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Have you ever gotten or tried to get in-school suspension on purpose?

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During sophomore year of high school, our district was setting up a "safety/awareness/team skills" day where most of the school time was dedicated to fire drills, intruder drills, and outdoor activities that required students to spend most of the day in the football,soccer, and baseball fields doing random things.

I wasn't trying to do any of that, so I walked out of class to use the bathroom without asking permission, and got slapped with a day of I.S.S because of it. I knew that I.S.S students didn't have to do any of that stuff, and I spent my day knocking out worksheets, homework, and test prep, while kicking it with 3 other dudes and one of the coolest substitute teachers that was in our county. He even had the news on in the background and had granola bars.

A few months later I realized that I could have just stayed home, but whatever.



I was allowed to bring my drawing tablet and laptop so I basically drew all day except for the hour break we had to go outside and sweep/ pickup trash, which was actually more pleasant than it sounds.


I did that often to escape those dumbass pep rallies they forced students to go to in summer heat, also every Monday we had a speaker come and talk to the school, I would not wear the proper clothing some days and be sent to a room with other kids who wore casual clothes as well.
No, but I once got detention on purpose, sorta. Different penalty system because it was a Jesuit school and we carried demerit cards.

I had been invited to a party and found out later there were going to be a lot of hard drugs there. That wasn't really my scene at the time and it spooked me, so I went to a teacher and asked him to give me a fifth demerit so I'd have to do JUG. It was the last day of school so I spent all afternoon setting up chairs for graduation.

My dad was really pissed. He didn't buy my story at all. I probably should have just told my friends I wasn't feeling well but I panicked.


So like, what would you have done in the event of a fire or an intruder, since you purposefully skipped that training and presumably wouldn't know what to do?
I got enough Saturday schools to finish the whole run of preacher. I did not get those on purpose, but I thought the fact I could just read comics wasn't much of a punishment. I deserved it though, i skipped school since I was 18 and could call myself out, and the attendance lady called me back to tell me they are taking that privilege away. I called them back and cussed them out and told them since I was 18 and paid taxes, I was technically there boss. I wasn't, and dropping f bombs on a school recording meant I couldn't try to lie and get out of it. Not my smartest moment
no but reminds me of this
Got suspended once for something completely stupid, but it was an after school suspension... Which was basically a detention. Had to stay after school all week. Parents never found out about it which was good because my mother would have been really ashamed.

But no, I've never tried to be intentionally suspended.


sort of. if the teacher was a straight up asshole i'd ham it up to get a few days off, but mainly i just wanted to flip a middle finger. students deserve respect too

but that was the younger years. by latter high school i just wouldn't show up
I got enough Saturday schools to finish the whole run of preacher. I did not get those on purpose, but I thought the fact I could just read comics wasn't much of a punishment. I deserved it though, i skipped school since I was 18 and could call myself out, and the attendance lady called me back to tell me they are taking that privilege away. I called them back and cussed them out and told them since I was 18 and paid taxes, I was technically there boss. I wasn't, and dropping f bombs on a school recording meant I couldn't try to lie and get out of it. Not my smartest moment



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
On purpose? I don't think so. I.S.S was so boring. Ours was in the basement and you weren't allowed to do anything. It was just a set of desks lined up facing the wall down a hallway. They even did the old school thing where you write the same sentence 100+ times.


My high school did fundraising events every now and again, which I sometimes took part in, sometimes didn't bother. One time they thought "Hey lets have a big show, drama department can organise it, it'll be great. Cancel all classes that afternoon so everyone can go." The catch being tickets cost £5.

So it was a mandatory £5 show that you had to waste an afternoon at. I didn't buy a ticket so they stuck me and the handful of others who didn't want to go into detention, where I played games all afternoon.

Not really the same thing but the closest I've got.


Man, this thread reminds me of all those things in elementary - high school you'd worry about. Once you get to college no one gave a fuck where you were and it was glorious.


First one to talk gets to stay on the aircraft!
Guys getting in school suspension once or twice isn't going to ruin your life. At our school we could just ask for it if we wanted to focus on our studies.
I straight up dropped school in Year 9 which is about Grade 8 for US folks.

I maybe attended 50ish days for the final 3 years of school.

That was about 13 years ago now and I don't regret it one bit.

School just felt like I was wasting every day of my life on shit I both didn't enjoy and didn't give me anything worthwhile academically.


Not on purpose, no. I did get Saturday school one time for something really stupid though. We were taking the FCAT and all the faculty people were telling us that we could go home early after taking the tests, because there wouldn't be anything else to do at school all day. Well, I get done taking my test and it's lunchtime. I call my mom with my cell to tell her that I'm done for the day so I can get a ride home. One of the deans walk over and asks me what I'm doing on my cell phone. I called them out on their bullshit, because they told everybody they could go home early. They said I couldn't use my cell. They told me I had to come to the office and use their phone. Fuck that. That was one of the most boring Saturdays of my life.


No but some of my students try to because it means less work and there is minimal stigma associated with it in 2017.

They legit do jack shit then get to go home. The same kids who get into trouble like that aren't worried about doing well or college admissions. You also can't force them to do work like write sentences over and over again because it's now cruel and unusual punishment.

It's literally daycare.


I think I got detention one time in high school. I spent most of my high school years reading books with my headphones on.


I never once got detention or in school suspension. I was late almost every day my senior year of high school and would skip class all the time (especially my junior year) and nothing ever came of it. I did have straight A's though so that might have been part of it. I just always found it really weird that I was never called out on it. My academic game was too strong I guess.


didnt have to. our school was in the middle of downtown and the layout was spread out so we just left whenever we wanted to. it was just too hard to keep kids on campus.
I loved getting detentions because I could serve it during lunch. Nothing better than sitting in a quiet, air conditioned auditorium while getting to read a book. I enjoyed detentions too much to deter my constant tardiness. I frustrated the guidance counselor, who was also usually the one to oversee detentions.
No but some of my students try to because it means less work and there is minimal stigma associated with it in 2017.

They legit do jack shit then get to go home. The same kids who get into trouble like that aren't worried about doing well or college admissions. You also can't force them to do work like write sentences over and over again because it's now cruel and unusual punishment.

It's literally daycare.
It was the same thing in 1997. Times haven't changed much.


I used to try to get it in middle and high school(late 90s-early 00s). I was a severely depressed kid who was bored with school and doing little enough homework that I was passing on test scores alone.

I got ISS for the first time in the 7th grade for defending myself from a bully that hit me, and loved it. They gave me all of my classwork first thing in the morning, and I was allowed to read and draw the rest of the day after completing it. That was pretty much my perfect version of school, so I continued to act out in ways that would get me put back into ISS whenever possible.

I regret how I wasted grade school, but I was a kid in trouble that wasn't getting the help I needed from the school or my parents, so I'm lucky to have gotten through it at all.


listen to the mad man
Mostly if I didn't want to do something at school I just didn't go that day, but admittedly I was in high school a ... very long time ago, before electronic attendance tracking was as sophisticated as it is now.


The only in school suspension I ever got was a joke. It was in elementary school. I don't know if they were trying to be ironic or what, but this dude punched me in the face and I caught a suspension for it. Smfh.

Aside from that, I had one in 10th grade where I was forced to stay home for a day. Finishing up my juice box while sitting out the pool unit in PE that day was obviously too much for the teacher.
No. I just would go hide in the library, where the librarian was in love with me because I used the place. She would've done anything for me.
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