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have not had a drink for 2 days


Gold Member
The first few days of anything like that are the hardest. Good luck. I’ve cut my drinking down so significantly over the last couple of years but I still occasionally binge way too much and get so upset with myself. Right now I’m on a health kick and have been abstaining completely and getting quite a bit of exercise. I feel the best I have in a couple of years.


You're the one being immature here with your absolutism.

The liver can very easily metabolise a moderate amount of alcohol and so long as people avoid activities like driving, is of no issue.

Addiction is a completely different issue, and alcohol only one vector of it. The same can be said of everything, including our beloved computer games here.

Further, you are utterly ignorant of the social anxiety many people face to varying degrees. If it weren't and issue, and alcohol wasn't such a good remedy to it, then it wouldn't be one of the oldest parts of human society.

And just to point out how our of touch you are; no attempts at banning alcohol have ever worked.

Provide some evidence.

People with social anxiety would be much better after some therapy. Alcohol effect only last some time so they would have to be drunk all around. People need to learn how to behave without using psychoactive substance.

I was quite shy when young and I also used alcohol to get come courage but it didn't end up well most of the time. I'm not for banning alcohol, I know it can't be done but people shouldn't have to be encouraged to drink that much and told by others that it is "fun", people can have fun without alcohol. In poland drinking alcohol is like drinking water, common as fuck and number of addicted and broken people is also very high.



People with social anxiety would be much better after some therapy. Alcohol effect only last some time so they would have to be drunk all around. People need to learn how to behave without using psychoactive substance.

I was quite shy when young and I also used alcohol to get come courage but it didn't end up well most of the time. I'm not for banning alcohol, I know it can't be done but people shouldn't have to be encouraged to drink that much and told by others that it is "fun", people can have fun without alcohol. In poland drinking alcohol is like drinking water, common as fuck and number of addicted and broken people is also very high.

That's talking of one or two drinks a day, or a very occasional binge.

Tell me, do you honestly think a couple of drinks a week at most, or even perhaps one binge a year is going to harm your health?

Further, the article only has the following quote as evidence of even occasional moderate drinking damaging health:

“If somebody drinks less, they are at a lower risk compared to that person who is a heavy drinker,” said Dr. Farhad Islami, a senior scientific director at the American Cancer Society. “Even two drinks per day, one drink per day, may be associated with a small risk of cancer compared to non-drinkers.”

That's not scientific evidence. Show me a scientific paper that comes to that conclusion. Do that and I may well eat crow.

Again, addiction is a different problem.
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That's talking of one or two drinks a day, or a very occasional binge.

Tell me, do you honestly think a couple of drinks a week at most, or even perhaps one binge a year is going to harm your health?

Further, the article only has the following quote as evidence of even occasional moderate drinking damaging health:

“If somebody drinks less, they are at a lower risk compared to that person who is a heavy drinker,” said Dr. Farhad Islami, a senior scientific director at the American Cancer Society. “Even two drinks per day, one drink per day, may be associated with a small risk of cancer compared to non-drinkers.”

That's not scientific evidence. Show me a scientific paper that comes to that conclusion. Do that and I may well eat crow.

Again, addiction is a different problem.

I PERSONALY don't believe few drinks a week is a big problem for your health, but the problem is that even someone drinking once a week might be on a road to destroy themselves and their families. Everything starts with something, every alcoholic that died because of drinking started with "just few drinks" a week and then it went out of control in months/years:


Alcohol is a massive killer:



Thank you for the support but I have failed Im sorry my friends my tummy was hurting and I threw up in a cold sweat shaking I felt like crud

I must come back stronger with a porfessional to help so I can do this for my family and neogaf brotherhood :messenger_heart: :messenger_bicep:
All good mate.
Start over and try again!


Thank you for the support but I have failed Im sorry my friends my tummy was hurting and I threw up in a cold sweat shaking I felt like crud

I must come back stronger with a porfessional to help so I can do this for my family and neogaf brotherhood :messenger_heart: :messenger_bicep:

Withdrawal syndrome, it's fucked up but you can get past it and you will feel fine again!

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Thank you for the support but I have failed Im sorry my friends my tummy was hurting and I threw up in a cold sweat shaking I felt like crud

I must come back stronger with a porfessional to help so I can do this for my family and neogaf brotherhood :messenger_heart: :messenger_bicep:

Have you considered checking into a rehab for a couple weeks? Those are some pretty nasty withdrawal symptoms man....

Also, look into the med called Naltrexone. It would help.
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Withdrawal syndrome, it's fucked up but you can get past it and you will feel fine again!

You can't just come of straight away if your physically addicted you may seziures etc you either need medicate (because that's what it's become ) and gradually reduce dont get pissed just take the cravings away


An explanation of ARBD would have been nice. I currently struggle with random, selective memory loss brought on by the benzodiazepines. No daily drinking and smoking has a huge positive effect, which is quite the experience. Hang in there. <3


You can't just come of straight away if your physically addicted you may seziures etc you either need medicate (because that's what it's become ) and gradually reduce dont get pissed just take the cravings away

or you impose some fucking self-discipline. and benzos.
You can't just come of straight away if your physically addicted you may seziures etc you either need medicate (because that's what it's become ) and gradually reduce dont get pissed just take the cravings away

I tend to agree. Withdrawal from alcohol dependency kills a lot of people every year, an inpatient detox is the best way. Not sure where op lives, but there are free clinics in a lot of places in the US. Usually gotta wait on a list a few days.


You can't just come of straight away if your physically addicted you may seziures etc you either need medicate (because that's what it's become ) and gradually reduce dont get pissed just take the cravings away

Detox is the best thing that can be done (in hospital) but I never had this luxury. Risk of something going wrong is of course much higher but you can stop drinking by yourself.

Reducing alcohol doses (each day) is one way to smooth the process but it's not really recommended. Organism became dependand on the substance, it's not much different than drug withdrawal.


Gold Member
Thank you for the support but I have failed Im sorry my friends my tummy was hurting and I threw up in a cold sweat shaking I felt like crud

I must come back stronger with a porfessional to help so I can do this for my family and neogaf brotherhood :messenger_heart: :messenger_bicep:

You haven't failed and there is nothing to apologize for. We are all rooting for you.

Getting professional help is the most logical next step. You got this.


I drink entirely too much and never thought that would be me. Late 40s and drinking on average three fifths of blanco tequila per week.


Thank you for the support but I have failed Im sorry my friends my tummy was hurting and I threw up in a cold sweat shaking I felt like crud

I must come back stronger with a porfessional to help so I can do this for my family and neogaf brotherhood :messenger_heart: :messenger_bicep:

All part of the journey. You’re still heading in the right direction.
Iam I've spent my pay on a 70 cl bottle loads new clothes a cool spiderman hoody spiderman loads cool things pooring my self cup then gradually gonna stop not gonna let this be end of me.cristmas gonna hardest as I'm alone.
My inbox is open mate... Happy to chat - I can be there for you as a text buddy. You shouldn't be alone at that time chief.

I'll be there, albeit electronically 👍


Well rhe choice of drinking is firmly out of my hands as being sectioned again. Really don't ghink my work are going put up with this forever this third time this year.


I wonder what alcohol addiction feels like… after a night of drinking, I’ve never had the urge that I ”gotta get more of this stuff” — this is despite suffering from social anxiety and alcohol eliminating that for the most part
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Provide some evidence.
I don’t have the time to look up evidence, but from what I’ve read recently, the myth of moderate alcohol consumption being even beneficial has been debunked. My best guess is, drinking a beer or two is harmful because it is taxing to your metabolism, especially the liver; but ”only” harmful in the same way as eating a donut is, say. Ideally, you shouldn’t do it, but almost everyone does. And most effects are marginal enough that they’re hard to pinpoint.
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I wonder what alcohol addiction feels like… after a night of drinking, I’ve never had the urge that I ”gotta get more of this stuff” — this is despite suffering from social anxiety and alcohol eliminating that for the most part

That's it, basically - you have this urge and you can't stop it. Alcoholics can act like 100% normal person if they don't touch alcohol but once they drink even single beer... They fucked up and there is very high chance they will lost controll again.

I'm almost 2 years sober right now, life is much better now.


That's it, basically - you have this urge and you can't stop it. Alcoholics can act like 100% normal person if they don't touch alcohol but once they drink even single beer... They fucked up and there is very high chance they will lost controll again.

I'm almost 2 years sober right now, life is much better now.
Would you say it's like a basic bodily urge like eating, or more psychological (how it makes you feel), or both?


Would you say it's like a basic bodily urge like eating, or more psychological (how it makes you feel), or both?

At first it's more psychological, you want to stay drunk and you like it (at first). After few days it becomes biological, you NEED to drink to avoid withdrawn effect. It's not comparable in any form to "standard" hangover (so much worse...) but obviously you can't avoid it in the end so after another few days max you can't drink anymore (body rejects this poison) and true nightmare starts...

This is from my experience obviously, other people may think differently on the subject.


I recently made the call to go from “once in a while” to “I don’t drink anymore.”

Feels good bruh. The times I was letting it back in my life weren’t worth the cost to my physical and mental well being. The longer I go without it, the less I miss it. Though being at a sports bar and basketball game last night sure made me nostalgic…but I remember the whole night, spent $25 total on food and could drive myself home without a Lyft.


From seeing friends and family with serious drinking addiction who have won the battle (like as soon as they have one they can't help themselves but drink more) success seems to come from cutting drinking out of your life and personality with complete abstinence.

That and pursuing more meaningful endeavours that are working towards a better future and life for yourself.

Then through that you build a new personality that's not clouded with the fogginess and chaos that alcohol brings.

One of my best friends is 12 years sober and has gone from finding life miserable to finding it a joy basically. My uncle is 20 years sober and has never been happier.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Would you say it's like a basic bodily urge like eating, or more psychological (how it makes you feel), or both?
For me it was definitely more psychological.
I drank 12 beers per night for about 19 years.
I remember many times bracing myself when leaving work that this time I'm going to have a nice supper instead but like a robot I would see myself walk into that convenience store and buy my case of 12.

Physically when I was in rehab my fine motor skills were shot for about 10 days. My hands weren't visibly shaking but I couldn't write for shit 😆

Alcoholics can act like 100% normal person if they don't touch alcohol but once they drink even single beer... They fucked up and there is very high chance they will lost controll again.

I know if I start drinking again I'm dead. It's as simple as that.
I've been lucky so far as I rarely had any urges or triggers since I quit in 2018.
Rehab was the best thing that ever happened to me. I found out I wasn't alone and benefited from the wise teachings of other drunks who were now counselors 😁

PS: I went back to that convenience store after rehab to buy a bag of chips & a 2 litre of Pepsi.
The owner was a nice expressive chinese man.
He exclaimed to me "What... NO BEER!??"
When I told him I quit I could immediately see how disappointed he was 😆
Let's see. A case of 12 was around 20$.
Multiply that by 30 so I was giving him 600$ a month.

No wonder he seemed pissed!


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Good luck OP. Hope you go completely alcohol free for life.

I decided to go teetotal at the start of this year and feel amazing from doing so. One of the best decisions I've ever made.

Alcohol is a poison. If it were invented today then it would be banned drug and put into the same category as heroin.
I don't specifically not drink, I will drink if there's an occasion to do so, but I won't go out to drink like I used to. Back when I was in the military, I'd do a 12 pack a day, bottle of crown on the weekends. I did that for years.

I decided to really cut back about 1.5 years ago due to trying to get healthy and be a better husband and father and my relationship with alcohol has changed drastically. First time I got drunk last year was on Halloween, had a few beers with a buddy in December and that was essentially it. Was going to drink on Thanksgiving, but it just didn't fit the vibe and I decided against it.

I've not had a drink this year at all, I would if some buddies I haven't seen in a while wanted to get together and have a barbecue or something, but other than that or scenarios like that, I just don't feel the urge to drink anymore like I used to.

I've leaned hard into stoicism/philosophy over these last few years and feel a lot better for it. Definitely have more control of myself in general.

Trying to quit and failing is only hopeless if you stop trying. If something has a grip on you, you try and try until you beat it. Never stop trying.
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