Mad Max has been around a long time, but it's only got four entries. Fury Road is for sure the first or second best in its series.
This is a prequel to a movie, and it's actually a series--The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is so much better than the original movie, it's pretty amazing. Unfortunately it looks like Netflix is only giving it one season, declaring it was meant to be a "one-off," though the showrunners were writing more.
There's an argument to be made that Split is better than Unbreakable. Me, I love the whole trilogy (yes even Glass), and it's cathartic as fuck that the series finally concluded.
Same argument can be made with Blade Runner 2049, as everyone's pointed out. I'm undecided.
Oh god, I can't decide if The Endless was better than Resolution or not. We sure are indecisive today, aren't we? I think I'll plant myself with Resolution (so not the sequel).
Also 10 Cloverfield Lane for sure, and again, as others have pointed out. But it's not exactly a challenge to one-up Matt Reeves.