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Have you ever...

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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Have you ever gotten really hungry and then started eating something fairly gross, then halfway through you stop eating for a couple minutes, and when you resume you realize what you were eating was pretty gross but you didn't realize because you were so hungry and so you throw it away?

I just did that with a hotpocket. Gross cheap processed fozen pockets of nasty, what was I thinking?


No, but I had an equally strange moment.

One afternoon I was going through the local supermarket to pick up some items. I hadn't eaten at all that day, so I was absolutely starving; I was so hungry, even the pet food in the pet food aisle smelled good to me. Isn't that fucked?

BTW, never go grocery shopping, even minor shopping, while hungry. Very dangerous.


Unconfirmed Member
I just did that with a hotpocket. Gross cheap processed fozen pockets of nasty, what was I thinking?

Hot pocket? Hot Pocket???...

Shhhhhhh! - quiet you, GAF had got over it's hot pockets obsession, damn you!

Next thing you know someones going to mention Superk....NoOoooOoO


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Did someone mention.... SUPERKYRO???


Haha, good times, that reminds me of this ultimate inside joke pic I made...

someone needs to make a photoshop of Morgan Freeman FHUTA'ing a head of lettuce while eating a hotpocket and playing Ninja Gaiden...with snakes on a plane.


Ninja Scooter said:
someone needs to make a photoshop of Morgan Freeman FHUTA'ing a head of lettuce while eating a hotpocket and playing Ninja Gaiden...with snakes on a plane.

Now we have to somehow fit '6.8' and 'MEGATON' somewhere in there....


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I missed the whole wildcard thing, I still don't know what it is, haha.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Dice said:
Have you ever gotten really hungry and then started eating something fairly gross, then halfway through you stop eating for a couple minutes, and when you resume you realize what you were eating was pretty gross but you didn't realize because you were so hungry and so you throw it away?

I just did that with a hotpocket. Gross cheap processed fozen pockets of nasty, what was I thinking?

I had never had a Hot Pocket in my whole life until May 2004. From May until July I was hooked on Hot Pockets. No joke, my fridge was filled with all these different types of Hot Pockets. And if I wasn't eating out with friends, I was eating some type of Hot Pocket. Eventually I got burnt out on them, but now I'm addicted to microwave burritos. I've had 4 of those today. But I need to eat smoe fresh food, so I just finished cooking myself up a big old American steak. Meat and potatoes!!

Lean Pockets are horrible. I've accidently purchased them while I was rushing through the grocery store. Sometimes I get sooo hungry that I consider eating that disgusting Philly Cheese Steak Lean Pocket that has been sitting in my fridge for 2 months, but then I snap out of it and just wait until I can get something better.


How about playing through an entire game in one sitting?

How about if we called it "dinner for one'd?"
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