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Have you ever had a close friend get murdered?


I used to live in China and while I was there, a met a good guy from Guyana that had grown up in the states. He, another friend from Barbados, and I would hang out quite a bit. After I moved back to the states, I didn't keep in contact with them as much as I would have liked to and on Monday my Barbados friend sent me a message about how our friend got killed. He was only 36. I've never had this sort of thing happen to me, and I feel I'm not as sad as I should be about it. I remember a couple months ago wanting to chat with him, but I've been so busy with work and an online course I was taking that I forgot to do it. Now I won't ever get to.

Has anyone else gone through this.

P.S. It was his father that has been arrested which would make this turn of events even worse if he's guilty.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Me no.

But my mom did when I was young. A friend of hers at church was grabbed as she was getting home and murdered in Orlando FL.

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Gold Member
I didn’t know someone that got murdered but I did know someone that murdered another person. We all knew he was crazy like that too.


One of my best friends at school shot his wife and turned the gun on himself, both dead, was a total shock. Some say it was the pressure of his job as he was high up in JPMorgan banking. He was British and moved to USA for the job and life seemed all good then he did that. Left 2 kids behind also one of which walked in on the scene.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
When you get as old as I am, you've known friends that have been murdered, ones that have died in accidents, and others that have died of natural causes. And just about everything in between. I used to think I was invincible when I was younger, and now that I'm older I know just how incredibly fragile life actually is.


I didn’t know someone that got murdered but I did know someone that murdered another person.

Same here. The sad thing is that when I knew him, he was a pretty nice, academically motivated kid who had a good shoulder on his heads. At some point after high school he started to get involved with gangs and drugs and one night he and a few others went to rob their dealer. Things went south and they ended up murdering her and her daughter. Dude is now sitting in prison for life; definitely not the path I would have expected he would have taken back in high school.

When you get as old as I am, you've known friends that have been murdered, ones that have died in accidents, and others that have died of natural causes. And just about everything in between. I used to think I was invincible when I was younger, and now that I'm older I know just how incredibly fragile life actually is.

Lost my best friend to leukemia at 14 - boy was that a wake up call.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I've never had a close fiend who got murdered, but I did know someone who got murdered. At first it was thought it was a suicide, the guy even left a suicide note, but a number of his close friends (who I also knew) didn't believe it and went to the police. It turned out it was his gay boyfriend who had murdered him for his money. The whole affair even made the Dutch TV. That was really weird, seeing people you knew in a true crime tv show.


When I was a kid there was a couple who lived next door to us, I knew them very well but I wouldn't call them "close friends". I was like 10 and they were probably over 40. One weekend one of them was away on a business trip or something and apparently a burglar had been casing the neighborhood and thought they were both gone. The one who was still home surprised him and the burglar beat him to death with a lamp. When the police were doing their investigation I was being nosy and saw a couple of gnarly polaroids before my mom or dad pulled me away.

I've had a number of close friends die over the years, kind of inevitable when you reach a certain age... but I don't think any of them have been murder.

Burning Blade

Gold Member
Not super close friends, but I’ve had two I went to school with murdered. One dude was stabbed repeatedly by his boyfriend and another friend was killed by her boyfriend. They were really kind people too. Fucked up.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Define "murdered". I know someone who was killed. It was my neighbor. He tried to rob a Norms. An off-duty police officer took him out.

I also knew a girl that was into my friend. She was walking home drunk from a party. A car was backing out of its drive way and bumped her. She fell over and cracked her head on the pavement. Died on site.


About 20 years ago, a friend was killed in a house fire.

It's a pretty popular unsolved case here in Columbus, still have not found the person who did it.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Me no.

But my mom did when I was young. A friend of hers at church was grabbed as she was getting home and murdered in Orlando FL.

This is exactly why I don't go to church.

Mr Hyde

A friend of mine got stabbed to death in a brawl in 2011. He got caught up in a fight in an apartment between a couple of dudes and tried to intervene, and got a knife in the stomach and bled to death. Another friend called me up the day after and told me he got murdered. I remember being in complete shock when I heard about it, like I got shivers and chest pains and shit. Couldn't breathe. Felt awful. I talked to him only a couple of days before it happened, he was happy because he'd just become a father. I was at his funeral and was gutted when I saw his GF and newborn child sobbing in the front row. The whole situation is just fucked up and so fucking sad 😭 I still think about him from time to time.
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A friend of mine in high school was big into dirt bike racing. He was in the local circuit and was being watched by professional sponsors, it was a really big deal and that was all he would talk about. About a year after graduation, he had a brake malfunction and was killed during one of his races in Vegas. An investigation was held and it was found that his brake line was cut. They never found whoever did it and the case is still unsolved some 25 years later.


not murdered but two people from my small elementary school class of 50-60 heads died young. not friends per say but the grade was small enough for everyone to know each others' names and faces. one who rode on my bus was killed by a drunk driver while helping a stranger change a tire on the side of a road, the other died some years later from a meningitis infection.


Hold onto your panties
Yeah and I ended up changing my career as a result. My mentoring professor for media art (part of my early venture as a film student) was murdered in 2009. His youngest son who was 17 at the time, waited till he got home one night in August. Then the son beat him over the head and stabbed him over 20 times. He had two other children who stared the son (murderer) had schizophrenia. However, a musician friend of mine said took coke and acid in excess. Anyway, I left a career in art and animation.


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope everyone will find peace.

No murders directly, but numerous successful suicides in my family.


Gold Member
no not really murdered afaik, but a coworkers wife was a victim in a recent mass shooting here in the us
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Had a friend OD a few years after high school. It's up in the air whether it was just bad planning/control or purposeful. His ~5 year old son found him, sad shit all around.

He was a really likeable and talented dude, but I'm sure he was battling his own personal demons.


Well if we're including homicide the girl I was closest to in high school and the classmate I would have most liked to have run into in later life died in a drunk driving wreck.(We drifted apart after high school, my biggest regret in life. She was literally the only one of my classmates who congratulated me on getting into college) Her boyfriend basically was drunk while running a red light and got hit by another car and manged to roll his SUV.(It was amazing anything was coming given it was almost midnight on a Sunday) She wasn't wearing her seatbelt and was gone at the scene. Once of the nicest people I've ever met so what happened to her really sucked.(The extra suck was finding out she had just gotten a e-mail address so if it hadn't happened I would have gotten back in touch with her. This was at a time when regular people started to get e-mail addresses.)
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Gold Member
I used to live in China and while I was there, a met a good guy from Guyana that had grown up in the states. He, another friend from Barbados, and I would hang out quite a bit. After I moved back to the states, I didn't keep in contact with them as much as I would have liked to and on Monday my Barbados friend sent me a message about how our friend got killed. He was only 36. I've never had this sort of thing happen to me, and I feel I'm not as sad as I should be about it. I remember a couple months ago wanting to chat with him, but I've been so busy with work and an online course I was taking that I forgot to do it. Now I won't ever get to.

Has anyone else gone through this.

P.S. It was his father that has been arrested which would make this turn of events even worse if he's guilty.
Sorry to hear Blade.

Never had a friend murdered. But have had my share of people I knew growing in school dying in their 30s or 40s due to freak accidents or cancer. The thing where words gets out among FB friends and everyone is trying to find details.

A few more people (I knew who there were in school but never talked to them) died even earlier. Both in their mid 20s. One suicide, one cancer. Never found out details about these people except from people who heard about it.

As for your last statement. It sounds bad. But not really unexpected. In the movies, bad guys are almost always random people on the street or villains trying to take over the world. IN reality, most crimes done to people are from people they already know like family. Sounds odd, since you'd think friends and fam would be the last people to hurt you. That engrained stereotype that crime is done by wacky pervs hiding in the bushes is wrong. Numero uno are people that the victim knows.
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Perpetually Offended
My cousin... Or actually my great cousin. It was a closed casket funeral. They never found his killers. He was only 42.


Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Now that I've been reading the thread I remember when I was a kid we had a group of friends we were all skaters and there was this one kid his nickname was booger he was kinda quiet sucked at skating he would just kind of tag along and there was a younger kid too I don't remember his name anyway one night after everyone went home his mom couldn't find him. They found him the next day in the alley behind booger's house bludgeoned to death and a bloody bat underneath boogers bed to this day booger is behind bars.
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Know two but wasn’t close friends with either.

One guy got caught up in a drug deal gone wrong and was driven out to a remote location, shot execution style, and then his body was dumped.

Other guy was camping with his girlfriend and they got into a fight. She ran away from him and he chased after her. They got so far away from their campsite that they ended up on some guy’s property. The property owner came out and yelled at them, and the guy I know started threatening him. Which then led to the property owner grabbing his gun and shooting and killing him.


My best friend (15 ATT) died while on a (probably revved up) scooter on a crossroad. Got hit by a taxi or something. I still have to go there sometimes. His family put a memorial there. Man...Such a shame.


My best friend (15 ATT) died while on a (probably revved up) scooter on a crossroad. Got hit by a taxi or something. I still have to go there sometimes. His family put a memorial there. Man...Such a shame.

The worst part is that it was most likely his own doing. He was known for playing loose with the rules. Traffic laws included. He probably did it multiple times but this time... Well.... Again such a shame.


By suicide yes.
Same here. A mate of mine hung himself, from what we found out it's was over his girlfriend leaving.

Another was my wifes friend she worked with, she was a nice girl, she went downhill pretty sharpish though, no one really knew why. She wanted to come round to see our lad when he was born and my wife made up an excuse as she thought she was a bit too unstable, a few days later she'd commited suicide.


Not murdered, no. I witnessed a friend of mine get caught by a big speeding truck. She completely disappeared underneath and died on the scene. I think this is my first time typing it out. For a very long time I completely ignored how much this really affected me.

And yet, I'm somewhat reliefed that it was by accident, and not malicious intent. Losing a loved one through the hands of someone else must be surreal. Sending out a bit of love and support for everyone in this thread.


My best friend growing up was shot and killed by a plain clothes police officer during a brawl. We had fallen out of touch for quite a while at that point, but it was devastating to see his face on the news and to learn he lost his life in such a tragic way. I guess it's technically not murder since it was deemed justifiable, but still...I only knew him as a good kid and could only think of his poor mom and little sister.

A few summers ago, a person I considered a very close friend for a long time took his own life. The sting of that one still hasn't gone away. I watched him change for the worse over the years and we just butted heads at every turn. We drifted apart as a result, only communicating in group messages or get togethers to make nasty comments to one another. I still replay a lot of that in my head, both good times and bad and question myself at every turn. I see him in my dreams pretty frequently, but fortunately it's reliving the good moments.


So not a close friend, but my maternal grandma may have gotten murdered

My mom was adopted. She's the biological daughter of a rich horse trader, who was in a relationship with a woman who seems to have been a kind of socialite, at least she wasn't as interested in taking care of kids as she was in socializing and partying. At a certain point she left horse trader grandpa, and he was left with 3 kids, the care of which he couldn't combine with his equestrian business. So he set out to find a foster home for them. My mom and her twin brother got fostered by the person I know as my maternal grandma. Biological grandma however went on to date some other rich dudes (yeah, my bio grandma seems to have been a gold digger, what can I say, LOL) and eventually died fairly young in mysterious circumstances. My parents showed me a kind of coroner's report, which was inconclusive, but they told me rumour has it she fell in with someone in the criminal milieu and was murdered.

TLDR: socialite gold digger grandma died living the thvg lyfe, possibly murdered

post-script: although I tell this story in a humorous manner it really did a number on my mom to get adopted and lose her bio parents at 6-7 yrs of age, it is empathically NOT an example of decent parenting!


Gold Member
Had a school friend called Ben who was beaten to death on the streets about 30 years ago. He was such a happy go lucky guy. We laughed our arses off every time we met.

A school friend who lives around the corner from me found his mother hung (suicide) in her bedroom after coming home from school. His Dad had left a few months earlier for a younger model and she couldn't live with it.
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No but I know a guy that murdered someone over drug money and got 60 years. This happened back in 2001 and he was 19 at the time and his sentence ends in 2052


During my teens I hung with a guy who fell in with a tough group. I stopped hanging with him and about a year later he ended up getting beat to death by a group of guys. After they beat him they drove him to the ER and tossed him onto the sidewalk. Unreal.
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Does death in combat count? I was in the Army, lost quite a few friends who went downrange, but I don't know if that'd be a murder or not, probably not I suppose.

A girl that I was very good friends with when I was young, who I also had kind of a secret crush on and never told her, her cousin was burned to death, pretty grizzly stuff. That would have been tough to handle knowing that happened to a family member.


Yes. Happened back in 2003. Friend from school. Got shot in the mouth along with his family. His sister survived and was on the ventilator for a few days before passing. Supposedly the father committed the crime and offed himself in the kitchen afterwards. I was told on MSN that something of the sort had gone down, so I rushed there with my dad only to see the police taking the bodies out. I was a wreck for weeks.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
My father murdered his liver and himself kind of.

But besides that and suicide its never really happened to me.

What about the other side? Two different cousins of mine have been accused/locked up for murder.


Gold Member
I had a decently close friend pull a suicide by cop. Had another guy in my college fraternity die in a plane crash that, depending on who you read, was or was not shot down. Couple kids I knew growing up die by accidents and one kid pull a suicide stunt and end up killing himself. In general though, not hanging out with folks involved with drugs has kept my life pretty violence free because that definitely seems to be a correlation.


Lil’ Gobbie
Yes I had a close friend when I was young that I lost touch with over time because he had aggressive and violent tendencies that really began to scare me. A few years ago his wife shot him in the back of the head with his shotgun while on he was sitting on his couch. He was an alcoholic and she said he was abusive and I believe her. Really fucked up
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Oh fuck, his father. Damn. I only know of Marvin Gaye who was killed by his father. That is extremely traumatic.

Fortunately I don't know anyone who has been murdered. Honestly I must be in the minority, in terms of people worldwide, who hasnt had a close person murdered.

But I started a thread about people committing suicide in Denver 20 minutes ago.

Just went to the nugs championship parade for work and all I'm thinking about is death. Not in a bad way mind you


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
A friend who was doing the medical specialty of medical emergencies, died because he was infected with Covid-19.

I entered the Areas of Covid-19 in Internal Medicine for more than 6 months with a suit similar to the one in the movies, and I am still alive.

the suit was like this

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