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"He became angry and ordered the class to masturbate if they intended to pass"

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CARSON CITY, Nev. -- Western Nevada College student Karen Royce has filed a harassment claim against the school, alleging a professor there required students to divulge personal details of their sex lives and assigned them to masturbate.

"It's so inappropriate," Royce said. "This is why I'm pursuing it. This needs to change."

A college representative says, however, that the assignments were typical for a class of that nature and that students were warned of sensitive material from the outset.

Mark Ghan, vice president for human resources and general counsel for the WNC, said instructor Tom Kubistant has taught the class three times a year for seven years and has never had a complaint.

"That's more than 300 students who have taken this class," Ghan said. "This is the only complaint. There's nothing but high praise I've seen for this guy."

Kubistant didn't respond to phone messages left by the Nevada Appeal seeking comment.

Royce, 60, is a medical technician who's working toward a degree in social work. She said she enrolled in the freshman-level Human Sexuality class, which fulfills a social science requirement, based on the description of the class in the course catalog. It says the class covers topics such as gender, sexual anatomy, sexually transmitted diseases and commercial sex, among others.

Royce said the course began with a discussion of different sexual positions, and she said the instructor went on to assign students to double their normal masturbation routine over the course of two weeks and write journals about their experiences.

"I joked, but was serious and said, 'I don't masturbate, so zero times zero is zero!'" Royce wrote in her complaint, which she filed with the U.S. Education Department's Office of Civil Rights. "He became angry and ordered the class to masturbate if they intended to pass the class."

Though Ghan defends Kubistant's curriculum, others in the field take exception to what was assigned.

Brian Oppy, chairman of the psychology department at Chico State University in California, said that while teaching a sexuality class can have some gray areas, it is not appropriate to assign students to perform sex acts or to write about them.

"These are things that might be reasonable in a counseling setting, but not things I would even expect early in a counseling session," Oppy said. "What's more, we're not talking about counseling; we're talking about a classroom."

Other journal assignments in Kubistant's class included requiring female students to write "your views of your breasts and vulva," and the instruction: "Your orgasms. Draw them!"

The term paper for the course requires students to write a 12- to 14-page sexual case study on themselves.

The project begins with a sex history -- including a directive to reveal any instances of abuse -- and continues through sexual values, arousal patterns and atypical issues such as fetishes.

When Royce asked Kubistant for an alternative assignment, she said, he again refused.

"He said I absolutely had to complete it as assigned or I would not pass the class," she said in the complaint. "Then he inferred to the class that I had issues that (I) need to work out and this might be sexual freedom."

Ghan said an independent investigator determined that Royce's harassment allegation was unfounded.

"The conclusion is there's no sexual harassment," he said. "I'm not surprised, because sexual harassment in the law is unwelcome conduct. It's not unwelcome conduct when you intentionally sign up for an elective course."

Ghan said that after reviewing course outlines for similar college classes across the country, he concluded that Kubistant's assignments are not unusual.

"What I am finding is that it is not unique in this kind of class," he said. "You only write what you're comfortable writing."

Catherine Smith, 28, took the class last year, and she said she was comfortable with the assignments and with Kubistant's approach.

"It's not like he asked us to video it or anything," she said. "It's not a pervy thing. It's self-discovery. He teaches you how to live as a sexual human being and not be afraid."

Kubistant told students he would not read closely the term paper, noting at the bottom of the assignment, "I will only review it as far as to determine how fully you addressed all the issues."

But Oppy said it still crosses the boundary.

"If he's reading it well enough to determine the assignment had been completed, he's reading very personal details," he said. "He knows more than he should about his students."

Kenneth Locke teaches a similar class at the University of Idaho, and he also assigns students to write about some of their own experiences.

However, he said, students turn in assignments using a corresponding number as a means of remaining anonymous. He said students are also able to opt out of an assignment if it's too uncomfortable, and academic alternatives are given for larger assignments.

"In these types of classes, it's important to provide students with alternatives," Locke said. "The important thing is it not feel coercive."

Royce sent a complaint to college officials on Oct. 1, asking that the course be reviewed and that her tuition be refunded. She also filed the complaint with the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights.

Beyond her personal interest, she said, she is concerned for younger students who may have felt pressure to increase their presumed sexual activity in order to meet the requirements of the class.

"I feel like a lot of kids walk out of there with a different value system," she said. "Sexuality is something personal that should develop over time."

Ghan said he has not heard that reaction from students. He said several have contacted him and offered unsolicited defenses of Kubistant, saying his class is among the best offered at the college.

"They say the course teaches them about morality, relationships and consequences," Ghan said. "It's really a remarkable response from a significant group of students."

Story Here

I'm not going to pass judgement on the course itself but IF the guy was a pervert this would be the perfect course to teach.
I took human sexuality in college. Our instructor never required us to do this stuff and was understanding that not everyone came from the same background so none of this stuff was demanded of us. Just take notes, participate in class discussions, and do the weekly assignment. Someone I still only managed to get a 3.1 in that class.


I..can't. But so the guy is a human sexuality teacher, and...I guess the only problem I see here is a 60 yr old women who believes masturbation is evil?


Ferrio said:
Oh fuck I hate old women going back to college in my class, the worst worst worst worst.
I remember there were three old women in my Anthropology class. The professor would say "Okay, I'm going to end class early today. Are there any questions?" And those three old women would raise their hands, and we would end up staying the normal time.


Guzim said:
I remember there were three old women in my Anthropology class. The professor would say "Okay, I'm going to end class early today. Are there any questions?" And those three old women would raise their hands, and we would end up staying the normal time.
And it's never anything relevant to anything. Office hours, that's why they exist.


daycru said:
And it's never anything relevant to anything. Office hours, that's why they exist.
The worst part is that none of them even had to do assignments or take the test. They were just there.
I definitely agree with the last professor cited who kept it anonymous and has alternative assignments. Otherwise, get over it, granny. "leave with a different value system.". Pfeh.


good credit (by proxy)
Guzim said:
I remember there were three old women in my Anthropology class. The professor would say "Okay, I'm going to end class early today. Are there any questions?" And those three old women would raise their hands, and we would end up staying the normal time.
God I hate that shit. I think it's just old people that haven't read in like 35 years because like, they had kids one time and stuff and forgot how. But I guess it's cool, old dumb people trying to get smarter. But then sometimes there'll be a hot old lady. She's 55 and looking great for her age. I tell her that I have that old Richard Simmons VHS "Sweatin' to the Oldies", and it's not because i'm into aerobics.

Fantastical said:
I would never leave the house.


I... don't see a problem with that course. The only reason it is a complaint is that she seems like someone who is afraid of their body.


The class description does not match the material assigned. It sounds like the professor is a bit of a pervert, to be honest.


Honestly, I don't see how else a pracitcum on human sexuality would go, considering they can't very well order them to pair up and fuck each other. However, this kind of course definitely justifies the existence of a drop date so that people who are uncomfortable with this kind of thing can get out.


the course began with a discussion of different sexual positions, and she said the instructor went on to assign students to double their normal masturbation routine over the course of two weeks and write journals about their experiences.
Old woman is right. Pathetic dumb bullshit to be teaching at the university level.


Jeff-DSA said:
The class description does not match the material assigned. It sounds like the professor is a bit of a pervert, to be honest.
It's human sexuality. It's not abnormal to have stuff like this in those kinds of classes. I'll admit I'm surprised in the fact that this is arguably 101, typically you get to that stuff far later. I've been in human sexuality classes that showed porn in class to illustrate things. But still I do agree with you the guy sounds like a perv.
The best part is that she's so personally offended she wants all her tuition money back and the course to be dropped completely. What an unlikeable human being.


ronito said:
It's human sexuality. It's not abnormal to have stuff like this in those kinds of classes. I'll admit I'm surprised in the fact that this is arguably 101, typically you get to that stuff far later. But still.

Well, if they're going to put it in the class, they need to say something in the description that makes it more clear. The description reads like you're just analyzing stuff in the media, not engaging in sexual acts and recording them.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Jeff-DSA said:
Well, if they're going to put it in the class, they need to say something in the description that makes it more clear. The description reads like you're just analyzing stuff in the media, not engaging in sexual acts and recording them.
I will agree with this. That sounds like a misleading description.
The sex positions stuff is normal for that class. It's in the book with illustrations and everything. I was sick the day they covered it in class so I couldn't tell you how to go over it.

The class was parts:
-Scientific stuff related to reproduction, hormones, etc
-the actual act
-kinks and fetishes
-mental illnesses related to sex

Nothing ever required us to go out and have sex or masturbate though.

Also, instead of drawing an orgasm, we just described what an orgasm felt like, and put our gender on it. It was all anonymous too, and we didn't have to do it.


Jeff-DSA said:
Well, if they're going to put it in the class, they need to say something in the description that makes it more clear. The description reads like you're just analyzing stuff in the media, not engaging in sexual acts and recording them.
That's fair enough. Like I said this is more along the lines of higher level human sexuality class. Perhaps it's just because I've taken some of those I'm just like "Yeah, well duh." But if someone has never taken a class like that they'd probably be pretty damn shocked. But again, as a 101 class I'll admit that's a little weird.


Jeff-DSA said:
Well, if they're going to put it in the class, they need to say something in the description that makes it more clear. The description reads like you're just analyzing stuff in the media, not engaging in sexual acts and recording them.

Agreed. Professor clearly seems like a perv. If your coursework is that graphic in nature, there should be fair warning.

But damn, imagine being that professor and reading some of the assignments turned in by some sexy 18 year old freshman girl. Dayumn...
If you wanted to take a human sexuality class and not talk about sex...if anything, I'd expect to have a healthier appreciation of my preferences and appetite when the course was over. Better than the guy who just hired two models to fornicate in front of his class.


Ferrio said:
Oh fuck I hate old women going back to college in my class, the worst worst worst worst.

+1 When I was a Sophmore I took a 3D animation class and there were tons of retirees and hella old people who enrolled.

It was awesome because one of the old women didnt know how to use a computer and would hold up the class, and my prof started to ignore her after a bit. The best was she would get all aggro and rage in class when she couldnt figure or do something.
Here's what the actual page looks like:
I: Catalog Course Description
Covers major topics in human sexuality such as gender, sexual anatomy, sexually-transmitted diseases, sexual response and disorders, sexual orientation, sexual coercion, and commercial sex.

II: Course Objectives
The course objectives have been aligned with the recommended outcomes from the American Psychological Association and the WNC requirements for freshman level general education courses. The outcomes students are expected to attain are:

Knowledge of the psychological theories and research for the major topics in human sexuality.
Ability to differentiate variations in normal human sexuality from sexual disorders, including cultural influences.
Familiarity with research methods and ethical considerations appropriate for the study of human sexuality.
Ability to apply course materials to case studies and their own sexual development.

I don't know, just seems like that's a no brainer that the class is designed to be unconventional. Plus the fact that students are forewarned about the content of the class. To my knowledge, universities give you a week to decide whether you want to stay or not.


weekend_warrior said:

Perfect, even though I'm not sure "describe how often you masturbate, and then double that amount" is an okay subject given that course description. Should have added "also, we're going to get personal"

I got partnered with an old woman for an assignment a couple of semesters ago. She wanted to "meet up at a library" to do the work. I wanted to do it over the internet, like it was the 21st century.

I ended up doing the assignment by myself, with absolutely no input from her. It took me half as long (or less) than it would have taken had we met up at a library to do it.

She took the A, but I'm sure she's still pissed to this day.
The article says the class in not abnormal in its activities. All he has to do is implement an anonymous way of submitting papers.

60 yr old prude fucking it up for everyone else.
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