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Have you ever worked in a place you felt was too feminine? (Not an incel thread. I promise)


Lmfao yes. I work at a graphic design related company and have seen the place basically shift from almost entirely males to now the exact opposite in about 10 years, and I can't stand it mostly because of the constant chatter and no consideration for the people around them trying to work. It's not "women" in general obviously, when the skew was more male we had 2 awesome women working here that were totally work focused and were quiet polite people. Now only one of those girls is still here, and she wears earplugs now.

Even before the women took over, the male management was conflict averse and prefers talking behind people's backs to tackling a problem head on. They'll hear you out but do nothing.


Lmfao yes. I work at a graphic design related company and have seen the place basically shift from almost entirely males to now the exact opposite in about 10 years, and I can't stand it mostly because of the constant chatter and no consideration for the people around them trying to work. It's not "women" in general obviously, when the skew was more male we had 2 awesome women working here that were totally work focused and were quiet polite people. Now only one of those girls is still here, and she wears earplugs now.

Even before the women took over, the male management was conflict averse and prefers talking behind people's backs to tackling a problem head on. They'll hear you out but do nothing.

Yeah, sounds familiar. My old workplaces were a lot more balanced and it was great.


ROMhack ROMhack

You're not wrong, I've worked in both majority female staffed offices and male staffed offices and what I've learned is that you need to have a good balance of both genders and personalities.

The minority group is usually going to have problems. Even within the same gender, one male nerd with a group of male "Beer, cars, big tits and football" males is going to get punched down on.

Some women get on better with men and vice versa and it's finding that balance that's the key to a cooperative workplace.


Lmfao yes. I work at a graphic design related company and have seen the place basically shift from almost entirely males to now the exact opposite in about 10 years, and I can't stand it mostly because of the constant chatter and no consideration for the people around them trying to work. It's not "women" in general obviously, when the skew was more male we had 2 awesome women working here that were totally work focused and were quiet polite people. Now only one of those girls is still here, and she wears earplugs now.

Even before the women took over, the male management was conflict averse and prefers talking behind people's backs to tackling a problem head on. They'll hear you out but do nothing.

Financial wise... its a huge mistake to only hire women for your company. ;)

From experience its easier to work under a male staff than to work under a female staff. I had to quit on two female bosses because i couldnt stand their behaviour anymore. The last female boss got the middle finger and i told her to do the job by herself because thats the only thing she is good at.
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Fingerlickin' Good!


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
When I was state's slave for nine months, I slaved at the elderly home. Almost all of my colleagues (except for the boss and the facility manager) were women. It did not bother me and the only real ass was the boss.


When I was state's slave for nine months, I slaved at the elderly home. Almost all of my colleagues (except for the boss and the facility manager) were women. It did not bother me and the only real ass was the boss.

Actually, that's a fair point. I don't have an issue with female co-workers.
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I see your point and I'd never want females as coworkers. I did security back in the day and it was mostly male coworkers. Now I'm in electric distribution and it's 100% males. Guess I'm lucky.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Actually, that's a fair point. I don't have an issue with female co-workers.
I was just a slave, so the women also were above me, but they weren't assholes, as opposed to the head of the house. But I also did not bring up any ideas to improve anything, I just tried to get through the terrible time.

EDIT: I also forgot to mention, my last boss (in academia) was a woman and she was pretty much perfect as a boss. I still regularly work with her, I have learnt a lot from her and am still learning a lot from her. At the same time, she was always attentive, open to suggestions and fair.
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Late 00's working with women in their 40s in an office was the best. They always had awesome stories about cool bands they saw in the 80s and 90s. Talking about how they flashed their boobs atop some dudes shoulders at a Motley Crue concert lol.
Ahhh, working with MILFs, now that’s a corporate job I would consider.

There was always at least two guys in the open workspace I used to work in, so I can’t say I was the only guy around. My female coworkers were far from being the worst, though there was one I wasn’t fond of and felt relieved when she quit. We were all struggling to get through disastrous projects but no one would speak up because we all knew talking to a psychopath boss was useless.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I'm the only male at my office of 6 people.

My anecdotal experience is that women talk too much. It doesn't stop. They just keep going. Otherwise they are good people and I enjoy working with them :messenger_sunglasses: I'm grateful to have a salary period looking at how the world is going.


ChatGPT 0.001
Organizations stay in business because they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get families $ it has nothing to do with male or female.
I used to work in a call center where we were around 10% men. 90% of the workers were women, including the managers.

It was an authentic viper's nest. Every one of them kept a nice face in public, but the backstabbing was brutal. My wife (and coworker at the time) told me stories that made me shiver about the weird power plays going on around her. Figurative daggers flew all the time, and catfights in the canteen were relatively common. It was maybe exacerbated by it being a high-stress job (chargeback repayments)

We in the male resistance more or less thrived, without paying much attention to the hunger games around us. I wouldn't have survived otherwise. I'm way too meek to compete.
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Ahhh, working with MILFs, now that’s a corporate job I would consider.

There was always at least two guys in the open workspace I used to work in, so I can’t say I was the only guy around. My female coworkers were far from being the worst, though there was one I wasn’t fond of and felt relieved when she quit. We were all struggling to get through disastrous projects but no one would speak up because we all knew talking to a psychopath boss was useless.

What was your boss like? It's kinda how I feel, although wouldn't describe her as a psychopath (more a corporate suck up).
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Yeah man. Sometimes I think I should get back into that industry as it was rad.

Then global pandemics hit and I'm like, nah s'k.

Most places (like mine) cut a lot of deadweight staff, which most restaurants have an abundance of (lol, like mine).
Even at 50% capacity, I'm still making decent money, we're dead down here in summertime anyways.
50% capacity leaves my bar with 14 seats, I still average around a hundred a day, give or take. I'm the mon-fri day guy though, night people are pulling down more.


Faith - Hope - Love
At my previous job, I worked in human resources and interacted with about 150 people per day for a couple of years. I would say about 90% of my coworkers and bosses were women, and the vast majority of them were awesome.

Although I loved my job and adored all my coworkers, there were a handful of women who were actually what I would call toxic and a constant source of stress. They were always looking for ways to get people in trouble and would backstab you at every opportunity, no matter how kind and helpful you were with them. It was always around these 3 women where all the office drama would reside. Their spite and malice terrified me. :lollipop_downcast_sweat:

I've also worked in environments where 90% of my coworkers were men, and there tends to always be a group of "office alphas"....always acting like big shots, telling sexist jokes and picking on or absolutely ignoring the "betas" and using them as a scapegoat or having them do the work they should have been doing themselves.

Toxicity knows no gender, apparently.
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No, actually it's the opposite. I almost exclusively work with males (engineers, technicians) and it's kind of a sausage fest.
What was your boss like? It's kinda how I feel, although wouldn't describe her as a psychopath (more a corporate suck up).
He has small man syndrome and refuses to face reality when things are bad. He would lie to clients time and again to try to convince them that projects are going well. He hires young people and expects them to learn everything on the spot. He has anger bursts every now and then, I even snapped a few times and yelled at him. He's a very funny and conversational guy when he's a good mood, though his brand of humor is unsuited for a professional context. Deep down he is an intelligent man, but he refuses to confront how much he continually screws up. Working under him was hell and gave me health issues. My small revenge was quitting overnight without a letter of resignation or period of notice (the job contract didn't require them) right when he needed me most as I was the only guy handling a couple of big projects.


Hmmm, not because of coworkers, I've never minded have women bosses or anything, but my second job was at Sears, this was, less than a year after high school and I had been working there like 2+ years. I'd moved from lawn & garden to the men's dept. Somehow I had got on the wrong side of my boss and she moved me to ... Infants. After a couple shifts spent mostly folding and sorting baby clothes I just up and quit. I was young, dumb, and of course thought I was way too cool to be hanging out in the fucking baby section. So, I guess you could say it was in a way, too feminine for me at the time.
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There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I have worked with women, good and bad, and reported to quite a few during my career. No issues whatsoever. One difference though is that I have yet to run into a woman who clearly didn’t have the skills to be in the role (engineering) whereas I have ran into plenty of men who clearly should have been fired much earlier for being low performers. I am trying to get that IPO bag and I won’t tolerate slackers on the team.


Perpetually Offended
My job that I've been at for 4 years is majority women... Almost everyone is really nice, save for a couple. Only two men are in leadership positions and the HR department are both women... Also very cool people. We're all on a first name basis ... Even our bosses.


I work for a company that's about 90/10% split women/men. It's usually fine except some of the women managers. I'm convinced that they probably just act that way due to personality flaws, not due to being a woman.


Authorized Fister
I work in a really diverse work environment and it's great. LGBTs, 40% minorities and women. Do you know why its so great? No wokeness, no intersectionality talks like in the states. All were hired because of their fun personalities and great work experience. Basically honnest, hardworking people with no BS is the key.
Worked once in a very female company, and on one side you had lots of opportunities to flirt. On the other side it was constantly rumors about other peoples problems all the time.


Yeah I haven’t really worked around many women. Auto painter in collision repair. The ones I’ve met that paint are usually really good, but kind of tomboy type girls that have worked around exclusively men for years. I could never work in an office environment, I’m a savage. So many dudes are in a permanent state of high thirst these days that a lot of times I think it’s just a huge distraction for a lot of guys. When female sales reps come in to the shop it’s pretty comical how men act. One thing I prefer about working with men, they don’t cross the line with someone who is clearly their physical superior. I liked that about the military as well. If you had someone of any rank do some fuck shit you could challenge them and if they didn’t fight they would lose everyone’s respect, it tends to keep men in line. Women will get in a dude’s face and start screaming at him because they feel secure he won’t hurt them. Less so with other men.
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Bosses - it doesn't matter. A good boss is good, and a bad one is bad independent of sex.

Coworkers? Too many women are the worst. So much chatting, laughing and gossiping. Never any direct confrontations, just sending passive aggressive emails or going to the boss to complain about petty things.

I much prefer a male heavy environment, but the boss should crack down on passive aggressive things, and chit chat irregardless.


I transferred to a division in a company I had been working at for 10 years. I was very successful and a highly respected and well paid employee of the company and loved my job and the company I worked for.

This new division was 70% female. Within a year I had handed in my notice and left the company.

The culture in this new division was bitchy gossip, HR driven, multiple grievances between employees, very high staff turnover and no-one wanted to do any actual work.

It was the worst year of my professional life.


I transferred to a division in a company I had been working at for 10 years. I was very successful and a highly respected and well paid employee of the company and loved my job and the company I worked for.

This new division was 70% female. Within a year I had handed in my notice and left the company.

The culture in this new division was bitchy gossip, HR driven, multiple grievances between employees, very high staff turnover and no-one wanted to do any actual work.

It was the worst year of my professional life.

Yeah this seems similar to my experience. HR driven sums it up. Loads of issues with staff and a good amount of turnover too - plus serious communication problems as nobody takes control.

It is also the worst year of my professional life (started in September).

Did you outright quit, or have another job lined up?
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In my old job. Had two women who talked about nothing but rubbish and two guys who talked about nothing but Anime or really immature jokes.

I just did my work but even that was impossible in the last 6 months where I was "volunteered" to clean up the Office and Kitchen because one of my colleagues is a complete cock and had it in for me for calling him a lazy get a few years back.

Feminine and Immature is what I would call it. Nothing against women of course but from personal experience those two combinations (chatting about crap or shittalking about people and Anime/Immature talk) was intolerable.

I also had a woman who thought she was hot shit despite knowing jack all. If you challenged her she would basically act like you were a horrible human being. She left along with her sister and can't hold a job down due to how she is.

Sadly the two dudes somehow got laid in spite of their idiocity and personalities. Maybe women like that?

Yeah this seems similar to my experience. HR driven sums it up. Loads of issues with staff and a good amount of turnover too - plus serious communication problems as nobody takes control.

It is also the worst year of my professional life (started in September).

You know my experiences but I can definitely relate to you there.

I always think Bosses can't stand up to women so instead make old fashioned jokes about them to compensate for their crap leadership. My boss was exactly like this and turnover is the same as yours.

Hoping you are doing better now though.
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Coworkers? Too many women are the worst. So much chatting, laughing and gossiping. Never any direct confrontations, just sending passive aggressive emails or going to the boss to complain about petty things.

For that one majority female staffed office but with a male owner that's how it was for me. They would be in his ear behind my back and then he pulled me into a meeting and said "Hey Nush, what's been going on?" and then listed some complaints about me from these women. I've had many jobs and I'm consistent across all of them, the only factor that had changed was this office full of women that the boss had hired because he was a wannabe ladies man and they all knew how to manipulate both him and also the assistant director.

I'd sit there and watch them do it as well.

You had this core group of three women that were department heads and they would constantly bitch and fight with each other every day to try and be the office "Top dog". That was right up until someone "slighted" one of the three in some way or imaginary way. Then they would all team up to get revenge on that person.

The company owner could not see this behaviour as they were all creeping and massaging his ego to keep him under control.


Yeah this seems similar to my experience. HR driven sums it up. Loads of issues with staff and a good amount of turnover too - plus serious communication problems as nobody takes control.

It is also the worst year of my professional life (started in September).

Did you outright quit, or have another job lined up?

I outright quit and spent 3 months recovering before taking a new job.

HR was also all female which I believe was the root cause of the cultural issues in that division.

The MD (male) was spineless, inept and basically impotent in his role.

My advice to you would be to get out while you can.
I've been at my place of work for a while and have seen numerous female employees come and go. My preference is to not work with them if possible and I try to keep my interactions with them is minimal as possible. I've had numerous complaints to my boss about how I wasn't nice to them because I didn't say hi to as I was passing by as well as them trying to backstab me with blatant lies. Like, it's a small company, you didn't think I would find out about it? Also, I've been here a lot longer than you, and for a reason. You think my boss is gonna gonna fire me over your stupid BS?

Even worse are pussified males who are afraid of any confrontation. I once had had a talk with a subordinate and told him he needed to improve his work and that if he didnt he was in danger of getting fired. He started crying... like wtf I would expect something like that from a woman but a dude?


Most places I've worked at are mainly male workers, a few women here and there but the main teams are always us guys.


Worked in the "accounts" department of an ad agency for a while.
Aside from me it was 14 people: 12 women, 1 girly gay dude and 1 straight dude. And almost all the women were clearly pampered rich girls, which didn't help

Honestly it was surprising how accurate the stereotypical image of such a place was. The constant chatting, the gossip, the way everyone talks behind each other's back, the drama over small stuff and the "she said that I said that she said" fights.
It wasn't that bad and to be fair everyone was nice enough to me, but I was glad when I could go somewhere else.
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