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Have you noticed a notable increase in expenditure over the recent months thanks to inflation?


Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
My raises have outpaced inflation, but it certainly puts a damper on things. Still, we aren’t struggling so I can’t complain. We’ve used the good times to live within our means and pay off our debt aside from the mortgage, so if things go south we aren’t so affected by it.
Pretty much negated any progress I’ve made over the past several years in pay, doesn’t help that my wife spends money like she’s morally opposed to saving any. Still, we’re doing fine, but it would be nice to be able to save for a house, but that’s just a fantasy for me.


I haven't looked into it much... but I've noticed my credit card bill is getting larger and larger every month. It used to be ~$3000 consistently. Now every month its getting closer to $4000.

Grocery and gas play a big part I'm sure.

I miss all the saving I was doing during covid!
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I haven't looked into it much... but I've noticed my credit card bill is getting larger and larger every month. It used to be ~$3000 consistently. Now every month its getting closer to $4000.

Grocery and gas play a big part I'm sure.

I miss all the saving I was doing during covid!

Because work from home worked for everyone. Now being forced to go back to the office (spending tons on gas) is fucking insane and boils my piss.

Less people in the office, means less spent on electricity and other utilities for your company. Also means employees are happier being able to spend more time with family at home.

Why hybrid onsite/offsite work schedules is not a thing anymore is mind blowing. Some weeks I don't even go into the office. I just stay home and my boss doesn't give a shit either.

Not going to spend $30 in gas to get to the office just BECAUSE when I can do the same work remotely in the comfort of my living room.


Yes, I’ve had to increase my hooker budget, which is up 15% yoy, that’s outpacing standard inflation.
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Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Say for example I took home exactly £1000 a month in pay, my outgoings on utilities / food etc is probably all of that with an extra £100 to £150 extra a month on top. So my savings are getting hit every month. What I get paid really isn’t covering what is going out.

And I don’t have a social life so there is nothing to cut down on there to make ends meet.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
It's currently 7.3% here in Australia, despite some already aggressive interest rate hikes that are tightening the noose around low to middle income families.

Methinks that things are about to become wild.



Here in Texas, the main things I have noticed:
-vehicle insurance rates - mainly due to increased value of used vehicles. Last 2 renewal 6 month periods total increase cost of about $250 for the term.
-home insurance rates - same as above, about 25% increase over 12 month period last year
-I've been buying in-store brands for years and have reduced the amount of meat that I buy and buying more staples and less pre-made/convenience foods but I have noticed an increase in overall groceries cost across the board
- petrol/gas - I work from home and haven't been driving my cars much. Prices have calmed down quite a bit from where they were. I think I filled up at $3.75 premium in my daily last fill up and put about 5 gallons in my weekend car also premium.
- electric energy rates slight increase but my bill was a lot higher due to some of the record heat we were having. That has really dropped off.

I ramped up my retirement account contributions during this downturn so taking home less but did get a 6% raise this year. Hoping for a large bonus because our company is doing record business and sales. Will reduce contributions at the end of the year most likely.

I can't recommend budgeting enough. Been budgeting everything for 7 years now using You Need a Budget and it makes it super easy to see what you have and re-adjust things as needed and helps to get the most out of the money you do have.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Of course. Even in the US where it is lower than most other countries.

Not bragging, seriously, but I earn well over twice the average / mean household income for my area. I used to never think about my grocery bill. But in recent weeks it's been hard not to look at the bill and think thoughts like "damn, $100 for this? Used to be about $50".

I am just thankful I have no debt and earn over six figures. I could only imagine how hard it must be right now for young couples only earning like $50k combined with a mortgage.


My student loan payment went up like 300$. Groceries, gas, utilities are also higher despite having moved into a much smaller house.


Had to sell my car because couldn’t really afford the fuel. Bought a small engine motorcycle to get to work on. It’s not as comfortable or safe as the car but so much cheaper. Have to save wherever possible.


Had to sell my car because couldn’t really afford the fuel. Bought a small engine motorcycle to get to work on. It’s not as comfortable or safe as the car but so much cheaper. Have to save wherever possible.
Just get a regular permit and a real motorcycle, you will get alpha male points.
Noticed big time. Currently looking for a 2nd job to increase savings per period, even though I lowered unnecessary spending(games and other things I don't need) I am now saving less than I was a year ago.
I barely use gas, my rent has gone up 100 bucks a year ago, too. I used to rack up a bill at my work for about... 40 bucks every two weeks. That's what I use for water and snacks strictly for work. Nothing big. Now, we're looking at about 65 bucks for the same things. I had put up about 75% of the product prices in the store, too. Doesn't count that a total of 99% of the products in the store were raised multiple times, this year.

I have one credit card, one loan that is about 77% paid off and I can pay it off now, If I want to, which I might, for the piece of mind. It's been rough, to say the least and I am preparing for it when it becomes worse.


Yes. Prices are completely insane. Food prices in particular.

I’m fortunate to make a decent amount of money so for us it’s an annoyance. I feel for those who genuinely can’t afford this bullshit.


Yeah. My electricity is up 120% (yes more than 2x), groceries 30-40%. A lot of tiny things here and there increasing fees and so on. We are feeling the squeeze.
Some supermarket chains stop selling certain brands that want to increase prices even further.

The good news is inflation is fighting inflation and with the memory and attention span we humans have we will be desensitized to the "new normal" in no time.
That is also the best way they get people to work shitty low paying jobs again. They want you to feel the pain.

I am mostly wondering that the next step is. Let the 100 year debt cycle burst or give the can another kick down the road. It is all up to the US Government and FED.
Reasons for inflation and economic troubles aside, there's a positive to be found in less consumption, in disconnecting a bit from the machinery of commerce imho.


Gold Member
I’ve noticed for sure but at the same time I’m making quite a bit more money than I ever have before so I’ve been able to save quite a bit over the last year and also pay off all my debt except my mortgage.


Gold Member
Mostly just in groceries so far. Eating out has jumped at least 25% in the past year so I mostly just quit doing that.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Yeah. My electricity is up 120% (yes more than 2x), groceries 30-40%. A lot of tiny things here and there increasing fees and so on. We are feeling the squeeze.
Some supermarket chains stop selling certain brands that want to increase prices even further.

The good news is inflation is fighting inflation and with the memory and attention span we humans have we will be desensitized to the "new normal" in no time.
That is also the best way they get people to work shitty low paying jobs again. They want you to feel the pain.

I am mostly wondering that the next step is. Let the 100 year debt cycle burst or give the can another kick down the road. It is all up to the US Government and FED.

Most of the price increases are just blatant price gouging by corpos. Their profits are off the charts right now as they increase prices for everything far and above the rate of inflation. If they were being genuine their revenues would be expanding, but not their profits by absurd amounts like 50% or greater for some.

So I am waiting for the EU to pass anti price gouging legislation. They tend to be ahead of most countries individually when it comes to pro-consumer regulations. After that individual countries will begin to pass their own laws and regulations as it's what the average citizen clearly wants.

Until then I'll have to pay 50% more for the meats that I know come from just hours away from me, and that absolutely nothing has changed in their supply line to justify the drastic increase in price.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
BadBurger BadBurger everything in the supply chain has increased in price. From fuel to feed to labor cost, and other ancillary expenses.

In a free market price gouging can only be temporary and does not work because there are always people looking to compete by doing it cheaper.

I have a masters in business if you need receipts.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
BadBurger BadBurger everything in the supply chain has increased in price. From fuel to feed to labor cost, and other ancillary expenses.

In a free market price gouging can only be temporary and does not work because there are always people looking to compete by doing it cheaper.

I have a masters in business if you need receipts.

No, there's clearly no justification for many of these price increases. It doesn't take a business degree to look at the record profits being made in the face of comparatively moderate inflation and think that anything is OK about it. This isn't a complex or difficult subject or situation at all, it just comes down to how long the poorest among our various nations are going to put up with it.

I mean, I know people working for these meat companies. I worked for one when I was young. Thanks to social media like Reddit the world, even the nearby world, has grown much smaller. Their wages haven't increased. They aren't paying more for machinery or maintenance. The price of gas throughout my state has never increased sharply and hovers around $3.50 a gallon. Our energy prices haven't increased like in most other states and countries beyond. Yet these companies are charging twice (in extreme examples, like turkey breast) for their products than what they were just a month ago.

The gouging is undeniable.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
No, there's clearly no justification for many of these price increases. It doesn't take a business degree to look at the record profits being made in the face of comparatively moderate inflation and think that anything is OK about it. This isn't a complex or difficult subject or situation at all, it just comes down to how long the poorest among our various nations are going to put up with it.
8-9% is not moderate inflation by any definition.

How long should the poorest be asked to carry the load for out of control governments that print money at uncontrollable rates. The only entity ever responsible for inflation is the government. Every time all the time.

If the cost of goods goes up across all aspects of industry prices will go up because companies have margins they want to hit.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
8-9% is not moderate inflation by any definition.

How long should the poorest be asked to carry the load for out of control governments that print money at uncontrollable rates. The only entity ever responsible for inflation is the government. Every time all the time.

If the cost of goods goes up across all aspects of industry prices will go up because companies have margins they want to hit.

I added the qualifier "comparatively". 8%, 8.3%, whatever we're at in the US, sucks - sure (still better off than some countries facing 10% or greater). But that doesn't justify corpos increasing prices by 50% or more for some goods and services. Again, that's why their profits are skyrocketing while the average citizen is struggling to eat.

As for the causes of inflation, most governments don't control the manufacture of goods, their aggregate availability, nor wages beyond the minimum wage - that's all guided mostly by the private sector sans any regulations. Nor can governments cause natural disasters such as pandemics.


Food. A lot of $2/3 items are $5+. $5 items are now $7/8.

Where $100 was good grocery run that would get you most of the week is now just a bag or two and it's a couple days.

Fuel too. $30 to fill my little car is now closer to $100.

Crazy times. Thankfully I can afford it without having to budget or anything yet but I feel for the less fortunate which seems to be a much larger portion of people these days.

All these companies posting record profits while wages don't move and everyone just trots along. When do we get to the "fuck this shit" and actually do something about it. Tired of these giant rich companies fucking everyone.

Funny we got the internet where things could be organized and talked about in masse. All the information you need to see what going on and people are fuckin tik tokin or what ever. Shits fucked.
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Anecdotally, late last year I noticed beef prices soaring. Meanwhile a drive north from TX through OK, MO, AR showed 1000’s head of cattle along the interstate. I grew up in this corridor and there has always been cattle along the interstate but not in those numbers, yet price on beef was climbing. Was this supply throttling? Obviously, price fixing can work by controlling the supply to market. Just like Nvidia sitting on stock piles of Lovelace chips for 6 months now and still charging near $1k for a 4080.

I fear the theory of a free market is a mirage in the desert. Free market may work in micro segments of marketplace but then you bump into lack of competition, again. When markets are controlled by only a few corps it isn’t free
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Gold Member
Gasoline yes the past year. During covid, gas dropped like a rock right away but then zoomed into the stratosphere since then.

Mortgage rates skyrocketed the past half year.

Everything else to me is status quo. Food and utility bills are basically the same for me. I buy most of my food only deal and stores seem to have deal prices not any different than before.
Junky fast food I eat that now costs an extra $1 per combo I dont care. I dont think my utility bills have increased one bit the past two years.

If it wasnt for mortgage rates, it'd be no change to me since I WFH half the week. So whatever gas price increases there are is a wash in total costs.


Groceries, I use to get two pot noodles for £1, now for £1 I get one :l

Electric, for a small flat that I share with my partner it's £130ish now, absolutely stupid.


The most noticeable have been the electricity bill
It has usually costed me and my mr around €27, now it's €190 and sometimes even more

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
It's not inflation.

Inflation is about 8%.

Prince increases are like 30-40% in some areas.

Corporate greed squeezing everything they can out of you and blaming inflation/war/politics/whatever.
Yep. My own company is doing it openly. It’s honestly disgusting to watch.


I spend an embarrassing amount on food deliveries, so yes. It's become downright financially irresponsible at this point.
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