This is a pigeon dating simulator? Fuck yes finally
the ps+ threads would be even more of an absolute shitshow if that happened
people would lose their minds*
*and not in a good way
RIP Journey, the true emotional masterpiece is coming out now
This is a pigeon dating simulator? Fuck yes finally
What in all of the flocks?
So we've got Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Journey, The Fall, The Swindle, Kings Quest and now Hatoful Boyfriend coming out in the next three weeks.
So we've got Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Journey, The Fall, The Swindle, Kings Quest and now Hatoful Boyfriend coming out in the next three weeks.
What is the price?
I just don't understand the appeal of this. Maybe the humour is lost on me. I watched Jim Sterling's playthrough and while I found his commentary fairly amusing, there was no appeal to me whatsoever in the 'game' part.
So we've got Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Journey, The Fall, The Swindle, Kings Quest and now Hatoful Boyfriend coming out in the next three weeks.
I'm more of a parrot person. Can I date a parrot instead of pigeon? Insta buy if I can date a parrot.
£33 on the PS4?, really?!?!
Hatoful Boyfriend
Vita price£33 on the PS4?, really?!?!
Hatoful Boyfriend
Hatoful Boyfriend
Vita price
I am assuming it just a price mistake.
So we've got Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Journey, The Fall, The Swindle, Kings Quest and now Hatoful Boyfriend coming out in the next three weeks.
The price will be $9.99 but suspect that PS+ users will get a discount…
Romancing pigeons doesn’t come cheap, you know.
It most definitely is a pasting error. PS Vita price is correct. We will sort the blog post out.
Also, the game will be out on 22nd July for Europe (will add this info, too).