you expect the same impact, you're not going to get it. The Iron Giant, is a more personal movie. It goes into Hogarth's inner psyche, his nuances, his emotions, thinking, etc, etc. Really a complete disection of him can be found. It's his movie, and the way he deals with the Giant. An absolutely superb film imo. The Incredibles more so has all that on a less personal level. It goes into a super hero's perspective, in a really great way. It's in a way, very real. The everyday pulls and struggles, amped to the next level. But it's not as personal with as many characters as they have. Still, it captures the characters well, creating a family, more so than creating a coming of age story.

Both films are done amazingly, as far as what they try to do, and have those human touches only Brad Bird seems to get. The better movie just ends up a personal preference thing. I think I lean towards the Iron Giant slightly, as the film just makes you feel so much for Hogarth and has some seriously great lessons. But I absolutely adore The Incredibles as well. I have a Dash figure sitting on top of my pc as we speak.

truesayian said:
honestly, i thought it was garbage.... my 4 year old sister could write and animate a better movie then that.

Says the man with a mugen avatar. Now, I love Champloo as well, but you've gotta be kidding me.

Deepthroat said:
I have not seen it. The film just doesn't appeal to me. And that comes from someone who owns all Pixar's movies on DVD.

But you haven't seen it. Pixar hasn't let you down yet. The best thing to do is at least rent this. You're doing yourself a great diservice.

Jade Knight 08 said:
I haven't seen it yet. Normally, i don't buy cartoons or animated movies. I watch it on cable when it gets to air.


Be-Ah-Hui said:
And I get choked up when
the mother and kids are on the plane, and she says there are kids on board, and the plane explodes, and she gets knocked unconscious with the kids screaming

yeah, that was intense.
I kept expecting the girl to get the forcefield at the last second. The screaming of the mother was so in your face, and her last second heroics... Amazing. Shows you can still make absolute gripping action scenes in movies today

Naked Snake said:
I can't wait to see The Iron Giant now.

What the #%@$ are you waiting for??! Seriously, that's just as bad not seeing that. Incredible movie, with a bit different pacing. Just watch it with an open mind, you'll love it. But do it soon!!

J2 Cool

Lindsay said:



I watched it in the theatre with 5 other people all of whom at the time hated the film, saying it was too sappy and such. 3 of those 5 people were very gothy so there opinions were worthless.

Since the DVD has come out the other 2 watched it again with me and like it now as well, I quite honestly think its my favorite movie of all time. There is absolutly nothing I can find wrong with this movie. NOTHING. Would I want every movie exactly like this? nah, all I want is for the creative team behind any action film to put out as much effort as Pixar did with The incredibles , wether the film is live action or animated it makes no difference.

so yeah, stick me in the block with everyone else whose seen this movie, its fantastic and unless you really hate action movies or pixar films for whatever reason then go watch it. IF you liked it I suggest the commentary by brad bird and the producer. Good stuff.


Okay, I finally watched it and liked it. There's tons of visual references to comic movies and videogames. Edna was the best.


Jill Sandwich said:
and Elastigirl is hot.

Creepy as it sounds, she is damn hot. And we're not talking just the ghetto-fabolous booty, but Elasti Girl may very well be the most fleshed-out, human CG character ever created. Plus, she's just a complete badass. Great, great voice work by Holly Hunter--and love that Pixar included her lisp on Elasti Girl.

As far as the movie, I think it's easily one of the best movies of recent memory and will go down as one of the all-time greats. My kids see it at least once a day, and I still haven't gotten tired of it. As a former comic book nut (nowadays I'm a "casual"), the beginning really struck a chord--it felt like the closest I'd get to seeing an actual Watchmen flick (the live-action version supposedly coming out has me verrryy wary). Brad Bird really conveyed the nobility of the superhero as well as the comraderie. One of my favorite scenes is a brief one--
when the family is riding the rocket to the city to stop the Omni Droid and at first you can't see them but then that ball shell pops open and you see Elasti Girl holding the trailer with the rest of the family in it and you hear that music in the background and you just know they're coming to save the day.

Just awesome, awesome stuff all around.


I don't know shit about shit
Great movie, I agree, but some of you are making it out to be a once in a lifetime experience. Jeez, just let it go; don't keep hyping it up for those who haven't seen it because they'll approach it with a very critical perspective after hearing such unrealistic praise.
It is indeed an awesome movie, I just bought it yesterday and its just as good on second viewing. Watched all the bonuses too, Bard Bird is the man. Can't wait to watch it tonight with the commentary on, should be good times.

It's easily my favorite Pixar movie, just truly solid entertainment and my fav movie of last year (by a teensie bit, as I'd put Collateral at a close #2).


No man, Jack-Jack > * :D:D:D

And I was kinda expecting to see the same kind of gooey blubbery blood as in Die Hard 2... :(


I thought the Incredibles was just really cute. It is one of those movies you can watch 10 or 100 times and it will still be funny. Man, I need to get this on my Amazon wish list.
Fantastic movie, holds up really well upon repeated viewings.

However, people who need tons of blatant, over the top, pop culture references bashed over their heads for entertainment won't like it.


honestly, i thought it was garbage.... my 4 year old sister could write and animate a better movie then that

That's easily the most retarded thing I have ever seen on this forum. Even if You HATE the story, how anybody could imply that it's animated poorly is mind-numbingly idiotic.


I saw The Incredibles for the first time this past weekend on DVD. I purchased it from Best Buy the previous Tuesday and I have to say I really enjoyed wathcing it and the extras on the DVD. I'm sure Pixar's other films are very good as well, but the story of The Incredibles appealed more to me so its the first Pixar movie I've bought on DVD. Anyway, my appreciation for Brad Bird as a director has definitely gone up and I'll need to be sure to purchase The Iron Giant on DVD. I bought and watched The Iron Giant movie way back when it first came out on VHS with the little plastic minature of the Iron Giant included but it's probably time to get it on DVD so I can remind myself of how good a film it was. I wonder if they'll ever make a sequel to that film since the ending definitely leaves the possibility open (though I don't know where they'd go from there with the storyline).


Just saw it. My first thought was that the movie was definltey not as funny as some of Pixars previous films (Toy Story 1/2, Nemo).

However, as a film it was incredible. The story was awesome, the action was amazing, and the visuals are stunning. I just love the way the movie revealed all of the characters superpowers (mainly the boys and the girls) and the collaberation of powers is what pulled the story together.

It was a great film but I don't know how much staying power it will have. I must have watched Toy Story 2 about 3 times, but for the Incredibles, I think the WOW factor is gone after the first viewing. Still, it was a fun ride.


i haven't... i meant to while it was in theaters, but i wasn't sleeping much at the time, so movie watching was pretty much out of the question. i love pixar though, so i'll catch it eventually, hopefully on imax at the metreon or something.


I haven't...Looked pretty uninteresting to me...I never liked Pixar's animations so I decided to skip this one.


Hollywood Square
I just saw it recently.

It was entertaining, but it didn't blow my socks off or anything. I dig some of the inside jokes and nods to comic book fans (and when Mr. Incredible called Incrediboy, or whatever his name was, Brodie), but it's not the best Pixar has had to offer.
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