Not worth it. A good blowjob involves a lot of slobber and hands, ball fiddling, finger up the butt, etc. You can't do that to yourself. You can simulate a quick, mildly unpleasant, toothy headsuck at best.
When I was, shit must have been 12? Like could barely manage to lick the tip, gave up on it. I imagine even if you could it would be unsatisfying in the same way that you can't tickle yourself.
Not worth it. A good blowjob involves a lot of slobber and hands, ball fiddling, finger up the butt, etc. You can't do that to yourself. You can simulate a quick, mildly unpleasant, toothy headsuck at best.
Not worth it. A good blowjob involves a lot of slobber and hands, ball fiddling, finger up the butt, etc. You can't do that to yourself. You can simulate a quick, mildly unpleasant, toothy headsuck at best.