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Has anyone read the Halo books?


I'm reading through the first one, the Fall of Reach now, and much to my surprise it's actually quite good. Aside from the extremely basic and completely two dimensional characters, the actual story is completely engaging and entertaining. Though they skipped a GIANT portion of Master Chief's development, it's extremely intriguing, imo. Following MC through both the SPARTAN project and then MJOLNIR and into the first engagement with the Covenant has been better than I figured it would be, and has provided incredible depth to the Halo universe, which after the first game, absolutely sucked.

Anyone else feel the same way? Different?

Should I bother with the other two books? Where in the timeline do they fall?

I'm only disappointed that there aren't more SPARTANs in the Halo game. If there's a reason for that in the book don't spoil it. ;p I'm only up to the part where the reader just meets Captain Keyes.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
the books go like this

Fall of reach (before and leading up to Halo)
Flood (more emphasis on the halo 1 story)
First Strike (after Halo 1 leading up to Halo 2)

I say don't bother with Flood.


Damnit, I was going to write this thread off but just for you Wellington, I'll post.

As DopeyFish said, Flood is pretty worthless. It's essentially a novelization of the events that occured in Halo.

Definately go for First Strike though. Not a bad read, it's over relatively fast and it sets up Halo 2, ending just before Halo 2 begins (much like Fall of Reach ended right before Halo began).


BuddyChrist83 said:
Damnit, I was going to write this thread off but just for you Wellington, I'll post.

As DopeFish said, Flood is pretty worthless. It's essentially a novelization of the events that occured in Halo.

Definately go for First Strike though. Not a bad read, it's over relatively fast and it sets up Halo 2, ending just before Halo 2 begins (much like Fall of Reach ended right before Halo began).

Yeah, the first and third books (which are by the same author, who has helped to flesh out Bungie's Halo Story Bible) are excellent. Many plot details that add meaning to the Halo universe and the events in the game.

The Flood isn't bad - but certainly not necessary.
Wellington said:
I'm only disappointed that there aren't more SPARTANs in the Halo game. If there's a reason for that in the book don't spoil it. ;p I'm only up to the part where the reader just meets Captain Keyes.

This gets explained in First Strike and I think Halo 2 will also have this.


I'm currently reading Fall of Reach also. Let me say this book is very poorly edited. There are so many grammatical and spelling errors, it makes it hard to enjoy.

About the Flood novel, I have heard that there is alot of prose based on the Covenant side. Explaining their heirarchy, how they communicate, and battle tactics. Can someone please confirm this?


I'm currently reading The Fall of Reach as well and suprised that so far it's been a good read, especially fleshing out the Human/Covenant War and Master Chief's past.

Though I wasn't happy about the 22 year gap (which I think is what you're referring to?) from..
The Chief first trying out the MJOLNIR armour and then all of a sudden we're fast forwarded to a Captain Keyes in 2252.

Right now I'm up to the part where...
The remaining Marines on Sigma Octanus IV have just called for evac from the Planet after their 2 bases were wiped out. Cue a single Pelican dropship landing and the Master Chief emerges with the plan: "We've come to take Sigma Octanus IV back from the Covenant, Corporal. To do that, we're going to kill every last one of them"


I enjoyed Fall of Reach the most, though First Strike is quite good too. The Flood was pretty tedious and repetitious, though it did have a nice little side story following an Elite and a Grunt. But yeah, though I liked Halo a lot before the books, reading them gave me much more appreciation for just about everything in the game. I think Bungie owes quite a lot to Eric Nylund.
Spike said:
I'm currently reading Fall of Reach also. Let me say this book is very poorly edited. There are so many grammatical and spelling errors, it makes it hard to enjoy.

About the Flood novel, I have heard that there is alot of prose based on the Covenant side. Explaining their heirarchy, how they communicate, and battle tactics. Can someone please confirm this?

Yes, The Flood does offer a lot of info on the Covenant, and actually gives a glimpse at what type of protocol occurs in the beginning of Halo 2.


I'm about 40 pages from finishing the first book. I plan to finish it off later tonight.

I've just finished reading where John gets the new
Mjolnir armour with the shields and has Cortana uplinked into the armour itself.

One thing that was kinda sick was
when Dr. Halsey asked Cortana who she wanted to be uplinked to, Cortana chose MC because of his looks. Then Cortana asks her what she thinks and she blushes. She stole this kid from his family, replacing him with a clone, and basically became his surrogate mother, and she has the hots for him?!?!


Spike said:
I'm currently reading Fall of Reach also. Let me say this book is very poorly edited. There are so many grammatical and spelling errors, it makes it hard to enjoy.

I agree with you on this one. It's a pain in the ass sometimes.

One thing I don't understand about Halo 2... why, if they can easily just "glass" planets, do they have to come down and invade Earth. That's just asking for an ass kicking, IMO. I guess it will be explained in game. Can't wait to polish this book off and then head into First Strike. I'll read the Flood later on I guess.


Yes, reading the books ads a lot to the game for me. I think even in here there have been a number of threads recommending them, so I'm wondering what took you guys so long.
Wellington said:
One thing I don't understand about Halo 2... why, if they can easily just "glass" planets, do they have to come down and invade Earth. That's just asking for an ass kicking, IMO. I guess it will be explained in game.

That one is explained in First Strike.


Wellington said:
I agree with you on this one. It's a pain in the ass sometimes.

One thing I don't understand about Halo 2... why, if they can easily just "glass" planets, do they have to come down and invade Earth. That's just asking for an ass kicking, IMO. I guess it will be explained in game. Can't wait to polish this book off and then head into First Strike. I'll read the Flood later on I guess.

Depends on the Covenant's motivation for the attacks on Humanity in the first place since they only "Glass" the Outer and Inner colonies when they can. That or UNSC provided enough force against the Covenant Armada that they were forced to stage a ground assault. Either way, hopefully we'll know in 12 days time.

Edit: Beaten to it.

Deku Tree

I recently picked up the trilogy for $15 bucks on amazon. I started to read the First Strike, and maybe I didn't get far enough into it yet, but there seems to be a huge gap between the end of Halo (the game) and the beginning of First Strike.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Deku Tree said:
I recently picked up the trilogy for $15 bucks on amazon. I started to read the fall of reach, and maybe I didn't get far enough into it yet, but there seems to be a huge gap between the end of Halo (the game) and the beginning of The Fall of Reach.

so big in fact that fall of reach begins when Master Chief was a teenager :p


Nah, Fall of Reach is before the game. There's a HUMUNGOUS 27 year gap between the first covenant encounter, and the events right before Halo. Terrible.


The books are awesome. Made me fall in love with the Halo universe. As has been said, The Flood is just a retelling of Halo. You DO learn tidbits like what happened to all the other guys when MC was doing his thing and such, but not nearly as good as the first or third books.


Do the books explain why Master Chief has to be wearing a futuristic robot golf cap? Does he need to keep the sun out of his eyes? What is his handicap?


border said:
Do the books explain why Master Chief has to be wearing a futuristic robot golf cap? Does he need to keep the sun out of his eyes? What is his handicap?


It's just part of the garb I guess, however the visor...
can adjust it's level of opacity in response to the various light intensities MC faces. For example, from a plasma rifle. He was almost blinded by one in the first mission against the Covenant.
I've been reading through these as well... Just finished Fall of Reach last week. I have the Flood and have been reading it on and off, but I am just finding it hard to get into. Might take the general advice and skip this one and move on to First Strike. For all the gramatical and editing errors, I really liked the way that Nylund set things up. Of course it seems a bit shallow, but for a book based on a game universe it adds alot suprisingly. (Which is in fact the only reason I keep trying to plug through the Flood.. the little insights into the Covenant has been interesting.. )


Simo said:
I'm currently reading The Fall of Reach as well and suprised that so far it's been a good read, especially fleshing out the Human/Covenant War and Master Chief's past.

Though I wasn't happy about the 22 year gap (which I think is what you're referring to?) from..
The Chief first trying out the MJOLNIR armour and then all of a sudden we're fast forwarded to a Captain Keyes in 2252.

Right now I'm up to the part where...
The remaining Marines on Sigma Octanus IV have just called for evac from the Planet after their 2 bases were wiped out. Cue a single Pelican dropship landing and the Master Chief emerges with the plan: "We've come to take Sigma Octanus IV back from the Covenant, Corporal. To do that, we're going to kill every last one of them"

That last bit reminds me of a joke imbedded in a corner of the ilovebees site:

Marine: Damn right, I'm running away! There's two of us, alone, on foot, no weapons, and four hundred Covies on the other side of that hill. What are you going to do, tough guy--field-rig a railgun out of a rubber band and my dental fillings?

Spartan (speculatively): You have fillings...?

Don't mess with Spartans...they'll rip your teeth out.


border said:
Do the books explain why Master Chief has to be wearing a futuristic robot golf cap? Does he need to keep the sun out of his eyes? What is his handicap?
No, but it explains why he, or anyone in his class, could kill Samus one-on-one with their bare hands.
BuddyChrist83 said:
Don't expect much clarification on that matter in First Strike.
Yeah, it's basically nothing more than something on their to do list. Halo was seemed more important.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So you're reading the HALO BOOKS but haven't started ASOIAF yet? Expect a #ga slap in the near future.


Subitai said:
No, but it explains why he, or anyone in his class, could kill Samus one-on-one with their bare hands.

Are we reading the same book? And you just can't go into any thread without mentioning Nintendo, can you? Your shtick is tired and old, find something new. Seriously.
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