And HBO, so you know this show won't have to pull any punches and will get whatever budget it needsDude. Fucking Peele with Abrams producing a Lovecraftian themed anthology. I can only get so erect.
That's the name of the bookJesus.
They even named it Lovecraft Country.
That's the name of the book
Dude. Fucking Peele with Abrams producing a Lovecraftian themed anthology. I can only get so erect.
For those who have read Lovecraft Country,do lovecraftian-esque monsters make any kind of appearance or does the novel mainly focus on the existential cosmic horror/dread?
'Lovecraft Country' is more of a social thriller/horror/sci fi/ based on Matt Ruff's book; the amazing @MishaGreen will helm the show!
For those who have read Lovecraft Country,do lovecraftian-esque monsters make any kind of appearance or does the novel mainly focus on the existential cosmic horror/dread?
It uses Lovecraftian window dressing to explore issues of racism, but it's more of a pulpy kind of horror anthology than proper cosmic horror.
Peele tweet:
Sounds great in concept.
I just hope they don't go with the caricatured, over-the-top "everybody's sprouting tentacles!" version of "Lovecraftian", and go with a more subtle unsettling creepy tone.
I mean, I'm sure it will be good, but...
I want Cthulhu monsters!
Notoriously racist HP Lovecraft must be spinning in his grave
I always says the world needs more anthology series. They're some of the best TV has to offer.The current revival of anthologies is making me so happy.
Considering it's an anthology series, they will likely cover a bunch of lovecraftian tropes. The book this is based on does.
That being said, regarding Get OutGiven Get Out's numerous Homages to Lovecraft, i am not surprised to see Peele take this project on, and it is a good sign for you that there is life beyond tentacles.
You had me at "Lovecraft"
Ninja Edit:
wait no monsters?
It just struck me that they're using a known racist's fantasy world to confront issues of racism. Amazing.
I'm sure there will be some, but it doesn't sound like we'll be getting much in the way of cosmic horror.
At least a hint to some otherwordly stuff going on too hard to comprehend, oh man.
already tempering expectations. Yall were warnedPeele tweet:
It honestly depends on how closely they translate the book to screen. The book is already structured like an anthology show with an overarching thread that links it all together. Some stories are heavier with their cosmic horror narrative beats while others don't have any or only slightly allude to it.You had me at "Lovecraft"
Ninja Edit:
wait no monsters?
There is supposed to be a proper lovecrafian cosmic horror tv show in the works, but I can't remember the last time I heard about it.Hm. My feelings are divided on this. On one site it is awesome the we get some Cosmic Horror on tv.
But it's only Lovecraft Country.
A book I didn't like at all. It always felt like the author wasn't sure what kind of story he wanted to write. Somehow it felt jumbled.
I'd rather have an adaption of a Lovecraft or any more 'classic' story.
Look up 'Hounds of Tindalos'. I think the concept of those would translate very well on film.
It honestly depends on how closely they translate the book to screen. The book is already structured like an anthology show with an overarching thread that links it all together. Some stories are heavier with their cosmic horror narrative beats while others don't have any or only slightly allude to it.
There is supposed to be a proper lovecrafian cosmic horror tv show in the works, but I can't remember the last time I heard about it.
Notoriously racist HP Lovecraft must be spinning in his grave