Netflix will need to buy someone like Sony Pictures, Lionsgate, or MGM to compete going forward.
I think that the battle will be ruthless, but over the next couple of years some of these streaming services will die, others will be merged or get bought out. At the end of it, there will be a few big ones standing.
Just like in the music space you got a lot, but its really all about Apple Music and Spotify. Everything else is much much less important and rarely get exclusives.
I think that these companies would be better off it they tried to just offer this as an option with a Netflix bundle, especially if they offered their services at a reduced price when joining them through Netflix. It would make sense to offer it at a reduced price because people who are already paying for one streaming service are less likely to pay for another but if it was at a reduced price that would significantly increase their chances of going with multiple services.
Netflix Basic Bundle $13
Netflix With HBO Max $20
Netflix With Disney+ $20
Netflix With Hulu $20
Netflix Total Premium Pack With HBO Max & Disney+ & Hulu $35
It's like how the old cable bundles used to be and really it just makes sense that this is what should happen.
how many subscriptions are you guys willing to dish out for? for me, it's 3 tops, assuming it's priced around $5 - 13.
I think that these companies would be better off it they tried to just offer this as an option with a Netflix bundle, especially if they offered their services at a reduced price when joining them through Netflix. It would make sense to offer it at a reduced price because people who are already paying for one streaming service are less likely to pay for another but if it was at a reduced price that would significantly increase their chances of going with multiple services.
Netflix Basic Bundle $13
Netflix With HBO Max $20
Netflix With Disney+ $20
Netflix With Hulu $20
Netflix Total Premium Pack With HBO Max & Disney+ & Hulu $35
It's like how the old cable bundles used to be and really it just makes sense that this is what should happen.
how many subscriptions are you guys willing to dish out for? for me, it's 3 tops, assuming it's priced around $5 - 13.
I see it as moot as I don't need them all at once. I can just sign up for one when content hits I want to watch (or play in the case of Gamepass etc.), then when it runs out I can grab another month if I'm still consuming content there, or cancel and sign up for another service that has things I want to watch/play.
Currently in terms of TV streaming we only have Netflix, but we also have Amazon just because we keep prime for shipping and Hulu as they included the ad supported version with Spotify for no extra cost. To be fair, we have cable still (Xfinity is our only ISP option and they charge way more for internet with out cable and we both watch a ton--especially me with sports that are a hassle to stream without a cable sub).
I'll grab months of Disney+ around the Star Wars shows I want to watch. HBO we just pay for it through cable, better to pay the $15 there than for streaming and also have that toward our 1TB data cap. No interest in HBO Max or other streaming services beyond that. Maybe there will be something my wife subs too though as she watches a ton more than I do and lost access to On Demand recently and Xfinity stopped supporting that on Tivo devices.
When you sign back up with these services do you get to use your same email address? And if so, do they keep your video wishlist and history alive?
Which is something most people don't seem to understand. But it's not our fault, it's the fault of Warner. They shouldn't have called it HBO MAX.
I just hope that you can cancel these subscriptions without penalty cause I really want this and I'm thinking every month I'll cancel one subscription and try another one till I get bored of that one. None of the Netflix original content interests me anymore and they are losing all the other stuff as well.
Netflix days are numbered. They are a mess financially, otherwise someone would have bought them. They have been very successful at lining the pockets of Reed Hastings friends so I will give them that.
Once the movie and tv networks started launching their own services the end was always going to be near.
And now The Big Bang and Two and a Half Men exclusivity.
Big Bang Theory Streaming Rights Could Go to HBO Max for $1 Billion
HBO Max is in talks to secure exclusive streaming rights to 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'Two and a Half Men' for a whopping $1.5
So what is CBS doing? Don't they have an app for people to download? I guess this is just extra money, but $1.5 Billion for those 2 shows is insane right? Is this like a 10 year exclusive deal or something?
No idea but that is insane money. I don't think CBS own enough properties to compete with Disney, Warner and Universal so it makes sense to take that money. They seem to own Showtime based on a quick Google search but even that doesn't have that many great shows. The CBS All Access and Showtime streaming services are separate, CBS All Access seems like a total rip off as it's $10usd a month and is really lacking in content. According to and it doesn't even have Two and a Half Men.
(Bloomberg) -- CBS Corp. and Viacom Inc. may be done keeping investors waiting. The media giants are expected to announce a merger as soon as Tuesday, the culmination of years of on-again, off-again discussions. They’ve agreed on an exchange ratio of 0.59625 a share of CBS for each of Viacom’s for the all-stock merger, according to people familiar with the situation. At this level, a deal would peg Viacom at around its current market value of close to $12 billion. The agreement struck between the companies is in principle and won’t be final until it’s announced, the people said.
Welp.....why don't you look at that.
CBS and Viacom Are Near a Deal After Agreeing on Price
(Bloomberg) -- CBS Corp. and Viacom Inc. may be done keeping investors waiting.The media giants are expected to announce a merger as soon as Tuesday, the culmination of years of on-again, off-again discussions.They’ve agreed on an exchange ratio of 0.59625 a share of CBS for each of Viacom’s for
Looks like CBS is about to get busy.
So what is CBS doing? Don't they have an app for people to download? I guess this is just extra money, but $1.5 Billion for those 2 shows is insane right? Is this like a 10 year exclusive deal or something?
When that goes through, that would put CBS, Paramount, Showtime, Comedy Central and Nickelodean under the one roof. Selling their shows to HBO Max makes even less sense now.
When that goes through, that would put CBS, Paramount, Showtime, Comedy Central and Nickelodean under the one roof. Selling their shows to HBO Max makes even less sense now.
I think that these companies would be better off it they tried to just offer this as an option with a Netflix bundle, especially if they offered their services at a reduced price when joining them through Netflix. It would make sense to offer it at a reduced price because people who are already paying for one streaming service are less likely to pay for another but if it was at a reduced price that would significantly increase their chances of going with multiple services.
Netflix Basic Bundle $13
Netflix With HBO Max $20
Netflix With Disney+ $20
Netflix With Hulu $20
Netflix Total Premium Pack With HBO Max & Disney+ & Hulu $35
It's like how the old cable bundles used to be and really it just makes sense that this is what should happen.
i mean this is the most likely outcome once the services realize its unsustainable for 95% of them. they're just willing to abuse the market for a couple years until theres a straw that breaks the camels back. at that point though its just netflix partnering with hbo, saying instead of licensing your shows to appear on all of netflix packages, we'll give you a cut of the subs just for the hbo+netflix package, while nflx handles all the hosting/upkeep/bandwidth fees/ etc.
At what point do all these streaming services cost more than having cable when combines to actually and have variety?