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have not had a drink for 2 days


The bear of bad news
been sooooo hard but gonna to do it for my family last year has been bad

How is ARBD treated?​

A person who has ARBD won’t only have problems caused by damage to their brain. They will usually also be addicted to alcohol. This means that they have become dependent on it. Addiction can make it much more difficult to treat a person with ARBD. This is because professionals need to treat the person’s alcohol addiction together with their symptoms related to memory and thinking.

Damage to nerve cells If a person regularly drinks too much alcohol it can be toxic to their nerve cells. Over time, drinking too much alcohol can cause brain cells to die and a person's brain tissue to shrink. This means there are fewer cells to carry the messages that the brain needs to do different tasks.

Increased risk of head injuries​

If a person regularly drinks too much alcohol, they also have a higher risk of repeated head injuries. While under the effects of alcohol they may fall and hit their head, or receive blows to the head in fights or as victims of violence. Both can cause lasting damage to the brain.


I'm fully sober for ~18 months now, it's the best time of my life.

I have been drinking too much for over 12 years of my life, I'm happy that I stopped before damaging my body very much or even dying (but i had psychotic episodes).

I hope you will stop drinking for good, go to therapy it will be easier with other people like you around.


You Can Do It GIF by bubly
Been sober for 12 years, it can be done.

Started at 17, after an esophageal hemorrhage, renal failure, and 18 years I finally quit at 35. Looked like a walking corpse, I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of alternative realities where I did not survive.

It's doable, you have to want sobriety more than you want that drink.

"When you are really ready to quit it'll be the easiest thing you'll ever do, you just have to survive that long."
Good on you. I'm three weeks in doing the same thing.... feel free to reach out if you need to vent / stress / etc... you name it. A problem shared is a problem halved.

Good luck mate - you can sort this *easily*.


Gold Member
been sooooo hard but gonna to do it for my family last year has been bad

How is ARBD treated?​

A person who has ARBD won’t only have problems caused by damage to their brain. They will usually also be addicted to alcohol. This means that they have become dependent on it. Addiction can make it much more difficult to treat a person with ARBD. This is because professionals need to treat the person’s alcohol addiction together with their symptoms related to memory and thinking.

Damage to nerve cells If a person regularly drinks too much alcohol it can be toxic to their nerve cells. Over time, drinking too much alcohol can cause brain cells to die and a person's brain tissue to shrink. This means there are fewer cells to carry the messages that the brain needs to do different tasks.

Increased risk of head injuries​

If a person regularly drinks too much alcohol, they also have a higher risk of repeated head injuries. While under the effects of alcohol they may fall and hit their head, or receive blows to the head in fights or as victims of violence. Both can cause lasting damage to the brain.
Addiction is the worst. You are put in a scenario where your own brain is the enemy, but also your salvation.
Keep at it, if you fall off the wagon don't spiral and make things worse. Pick yourself up, no free pass, and move on with your determination to do better. You're a family man so just focus on the thought of how you want your kids to remember you, as a drunkard or a solid dad?

Also you're going to have urges to drink and thoughts that betray you, learn to simply let them go as quickly as they pop into your head. You choose what you think about and what you action. GAF is proud of you, as is your family.


Well done took up drinking last year worst decision of my life. Now I drink bottle whiskey a day hopefully spiderman 2 can change that.

I knew people that dranked themselves to dead, some of them were young (~30 yo). You really should change your life in this aspect.

There are no positives in drinking alcohol, only negatives (and some can be massive).


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I think its ok to drink at certain portions of your life. Encouraged, even, can be an extremely fun drug. But at other points it just needs to not happen.


It has been 198 days for me, but I have never had a drinking problem. Try to look at drinking as something you do only as a treat on special occasions, for me it was right before my birthday. Before that it had been nearly 2 years, again when I went out with my mother for her birthday.
I doubt it will be easy for you, addiction never is, but fundamentally changing the way you interact with alcohol and making a promise to yourself to remain disciplined is what has been the key for me. Maybe it can work for you too, OP. Good luck.


Weed got me off demerol and morphine. Granted I was stoned 24/7. But it really did repress the shittiness I would feel from not getting my fix.


I knew people that dranked themselves to dead, some of them were young (~30 yo). You really should change your life in this aspect.

There are no positives in drinking alcohol, only negatives (and some can be massive).
Iam I've spent my pay on a 70 cl bottle loads new clothes a cool spiderman hoody spiderman loads cool things pooring my self cup then gradually gonna stop not gonna let this be end of me.cristmas gonna hardest as I'm alone.
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Keep it up, mate.

I never really drank, but I smoked like a fucking chimney. What worked for me in quitting was the acceptance that the nicotine was essentially brainwashing me... and I hated the idea of something like that being in control of my actions, instead of me. I'd imagine you could see alcohol in much the same way.


I knew people that dranked themselves to dead, some of them were young (~30 yo). You really should change your life in this aspect.

There are no positives in drinking alcohol, only negatives (and some can be massive).

What an immature attitude.

Alcohol is the best social lubricant. It opens pretty much everyone up.

Now, there are many downsides and you should only ever consume it in moderation if you do. But unless you are addicted to it (in which case, then yes, go cold turkey), there is no harm in some alcohol consumption.


What an immature attitude.

Alcohol is the best social lubricant. It opens pretty much everyone up.

Now, there are many downsides and you should only ever consume it in moderation if you do. But unless you are addicted to it (in which case, then yes, go cold turkey), there is no harm in some alcohol consumption.

Immature people think like this. Alcohol is a poison, it's completely not needed to anyone. People need to develop social skills and not depend on alcohol in human interactions.

I know a lot of non drinking alcoholics and drug addicts, all for them though that it was conpletly not harmful and fun stuff at first. Years later they almost ruined their lives because they were addicted.

Most people don't get addiction and consume alcohol in moderation but that doesn't mean that it's "good" in any way.


Immature people think like this. Alcohol is a poison, it's completely not needed to anyone. People need to develop social skills and not depend on alcohol in human interactions.

I know a lot of non drinking alcoholics and drug addicts, all for them though that it was conpletly not harmful and fun stuff at first. Years later they almost ruined their lives because they were addicted.

Most people don't get addiction and consume alcohol in moderation but that doesn't mean that it's "good" in any way.

You're the one being immature here with your absolutism.

The liver can very easily metabolise a moderate amount of alcohol and so long as people avoid activities like driving, is of no issue.

Addiction is a completely different issue, and alcohol only one vector of it. The same can be said of everything, including our beloved computer games here.

Further, you are utterly ignorant of the social anxiety many people face to varying degrees. If it weren't and issue, and alcohol wasn't such a good remedy to it, then it wouldn't be one of the oldest parts of human society.

And just to point out how our of touch you are; no attempts at banning alcohol have ever worked. Ever.


You're the one being immature here with your absolutism.

The liver can very easily metabolise a moderate amount of alcohol and so long as people avoid activities like driving, is of no issue.

Addiction is a completely different issue, and alcohol only one vector of it. The same can be said of everything, including our beloved computer games here.

Further, you are utterly ignorant of the social anxiety many people face to varying degrees. If it weren't and issue, and alcohol wasn't such a good remedy to it, then it wouldn't be one of the oldest parts of human society.

And just to point out how our of touch you are; no attempts at banning alcohol have ever worked. Ever.
Two things can be true. It damages the body in even small amounts( proven ), and it's helps some people. There is no need to obfuscate facts.
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