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Has ResetEra Taken Over Reddit?

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I rarely use reddit, but I believe each reddit group does set their own rules, so you can quick read and get a good sense of how much of a cult or broke-brained people you're going to encounter.

The issue is also on twitch, unsurprisingly, where "rules" are even more difficult to find, and mods there can be real assholes. Not even sure if the streamer themselves get a good idea of how their mods work. They're probably grateful that the spam bots and rude people get banned and don't look into cases like "you're racist because you said that the whole Europe is not racist" idiotic made up rules.


I agree with those who say that in real life nobody seems to care about this. There is even a person who walks around the neighborhood that is obviously a transgender woman and nobody has a problem with her. She seems to get along with people. Real life is not as divided as the internet which is filled with losers who have nothing better to do than be outraged.

Dr. Claus


In my life it is the "norm" outside of work as well.. it's just that, it's mostly a non-issue. My friends don't complain about this shit or tell attack hellicopter jokes or anything, if they discuss a trans celeb they'll use their "new" pronouns w/o batting an eye, etc. Also never had anyone correct my pronoun usage in public, at work, or anywhere.

It's just a non-issue because the reality is most people use he/her. For me the "norm" is to not care, and to just be polite about it and use whatever pronouns people want and not get angry about something so minor.

Reality is, 99% of people don’t care. If you get their pronouns wrong, they will either shrug it off, kindly correct you, or just move past it entirely like it never happened.

The issue is that 1%. The 1% that is ruining it for *everyone*. The Trigglypuffs of the world.


Reality is, 99% of people don’t care. If you get their pronouns wrong, they will either shrug it off, kindly correct you, or just move past it entirely like it never happened.

The issue is that 1%. The 1% that is ruining it for *everyone*. The Trigglypuffs of the world.
The problem is that the internet makes those 1% look like they are 80% and people are walking on eggshells to avoid offending them.

Dr. Claus

The problem is that the internet makes those 1% look like they are 80% and people are walking on eggshells to avoid offending them.

True. It also doesn’t help that those 1% often are in positions of power as they avoid the real world. So you *have* to walk on eggshells as they tend to power trip.
the reality is that it only takes one mod to go power hungry and start abusing bans because it conflicts with their personal agendas.

i visit r/starcraft a lot. It has always been a very chill subreddit, a good place for information about esports scene, as well as memes. One day, some of the mods started removing memes and made a stickied thread claiming meme posts are low quality content and clutter the subreddit and they are now banned, even though that is never the case because r/starcraft doesn't have that much traffic compared to other game related subreddits. Obviously, there was a lot of outrage from the community asking why the sudden ban on memes and why this wasn't consulted with the community beforehand. The funny part is that not all meme posts were removed. Only some were, as if the mods were only targeting certain people. Any feedback on how this is unnecessary censorship was meant with responses along the lines of "my way or the highway". In fact, the mods were invited to join the Pylon Show (starcraft podcast) to present their side of the story. They refused but would post in the twitch chat. Then it got even more ridiculous when mods tried to clarify the rule change but saying some memes are allowed, but only "high quality" ones. They made a chart showing what memes are "low quality" and which ones are "high quality". Suddenly, the mods are now judges of memes.

This is what the mods posted:

In the end, the meme ban was removed as it was stupid and unnecessary. It turns out that there were a few mods who went on an anti meme crusade because they were power tripping and that not all mods were on same page or even aware of the rule changes.



In my life it is the "norm" outside of work as well.. it's just that, it's mostly a non-issue. My friends don't complain about this shit or tell attack hellicopter jokes or anything, if they discuss a trans celeb they'll use their "new" pronouns w/o batting an eye, etc. Also never had anyone correct my pronoun usage in public, at work, or anywhere.

It's just a non-issue because the reality is most people use he/her. For me the "norm" is to not care, and to just be polite about it and use whatever pronouns people want and not get angry about something so minor.
I have no problem with it as long as there is no punitive enforcement of it.

As a matter of respect, I'll use "he/him" or "she/her" however a person wants it. But I draw the line at made-up words (xim/xer or zim/zer or whatever the fuck), or the use of "they/them".

You don't just add words to the dictionary, or alter something as linguistically fundamental as the definition of a personal pronoun (which is all but chiseled into our brains from school age), to accommodate the whims of some fluid state of gender identity or association. Or, if you do, you don't get to punish others for failing or refusing to recognize the validity of such additions or alterations, when it goes against years, if not decades, of learning and experience.

That said, I do feel a degree of flexibility for new pronouns. I understand that some people are born different. I know that some people are XXY, for example. I know some are XYY. I'm sure there are differences I don't even know about. Some people just don't fit neatly into a male or female category, biologically speaking. I get it. So if there's a more appropriate pronoun that we can officially adopt to accommodate those folks, I'm all for it. But by officially, I mean in the dictionary. Like all the other real words.

But I won't do "they/them". Mostly just because the linguistic part of my brain won't allow it. I'll just call them by their name instead.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
(xim/xer or zim/zer or whatever the fuck), or the use of "they/them".
I mean yeah... but I swear that shit barely exists outside of trolls lol A good chunk of the psychos on any given platform are trolls, we have even seen that evidenced with people on NeoGAF admitting to being some of the biggest "queer" personalities on that purple site.

As far as linguistics go.. honestly it's just so barely a "leap" from the singular use of "they/them" that I don't really agree that it's difficult. We use they/them when we don't know the gender of someone.. so it just isn't hard for me to apply that to the idea of non-binary. People use it all the time actually without thinking about it; I've had people argue about this and in the POST they were arguing in they actually used a singular form of "they" or "them."

BUT... it is also natural for our brains to jump to saying he/she.. that's where people need to not get too upset about this shit. I think it's not that hard to get used to saying "they/them" but it'll also be easy to say "he/she" w/o thinking and not meaning any harm.

But anyways, in general agree with your post, well written.

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Lot of you guys need a reality check. These kind of threads are always littered with claims that the militant activism "doesn’t work" or "doesn't represent real life", then proceeds to label every corporation, media, and social platform in existence as a vocal minority, while in the same breath lamenting the vast swathes of leftist family members and romantic interests you argue with. At some point you guys are gonna have to come to terms with the fact that you're the radical "alt" minority.
It isn’t real life though. I haven’t met a single person in my daily life where people spout the absolute nonsense we see online. MOST people are well-adjusted adults who can function just fine while interacting with others.

Could you imagine if people actually spouted off some of the nonsense you hear online in a normal daily discourse? They’d either get laughed out of the room or punched in the face. Again, most people are moderates just looking to go go about their lives and not be bothered with the cacophony of the fringe bullshit we encounter online.
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No, just the same groups of people have taken over social media.
Pretty much this. Twitter is one of the worst offenders.

In a topic regarding recent Congressional hearings with Senator Hawley, I posted a simple, two-line, Tweet:
"Men cannot get pregnant. Full stop."

Quite literally 10 seconds after hitting send the algorithm hit me with a 7 day suspension for violation of TOS regarding "hate speech" against "gender identity". They would only start the 7 day timer if I deleted the tweet and admitted it was a violation of TOS. I refused and used their appeal link to send them a scathing response.

I'd rather be permabanned than be forced to accept the delusions of an ultra-minority because big tech thinks I should.
Lot of you guys need a reality check. These kind of threads are always littered with claims that the militant activism "doesn’t work" or "doesn't represent real life", then proceeds to label every corporation, media, and social platform in existence as a vocal minority, while in the same breath lamenting the vast swathes of leftist family members and romantic interests you argue with. At some point you guys are gonna have to come to terms with the fact that you're the radical "alt" minority.
I’m glad I don’t have the vast swathes of leftist family you have. Must suck to be you.


I'm like... answering the question in the thread means that I'm promoting hate and my account could be banned? What?!
I feel like things are getting weird both online and in society these days. Does anyone else feel like this is getting out of hand lately?

Can we see the post for context? I don't see it linked anywhere.

What makes you hate pronouns? What about it bothers you?


As far as linguistics go.. honestly it's just so barely a "leap" from the singular use of "they/them" that I don't really agree that it's difficult. We use they/them when we don't know the gender of someone.. so it just isn't hard for me to apply that to the idea of non-binary. People use it all the time actually without thinking about it; I've had people argue about this and in the POST they were arguing in they actually used a singular form of "they" or "them."
This is a bizarre idea for me. They/them is a plural form, how can you apply it to a singular person because you don’t know who they are? You just ask and apply the correct form.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Honest question: is Truth Social even going to exist for much longer? Last I checked various agencies were investigating them and it appears the entire endeavor launched from a foundation of fraud (not following basic rules and regulations). Even Trump and his son abandoned the board right?

I had an account for a few weeks but it's basically just a really limited version of Twitter with 99% of the posts being indistinguishable from Russian trolls and bot farm account type posts with like 10 hashtags in every "truth" - further muddying their already limited platform. Pretty sure that enterprise is going to end in failure and sadness.

Which sucks IMO. Despite my predilections I think Twitter needs serious competition but Truth just wasn't and isn't it.


I really don't get why people care so much about the pronoun thing. It's just a "whatever I think that's weird but I'll go with it because it doesn't really effect me" thing for me.

It IS the norm at this point. Try having that attitude in corporate America for instance and you are likely to get yourself fired. It's not that purple site's doing.

You won't actually run into it that much IRL anyways... lol
We care as it’s part of the ideology pushing highly damaging experiments on children.

Cross sex hormones and puberty blockers are really harming children.


One thing I've never understood about Reddit, can you made your own "forum" inside Reddit?
If you're banned from a subreddit, can you open another subreddit with your own rules?
Reddit has always had a more left slide to it, but you see things happening like the right slant to "no one cares" about covid too, and environmental subreddits that I participate in have right slide trolls that hijack the threads. The covid "no one cares" in particular seemed like it was/is a giant bot brigade.

You certainly weren't being hateful with what you stated.
sub-reddits define their own rules. some are a cess pool.

i mainly go on there for car/mma/bjj stuff, which for the most part do not have these moderation issues
I've noticed a lot of the larger subreddits produce an offshoot "sane" twin after enough people get banned for not being sheep.

All the offshoots have 1/100th of the subscribers which makes me question the silent majority label that gets used so much.


r/startrek is resetera batshit insane with 345k subscribers.

r/star_trek is the sane offshoot at 13.5k subscribers.


I've noticed a lot of the larger subreddits produce an offshoot "sane" twin after enough people get banned for not being sheep.

All the offshoots have 1/100th of the subscribers which makes me question the silent majority label that gets used so much.


r/startrek is resetera batshit insane with 345k subscribers.

r/star_trek is the sane offshoot at 13.5k subscribers.
Sometimes I wonder why there are so many people in the game forum of retardera? Why would people stay in a place where they always have be watching what they say
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THink of it this way. I've noticed that it seems that people who either work comfortable jobs or don't have much physical or mental struggles of the average person and exhibit feminine sensibilities, tend to look for ways they can make themselves feel more important influential.

Reddit is a giant social forum, that requires moderation, otherwise be swamped with bots or other nefarious actions. So, give these limited powers to people with no extensive social experiences and too much time on their hands, so they can try to keep things and order. The site gets assumed stability and the moderators get a sense of purpose. WIn win, right? Not exactly.

Problem is. Reddit wants advertisers on their site and as a result they need to cast aside freedom of speech, to have reason to allow certain expressions to be suppressed. Combine that with the mentally imbalanced moderators who now have a sense of influential importance and eventually they will determine and is and isn't allowed on the forums. etc...

I only go to Reddit for game advice or porn. People are really dumb exposing themselves there, but all the better for me to get off. :^)


Reddit is what happens when mentally ill people get their hands on something like the karma system.
People become too scared to have real opinions.

People who sit around all day every day on sites like Reddit, Resetera and Twitter ( or heck even Neogaf ) are not normal.
Most people don't have time or the energy for it, and they certainly don't when it comes to engaging with these types of people, so you end up with this small minority of extreme weirdos who just take over everything.


I've noticed a lot of the larger subreddits produce an offshoot "sane" twin after enough people get banned for not being sheep.

All the offshoots have 1/100th of the subscribers which makes me question the silent majority label that gets used so much.


r/startrek is resetera batshit insane with 345k subscribers.

r/star_trek is the sane offshoot at 13.5k subscribers.

I don't think that subscribers says much tbh, especially not on older subs.
There's a lot of subs that have tens of thousands or even millions of subs but barely any activity.
And then subs that are small but have A LOT of activity.


I had an account there but have recently deleted it, I just go to the One Piece and Garmin subs once a week now to take a look and that’s it. Reddit is exactly like resetera.


What time is it?
Never spent much time there as I find the layout unreadable and the navigation tedious. /old robot
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Don’t worry, for every account I get banned, there’s another disorder to be had.
Good, because you were starting to come across as an Able-Bodied Supremacist™ and it was starting to trigger the fuck out of me.

I must admit, this is a much better role playing game than anything blizzard put out recently
LMAO, it sounds like it 😂 Do keep us posted. Not so much the bans themselves, but the ban reasons.


Everyone there is always mad, under every post. I haven't gone in a big subforum in a very long time.

I also dislike the amount of astroturfing that goes on.
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Reddit is great (not perfect) for anything that isn't an opinion. Fuck trying to have a conversation or, god forbid, a debate on there.

Well, okay, some mild opinions on technical things are often good too (how's this laptop to use, etc.), although idiocy makes its mark there at times too.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeee is a just a cesspit who's only value is containing aome of crazy and to laugh at occasionally (not too much, or you'll be lost).

Not to blow too much smoke up EviLore EviLore 's bum, but on the English speaking Internet here is one of the few places you can speak freely and find mostly non-extreme views. Even the console warriors can be here if they moderate themselves. But even here can't handle a political forum; there's nowhere reasonable for that.

Foreign Internet spaces can be tolerable too. The Japanese Internet has more of the dull empty stuff, but next to none of the woke stuff. Political discussion barely happens there at all though.
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Neighbours from Hell
I find a lot of people who think like that all congregate to specific places. Because they are a very very tiny vocal minority. Every poll I’ve seen has the majority against this kind of stuff, and on a site like YouTube any time there’s a video that pushes rhetoric like this, it gets bombed to hell with dislikes.

I dislike Reddit very much. It’s an echo chamber, and I don’t like echo chambers. And I don’t respect communities that are ideologically driven and don’t use an ounce of logic or common sense. What you said is no more hateful than saying thinking the idea of a god is stupid means you hate Christians. There’s no logic in it whatsoever. I also don’t respect communities that use the term “we don’t allow ____ with marginalized groups.” First of all, individuals are marginalized, not groups. There are plenty of people in thr LGBT community that have lived normal lives without any hate. Secondly, the response implies protected groups. Protected groups and equality can’t co exist. Allowing talk for one group and not another is by definition discrimination.

And this really shows you what they’re all about. They believe in active discrimination because ultimately they’re the ones who are hateful and are out for revenge or are too weak to oppose vocal minority voices who spout this nonsense.

I don’t go to Reddit very much at all, so this isn’t an issue for me.


One thing I've never understood about Reddit, can you made your own "forum" inside Reddit?
If you're banned from a subreddit, can you open another subreddit with your own rules?
Unless the actual Reddit admins ban your whole account, or suspect a other account is you evading a ban, yes, if the name is free.

Whether it stays up is another issue. Mostly likely anything would go unnoticed.


I haven't read the thread, but Reddit mods are notoriously power trippy and there's a huge disconnect between mods and users for the most part, especially in certain subreddits. In terms of what the OP is on about, if anything I've seen more of a shift away from the Era type people in the comments, but it's fairly balanced in terms of mix of opinion.

Reddit's still full of idiots though, and out of context quote or flat out wrong titles will be upvoted out of outrage because they fell for the intentional misinformation, and comments that get the same treatment. It's usually only later that comments debunking the nonsense gain traction, but by then it's often too late.
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