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Have you ever been visited by the dead?

I tend to get a lot weird dreams. And many of them involved people who are not around anymore such as my grandparents. I fell asleep, and in my dream I walked downstairs my house and saw them smiling at me. The scary part was that it felt extremely real, but the entire dream was mute. They did not speak, just smiled the entire time and were happy.

No one spoke, but they were sitting at a the back porch eating and drinking with family. When I woke up, I ran downstairs only too be disappointed they were not there anymore.

Idk if it's just me or if I am crazy, but has anyone ever visited by the dead who are no longer with them? Is this even normal? And no, I am not religious nor do I believe in God. I believe in energy and spirituality but not in a literal sense of a god or some tyrant who's watching over us and laughs at how pathetic the human race is. I do believe in another civilization though or a superior one rather.

Dunno if this matters but they died years ago. I lost my grandfather in 2015 and my grandmother in 2013 from my mom's side. My granddad from my dad I didn't even get too see, he died to cancer before I was around I think. My dad's mom died in 2016 at age of 91. The grandparents that I saw were my moms in the dream.

But yeah... has anyone had weird experiences like this?
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People in my family tend to have dreams connected to other people. Such as places they have been, or things that will happen. None with the dead though. Pretty weird, but I don’t think much about it

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
After death I believe that there is a life. and people who died. In fact, they just transferred from a life to another life.

Body dead, but soul is not dead. when you sleep, you see a dream and u can see yourself walking, flying , eating, drinking ...etc do many things. At the same time you can see yourself doing these things while you are in a sleep situation. People who died like this example. Not Exactly . But this is a good example for making idea near of the real meaning. T

hat don't mean they live with you now and can see you all the time. In fact, we couldn't imagine the life they living now because it's not the same with our life. people who dead they will realize more than us . They will see things as they are. They can see and know things. So, it's not a strange to visit their relatives BUT NOT all the time.

We believe that if they are a good people who did a good things before they being dead. God will let them visit their relative in specific day and time. And due to their good doings which they did before die.

As a gift to them. God will let them visit their relatives when their relatives are very happy. or have something happy like happy occasion. And vice versa.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I have not been visited by dead people, in dreams or life. But I think that it is possible

Mainly because of the story of Saul in the bible visiting the witch of Endor and talking to a dead Samuel in some sort of seance.
I rarely have vivid dreams but had one this week where my dad (who is still alive) died. Felt all the grief like it was real. In my dream, he appeared to me after passing and only I could see him. Weird.

In real life, he called me that day and I made sure to answer ASAP
I rarely have vivid dreams but had one this week where my dad (who is still alive) died. Felt all the grief like it was real. In my dream, he appeared to me after passing and only I could see him. Weird.

In real life, he called me that day and I made sure to answer ASAP
That's trippy as fuck. Have you told him you had that dream?
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Yeah, I think so anyway. Twice in fact, but the first time could have just been me hearing things, so not worth bringing up. The second time was a bit more intense.

I'll cut a long story short. I'm at my great aunts house alone. She popped to the shops and left me getting the Christmas decorations out of her attic (she's old and can't do it herself) Her mum died in the house 15 years prior, but I'd never seen anything. Anyway, as I'm walking across the living room in the mirror above the fireplace I can see silhouette of a short woman walk across the living room into the kitchen. I turn around and then hear what sounds like a sigh coming from the kitchen. The sound last about a second, but it was enough for me to shit myself and sprint out the front door. I didn't want to look like an dick in front of my aunt, so I just started chain smoking outside so I could use smoking as an excuse of being out there, which really disappointed her as she thought I quit!

I've never told her the truth as I think it would upset her. It was creepy and I'd love an explanation. Also, oddly I kind of want to experience it again.


Only in dreams. An old friend of mine took his life last year. We had a falling out sometime before that and I carry a certain amount of guilt with how I handled things. It's less frequent now, but every now and again, he will appear in my dreams. Fortunately, it's nothing ominous - he's how I remembered him during the good times we had years back before things changed, just laughing and smiling. It's an odd feeling to wake up to the reality of it all, but I'm glad my unconscious is doing me that kindness and allowing me to remember him in that way, if only for a brief while.


If you want to research further on your dreams or weird experiences, I highly suggest ‘The Red Book’ by Carl Jung.
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Yeah, I think so anyway. Twice in fact, but the first time could have just been me hearing things, so not worth bringing up. The second time was a bit more intense.

I'll cut a long story short. I'm at my great aunts house alone. She popped to the shops and left me getting the Christmas decorations out of her attic (she's old and can't do it herself) Her mum died in the house 15 years prior, but I'd never seen anything. Anyway, as I'm walking across the living room in the mirror above the fireplace I can see silhouette of a short woman walk across the living room into the kitchen. I turn around and then hear what sounds like a sigh coming from the kitchen. The sound last about a second, but it was enough for me to shit myself and sprint out the front door. I didn't want to look like an dick in front of my aunt, so I just started chain smoking outside so I could use smoking as an excuse of being out there, which really disappointed her as she thought I quit!

I've never told her the truth as I think it would upset her. It was creepy and I'd love an explanation. Also, oddly I kind of want to experience it again.

You were feeling anxiety, causing you to day dream. When this happens, it's almost always something that causes you fear. It's also possible that you were doing something routine so the brain didn't record a memory of it, so it made up one when you immediately tried to recall it. This is also what happens during sleep paralysis.

You can test this yourself by making a black mark on a piece of paper and slowly moving it out of your eyesight. It will hit a point where the mark will disappear and then reappear, which is the eyes blindspot. The brain will edit your memory that you saw a completely white piece of paper in that moment. This part hasn't been extensively tested, but people doing this while feeling an intense amount of dread report having the background behind the paper shift into faces and hearing distorted noises when recalling the black mark at the blindspot. So I'm wondering if the silhouette appeared right in front of you out of nowhere or did you have to turn your eyes to look at it. And if you had to glance at it, what can you recall that made you turn to look at the mirror?
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
You were feeling anxiety, causing you to day dream. When this happens, it's almost always something that causes you fear. It's also possible that you were doing something routine so the brain didn't record a memory of it, so it made up one when you immediately tried to recall it. This is also what happens during sleep paralysis.

You can test this yourself by making a black mark on a piece of paper and slowly moving it out of your eyesight. It will hit a point where the mark will disappear and then reappear, which is the eyes blindspot. The brain will edit your memory that you saw a completely white piece of paper in that moment. This part hasn't been extensively tested, but people doing this while feeling an intense amount of dread report having the background shift into faces and hearing distorted noises when recalling the black mark at the blindspot.

I was feeling no anxiety up to the event. I was getting decorations out the attic and probably thinking of some nerdy shit. I wasn't scared about being in the house or had any worries at the time. I've also never had an experience like that before or after. I've done lots of routine shit before and after this event and never had my brain make up a random memory.

The mirror wasn't in my blind spot either. It was dead in front of me and I saw it when looking into the mirror on my way to the stairs. This wasn't a quick flash either. It was then long enough for me to see it move into the kitchen.

I know it sounds mad, but it wasn't a trick of the mind. I know what a trick of the mind is. I've smoked DMT and consumed shrooms!


I was feeling no anxiety up to the event. I was getting decorations out the attic and probably thinking of some nerdy shit. I wasn't scared about being in the house or had any worries at the time. I've also never had an experience like that before or after. I've done lots of routine shit before and after this event and never had my brain make up a random memory.

The mirror wasn't in my blind spot either. It was dead in front of me and I saw it when looking into the mirror on my way to the stairs. This wasn't a quick flash either. It was then long enough for me to see it move into the kitchen.

I know it sounds mad, but it wasn't a trick of the mind. I know what a trick of the mind is. I've smoked DMT and consumed shrooms!

Some people feel the need to “rationalize” everything even to the point of absurdity.

For my experience, I once saw a young girl with short black hair in my bedroom for a few seconds before she walked out straight through my door. I didn’t tell my mom about it as I thought it might freak her out, and it would definitely freak my dad out as he can’t handle anything scary.

And then a few months later, I hear my mom scream from her bedroom. I check to make sure she’s okay, and she describes a girl with short, black hair who she saw through the mirror walking behind her. Same age appearance and everything.

Now keep in mind:

-again, I didn’t tell my parents about my sighting. I only told my friends, and due to them living 40 minutes away and I always drive over to them, they never had even met my parents
-there were only one set of owners prior to my parents for this house, and they didn’t have kids.
-neither my mom nor I were familiar with any little girl who looked like that. None of my cousins had a kid that age, and my sister looked nothing like that back when she was young

Now cue people scrambling for their keyboards to come up with some flimsy rationalization, because heaven forbid we acknowledge that there could be even a small part of reality we don’t fully understand yet.
Some people feel the need to “rationalize” everything even to the point of absurdity.

For my experience, I once saw a young girl with short black hair in my bedroom for a few seconds before she walked out straight through my door. I didn’t tell my mom about it as I thought it might freak her out, and it would definitely freak my dad out as he can’t handle anything scary.

And then a few months later, I hear my mom scream from her bedroom. I check to make sure she’s okay, and she describes a girl with short, black hair who she saw through the mirror walking behind her. Same age appearance and everything.

Now keep in mind:

-again, I didn’t tell my parents about my sighting. I only told my friends, and due to them living 40 minutes away and I always drive over to them, they never had even met my parents
-there were only one set of owners prior to my parents for this house, and they didn’t have kids.
-neither my mom nor I were familiar with any little girl who looked like that. None of my cousins had a kid that age, and my sister looked nothing like that back when she was young

Now cue people scrambling for their keyboards to come up with some flimsy rationalization, because heaven forbid we acknowledge that there could be even a small part of reality we don’t fully understand yet.
Which part was the dream? Or was this all real life and you saw sightings of a possible ghost/spirit?
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Oh sorry, both my mom and I were awake in these instances. My bad if that’s getting off topic.
Nah that's fine. I was just confused cause I wasn't sure if you were referring to something that happened in a dream or when you were in an awake state. That is creepy as fuck dude. Did anything ever happened again like that after that??
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There is no life after death.

You're dead. Your brain, heart and major organs, everything is shut down. There's no magical white elevator appearing on your grave taking you up through the clouds to meet the almighty.
Your body breaks down and wastes away and what's left gets reseeded providing fertilizer for plants/trees. Insects will consume the leaves. That fucking thing will get eaten by a bird. The bird will get shot for sport by some punk and that punk will get run over in the street. Rinse and repeat.

You basically become one with the planet since everything that made you YOU gets redistributed.

Also you're dreams is just your mind working overtime while you're asleep.
Many time's I've dreamt of people that I was thinking about during the day or week.
It's all in your subconscious and it get's revisited when you're asleep.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Some people feel the need to “rationalize” everything even to the point of absurdity.

For my experience, I once saw a young girl with short black hair in my bedroom for a few seconds before she walked out straight through my door. I didn’t tell my mom about it as I thought it might freak her out, and it would definitely freak my dad out as he can’t handle anything scary.

And then a few months later, I hear my mom scream from her bedroom. I check to make sure she’s okay, and she describes a girl with short, black hair who she saw through the mirror walking behind her. Same age appearance and everything.

Now keep in mind:

-again, I didn’t tell my parents about my sighting. I only told my friends, and due to them living 40 minutes away and I always drive over to them, they never had even met my parents
-there were only one set of owners prior to my parents for this house, and they didn’t have kids.
-neither my mom nor I were familiar with any little girl who looked like that. None of my cousins had a kid that age, and my sister looked nothing like that back when she was young

Now cue people scrambling for their keyboards to come up with some flimsy rationalization, because heaven forbid we acknowledge that there could be even a small part of reality we don’t fully understand yet.

If it was just you who saw the girl then I suppose somebody could try to rationalize it, but since your mother also experienced the same sighting it's harder to rationalize.


I did have a dream where I was visited by my aunt that had passed away. The strange thing is that I have heard someone on the radio tell the exact same story in detail.

It starts off by being met by a loved one in a dream, and then you have a conversation about something which you vaguely remember and then it comes to reality that the person is dead, and as soon as you tell them "But you're dead" they disappear in a frightening way.

Weirdly this is 1 key feature that the person on the radio was describing and its exactly what happened to me.
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Reseterror Resettler
There is no life after death.

You're dead. Your brain, heart and major organs, everything is shut down. There's no magical white elevator appearing on your grave taking you up through the clouds to meet the almighty.
Your body breaks down and wastes away and what's left gets reseeded providing fertilizer for plants/trees. Insects will consume the leaves. That fucking thing will get eaten by a bird. The bird will get shot for sport by some punk and that punk will get run over in the street. Rinse and repeat.

You basically become one with the planet since everything that made you YOU gets redistributed.

Also you're dreams is just your mind working overtime while you're dreaming.
Many time's I've dreamt of people that I was thinking about during the day or week.
It's all in your subconscious and it get's revisited when you're asleep.

It is an interesting thing, though. The conversation of it all. The concept of an afterlife and a set of higher beings basically running a cosmic government is something that's been a pervasive trait of basically all recorded civilizations, from the time we were evolved enough to conceptualize conveying ideas to medium. It all differs in the specifics, the whyfores and what have you, but the concept of life being one stage of existence isn't something that was just dreamed up by bushy eyed Southern Baptists.

The fact that this ties so naturally into a religious debate is also fascinating in itself. Afterlife as a term is kind of synonymous with religion in a contemporary (at least) context. Death and life after death are tied to spiritual beliefs. Spirituality is an important element entirely native to humans (so Far as anyone knows) and even your description of the circle of life implies being in tune with nature, realizing what you've taken and what you'll give up in the end, it has a spiritual undertone to it.

It's funny that given all the above, in the Western world, at least, these concepts often clash. Ghosts and spirits are kind of painted with a grimy coating growing up, as something blasphemous, but those same people will tell you these things are gateways to actual demons and spirits, and it's just...to ponder is the human condition.

Like I said at the start, the idea of paranormal occurrences is pretty pervasive throughout humanity. I think there are things in the universe, even on this planet, that defy explanation. But that's part of growing our collective intellect as a species. I trend toward the more logical "it's something scientific," boat, but whatever.
It is an interesting thing, though. The conversation of it all. The concept of an afterlife and a set of higher beings basically running a cosmic government is something that's been a pervasive trait of basically all recorded civilizations, from the time we were evolved enough to conceptualize conveying ideas to medium. It all differs in the specifics, the whyfores and what have you, but the concept of life being one stage of existence isn't something that was just dreamed up by bushy eyed Southern Baptists.

The fact that this ties so naturally into a religious debate is also fascinating in itself. Afterlife as a term is kind of synonymous with religion in a contemporary (at least) context. Death and life after death are tied to spiritual beliefs. Spirituality is an important element entirely native to humans (so Far as anyone knows) and even your description of the circle of life implies being in tune with nature, realizing what you've taken and what you'll give up in the end, it has a spiritual undertone to it.

It's funny that given all the above, in the Western world, at least, these concepts often clash. Ghosts and spirits are kind of painted with a grimy coating growing up, as something blasphemous, but those same people will tell you these things are gateways to actual demons and spirits, and it's just...to ponder is the human condition.

Like I said at the start, the idea of paranormal occurrences is pretty pervasive throughout humanity. I think there are things in the universe, even on this planet, that defy explanation. But that's part of growing our collective intellect as a species. I trend toward the more logical "it's something scientific," boat, but whatever.

Really good post. I enjoyed that. Thanks

My understanding is we are made of the same stuff you find in stars out there so I'd like to think of it this way. I'm part of the Universe and when I die, I give back to it. The same with our planet, solar system and galaxy and everything in it.

Its just an endless cycle of death and rebirth. That atoms that made me gets redistributed and some of it ends up in a rock or some alien creature or some shit on a different planet in the far future when our planet gets blown up as our sun goes supernova.

If anything the idea of rebirth in a different form while having some sort of connection to your past self is an interesting concept.
Sometimes I wonder if a sense of deja vu is one having experienced (for that brief moment) a past event in a different form.


Reseterror Resettler
Really good post. I enjoyed that. Thanks

My understanding is we are made of the same stuff you find in stars out there so I'd like to think of it this way. I'm part of the Universe and when I die, I give back to it. The same with our planet, solar system and galaxy and everything in it.

Its just an endless cycle of death and rebirth. That atoms that made me gets redistributed and some of it ends up in a rock or some alien creature or some shit on a different planet in the far future when our planet gets blown up as our sun goes supernova.

If anything the idea of rebirth in a different form while having some sort of connection to your past self is an interesting concept.
Sometimes I wonder if a sense of deja vu is one having experienced (for that brief moment) a past event in a different form.

Yeah, for sure. Star stuff. I forget who said this, but it was along the same vein: we are the universe's attempt to understand itself.


Nah that's fine. I was just confused cause I wasn't sure if you were referring to something that happened in a dream or when you were in an awake state. That is creepy as fuck dude. Did anything ever happened again like that after that??

Not too much. A few months later, my mom found both sofa pillows in the kitchen. It’s about 20-25 feet from that sofa to the kitchen, and my mom had been home alone almost all day and would never have moved them herself as that would make zero sense to have them in the kitchen. She’d also on rare occasions hear briefly footsteps upstairs when she was alone. No worries, we know it wasn’t an actual intruder hiding somewhere, as the basement was clear, and the attic is both A) extremely small and B) both hard to get into (the entrance is ridiculously small too), and impossible to enter without making a significant amount of noise. Eventually though there was no more activity of any kind.

We weren’t too creeped out. Most houses that are allegedly haunted rarely have the activity come off as malicious. And from the brief look I got of the girl, she just had a normal look on her face, nothing too creepy other than this somewhat transparent girl suddenly being in my room.

Also had a friend who he and his wife took a trip to Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Kentucky, one of the most iconic locations in the US for ghost sightings and activity. He actually snuck a toy ball in his wife’s purse from this one room and when they got home he left it on their dresser when they went to sleep. The next morning it was gone. They went back later that year, and sure enough that ball was right there in the room (they remembered it had a red star on it). Also on their first trip, his wife felt a distinct feeling on her shoulder, the feeling of someone patting it twice. She was at the back of the line so nobody in the tour group could have done it. She tried to ignore it, but minutes later it happened again only significantly harder. She nope’d the fuck out and moved her and my friend more to the front of the group.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I was feeling no anxiety up to the event. I was getting decorations out the attic and probably thinking of some nerdy shit. I wasn't scared about being in the house or had any worries at the time. I've also never had an experience like that before or after. I've done lots of routine shit before and after this event and never had my brain make up a random memory.

The mirror wasn't in my blind spot either. It was dead in front of me and I saw it when looking into the mirror on my way to the stairs. This wasn't a quick flash either. It was then long enough for me to see it move into the kitchen.

I know it sounds mad, but it wasn't a trick of the mind. I know what a trick of the mind is. I've smoked DMT and consumed shrooms!
Your great grandma is disappointed in your smoking too. She saw you in that mirror and sighed.


If you're visited by the dead, are they dead?

Sometime after my mother passed, I had a dream or what felt like something in-between the dream/spirit realm and real world...I don't know how else to describe it. I heard her knocking on my bedroom door and calling my name in a gentle voice. I kept trying to wake up to answer the door but I never did and just figured to just relax and go back to sleep. Yes, I was already asleep but I tend to have a strong awareness at times in my dream world.

Another supernatural experience is recently after my mother passed in the hospital and leaving the hospital, I saw a bright white flash of light from the left side of me. I couldn't move normally and everything was in slow motion and the bright white light turned into a white butterfly that flew directly across my eyes at eye level as I watched. The white butterfly began fluttering up into the night sky blending into the moon and I just stared until a relative came to get me wondering why I was staring at the moon. Then I noticed all the sadness I felt disappeared and was replaced with peace and joy. I knew that white butterfly was my mother saying she's happy to be home and that she doesn't want me to be too sad. I've had those kind of peace and joy experiences before and my grandmother would say it means to be touched by an angel. Or sometimes God who is within me. It's a very beautiful pure euphoric feeling and during those times everything seems clearer, like my vision, colors brighter and everything just stands out when it comes to my senses. I just feel positively whole and loved; no negativity whatsoever.

So yes, I do believe in God and I know he exists and even without any of the many other supernatural things that has happened in my life and still does, I would still believe because I have faith without sight. There are rarely any coincidences in a believer's life, though I know it happens to even non believers lives too but sometimes they don't understand the significance of it all and may pass it off as nothing. God works in mysterious ways.

Seek the truth; the truth will find you.
Seek lies; deception will find you.
Worked on a printer for a long time, couldn't fix it, decided to junk it. Went to sleep and my dad who passed was in my dream, he repaired the printer in the dream. Woke up and just decided to check the printer one more time, printer worked immediately.

My aunts computer wouldn't work, she dreamed my dad visited and told her that the computer was missing a cable, sure enough she's not tech savy, computer was missing a cable.


If you're visited by the dead, are they dead?

Sometime after my mother passed, I had a dream or what felt like something in-between the dream/spirit realm and real world...I don't know how else to describe it. I heard her knocking on my bedroom door and calling my name in a gentle voice. I kept trying to wake up to answer the door but I never did and just figured to just relax and go back to sleep. Yes, I was already asleep but I tend to have a strong awareness at times in my dream world.

Another supernatural experience is recently after my mother passed in the hospital and leaving the hospital, I saw a bright white flash of light from the left side of me. I couldn't move normally and everything was in slow motion and the bright white light turned into a white butterfly that flew directly across my eyes at eye level as I watched. The white butterfly began fluttering up into the night sky blending into the moon and I just stared until a relative came to get me wondering why I was staring at the moon. Then I noticed all the sadness I felt disappeared and was replaced with peace and joy. I knew that white butterfly was my mother saying she's happy to be home and that she doesn't want me to be too sad. I've had those kind of peace and joy experiences before and my grandmother would say it means to be touched by an angel. Or sometimes God who is within me. It's a very beautiful pure euphoric feeling and during those times everything seems clearer, like my vision, colors brighter and everything just stands out when it comes to my senses. I just feel positively whole and loved; no negativity whatsoever.

So yes, I do believe in God and I know he exists and even without any of the many other supernatural things that has happened in my life and still does, I would still believe because I have faith without sight. There are rarely any coincidences in a believer's life, though I know it happens to even non believers lives too but sometimes they don't understand the significance of it all and may pass it off as nothing. God works in mysterious ways.

Seek the truth; the truth will find you.
Seek lies; deception will find you.
Oh yeah, um beware of dreams because sometimes it may not who you think. Actually, I'm not sure if it's even allowed to interact once loved ones are on the other side unless God grants permission depending on the circumstance but if so that may be extremely rare. So yeah...there are good dreams but there are also evil dreams. Just know which one and you'll be golden. In fact, I'm still learning about that, 'cause there's so much I don't know, lol. But at the same time only what I need to know will get revealed to me. I just need to pay attention.


A few years ago, my Father-in-Law fell at home and my wife found him at the bottom of the stairs bleeding from a head wound. He died a few months later in hospital. When my father in law was alive, he lived in the basement to the point where'd he'd only come up stairs for food.

We ended up moving to and buying the house after that and couple years later my wife set up her office in the basement. She's has told me a few times she's thought she has seen someone walk past her office out of the corner of her eye.

Before I moved my stuff to the garage, I'd work at a little work bench down there and kept thinking I was seeing someone as well.

A couple months ago, while my wife was out of town I was home alone and decided to smoke a bowl. The ceiling light was on in the basement and I was outside next to the window well and it looked like someone walked in front of the light.
Yeah, my ex is still haunting me whenever she has to come over here since I was crazy enough to have kids with a ghoul

More seriously, ive felt weird things like a coldness and a presence, but it's probably my brain tricking me. My aunt had some very weird shit happening to her though. One time she dreamed of her father sitting on her bed and talking to her, she wanted to touch him but he said no, i'm not here for you. Next day an ambulance was parked in the driveway, the owner of the place living downstairs died that night.

Fucking whacked, had chills when she mentionned that to me.
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How would that work? What about the souls of the billions of people that died since humanity exists? How about animals? Can they visit other animals too, or this just applies to people? Can a dinassaur visit a chicken?
My wife had a dream where her father came to see her, smiling and tell that he’s fine now. He also said that a lady is waiting and he needs to go. Next day we learnt that he passed away in the night. Creepy coincidence. He wasn’t ill or anything - just died of old age.


When my father in law expired, my wife used to feel that someone is in our bedroom corner waiting for her to approach.
When my father died, He came in my dream standing in front of me, felt like real (I was in another country and havent talk to hime for 2/3 years).

I think its more psychological. I am pretty sure people who die have a lot more to do then to come back and scare us : )

Airbus Jr

Yeah many times by dead family member asking how I’m doing.

Also my family use to have nightmares of same theme at the same place at the same time lol.

For example I had a nightmare last week. When I go post at family chat everybody also had the nightmare at the same place (old building )

But cools “dreams”, I dreamed with the devil itself trying to make a deal with me and later on I dreamed with god or Jesus 😆

The devil one was cool. He came to my room and sit in my bed , I was sleeping to the other side, he came close to my ear and said to turn around, he will show me my future and after that I could ask for a deal. I decided not to turn and ask him to leave. Actually I don’t even know if it was dream because I don’t remember waking up.

The god/ Jesus one was about me complaining why he had to took everything from me (I was kinda alone walking at night empty street) I scream and curse many times until he answer me to be ready, coz he will take everything else , just then I will realize what I really need before complaining.
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