
HBO Max has bumpy start, 'isn't a game changer for AT&T,' analyst says
AT&T's newest streaming service, HBO Max, may be filled with DC superheroes, wizards, hobbits and Looney Tunes, but that may not be enough for investors.
The content, the $15 monthly fee to use the service, roughly the same cost of HBO as part of a cable package, and the fact that the company did not secure deals with Roku and Amazon to make the product more widely available to the market have led Michael Nathanson, one of the lead analysts at MoffettNathanson, to dub HBO Max an “opportunity lost.”
Because of this, “HBO Max isn’t a game changer for AT&T,” Jayant wrote.
“We see little chance that investors will begin to look at AT&T on a sum-of-the-parts basis, valuing HBO Max on a per-subscriber basis, as with Disney and Disney+,” he said.
Just under 90,000 people downloaded the HBO Max app on its launch day last week. That doesn’t include any of the existing HBO and HBO Now customers who may have been automatically switched to the HBO Max service. Around 8 million people have HBO accounts, but it’s unclear how many of them took advantage of the new HBO Max option.
In comparison, Quibi (which is already dying) got 300,000:

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