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"He became angry and ordered the class to masturbate if they intended to pass"

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The teacher's in a position of authority. Ordering writing on the subject is fine, but an order to increase or start a sexual practice is incredibly inappropriate.

No prude here- proud member of BDSM and PolyGAF. The point of a sexuality class should be to get someone to know themselves better, not force them into doing sexual stuff they're uncomfortable with.




Amibguous Cad said:
The teacher's in a position of authority. Ordering writing on the subject is fine, but an order to increase or start a sexual practice is incredibly inappropriate.

No prude here- proud member of BDSM and PolyGAF. The point of a sexuality class should be to get someone to know themselves better, not force them into doing sexual stuff they're uncomfortable with.
I dunno.

It's not like he was like "For homework, get a midget a donkey and about 6 feet worth of water hose."

This is pretty basic to understanding your own sexuality and many consider not mastrbating as dysfunctional.

Again, for a beginning class it is indeed "WTF" and his approach is WTF as well, but still I can see why the college's response is like "Yeah, and?"
ronito said:
I dunno.

It's not like he was like "For homework, get a midget a donkey and about 6 feet worth of water hose."

This is pretty basic to understanding your own sexuality and many consider not mastrbating as dysfunctional.

Again, for a beginning class it is indeed "WTF" and his approach is WTF as well, but still I can see why the college's response is like "Yeah, and?"

That's what I find disturbing behind the response. You'd think perverts would have a better appreciation for the fact that sexuality is diverse and not everyone experiences their sexuality in the same way. No sex-positive instructor should be pressuring a student into an act they feel uncomfortable with, even if it's a private act that almost everyone does, like masturbation.

It seems to me that one of the worst things someone who's in favor of sexual freedom can do is try to impose a normative straitjacket on someone else's sexuality. I've had people telling me that I didn't really know my sexuality, that my attraction to men was a result of psychological problems or my submissive desires were a result of abuse (never mind that I've never been abused; clearly I must be repressing it!). If only I could be instructed in the proper way of expressing my sexuality, I would be cured. I can't really read anything different into the treatment of this woman.

If it's okay for an instructor to pressure a student to masturbate because it's normal to do so and nearly everyone does it, that erases the ability for someone's individual sexuality to be taken seriously. It's essentially saying that because her sexuality isn't normal, it's okay to pressure her into things she's not comfortable with. Fuck that shit.

EDIT: Gonna try this one again, because I don't think I articulated it very well above. The above- that is to say, it's reasonable for a teacher in sexuality to require his students masturbate but not to "get a midget a donkey and about 6 feet worth of water hose," is based on a privileging of normal sexualities. It's okay to require one kind of sex act, because almost everyone does it, but not okay to require another, because almost everyone doesn't. More importantly, it's based on an idea of a single reasonable sexuality, or at the least, of certain acts that it's reasonable to want to do and certain acts that it's unreasonable to resist. So the revulsion that a normal person feels when they contemplate beastiality is a-okay and should be respected, while her reasons for not wanting to masturbate, whatever they are, are necessarily invalid. I think this delegitimization of reasons or wanting or not wanting to do a sex act is really problematic, and one behind a ton of the oppression sexual minorities face.
Amibguous Cad said:
It seems to me that one of the worst things someone who's in favor of sexual freedom can do is try to impose a normative straitjacket on someone else's sexuality. I've had people telling me that I didn't really know my sexuality, that my attraction to men was a result of psychological problems or my submissive desires were a result of abuse (never mind that I've never been abused; clearly I must be repressing it!).

I fucking hate that most of what people know about psychology is bullshit that was spouted by Freud that has long been discredited.


Amibguous Cad said:
EDIT: Gonna try this one again, because I don't think I articulated it very well above. The above- that is to say, it's reasonable for a teacher in sexuality to require his students masturbate but not to "get a midget a donkey and about 6 feet worth of water hose," is based on a privileging of normal sexualities. It's okay to require one kind of sex act, because almost everyone does it, but not okay to require another, because almost everyone doesn't. More importantly, it's based on an idea of a single reasonable sexuality, or at the least, of certain acts that it's reasonable to want to do and certain acts that it's unreasonable to resist. So the revulsion that a normal person feels when they contemplate beastiality is a-okay and should be respected, while her reasons for not wanting to masturbate, whatever they are, are necessarily invalid. I think this delegitimization of reasons or wanting or not wanting to do a sex act is really problematic, and one behind a ton of the oppression sexual minorities face.
I dunno. For a while there I was thinking about becoming a sex therapist and almost universally when dealing with issues of sexual self image the very first thing that people are told to do is mastrbate. And like I said many, if not most, sex therapist find the inability to do that as dysfunctional. Again it's not "do it like x or y." It's do it however you like.

I get that it's a varied and complex thing but this is not a varied complex requirement (though it definitely is for a beginning class as I've stated several times already). This is more like the cost of entry. More like "I wanna be a musician but I don't want to play and instrument or sing." Again for this level of class absolutely it's highly questionable at best. However, if she's really interested in this she needs to get over some of these hangups. Just like if I wanted to be an astronomer I'd have to stop laughing every time I see the word Uranus (heheheehehe) or like someone who wanted to study beer brewing but only drank diet coke.


Amibguous Cad said:
That's what I find disturbing behind the response. You'd think perverts would have a better appreciation for the fact that sexuality is diverse and not everyone experiences their sexuality in the same way. No sex-positive instructor should be pressuring a student into an act they feel uncomfortable with, even if it's a private act that almost everyone does, like masturbation.

It seems to me that one of the worst things someone who's in favor of sexual freedom can do is try to impose a normative straitjacket on someone else's sexuality. I've had people telling me that I didn't really know my sexuality, that my attraction to men was a result of psychological problems or my submissive desires were a result of abuse (never mind that I've never been abused; clearly I must be repressing it!). If only I could be instructed in the proper way of expressing my sexuality, I would be cured. I can't really read anything different into the treatment of this woman.

If it's okay for an instructor to pressure a student to masturbate because it's normal to do so and nearly everyone does it, that erases the ability for someone's individual sexuality to be taken seriously. It's essentially saying that because her sexuality isn't normal, it's okay to pressure her into things she's not comfortable with. Fuck that shit.

EDIT: Gonna try this one again, because I don't think I articulated it very well above. The above- that is to say, it's reasonable for a teacher in sexuality to require his students masturbate but not to "get a midget a donkey and about 6 feet worth of water hose," is based on a privileging of normal sexualities. It's okay to require one kind of sex act, because almost everyone does it, but not okay to require another, because almost everyone doesn't. More importantly, it's based on an idea of a single reasonable sexuality, or at the least, of certain acts that it's reasonable to want to do and certain acts that it's unreasonable to resist. So the revulsion that a normal person feels when they contemplate beastiality is a-okay and should be respected, while her reasons for not wanting to masturbate, whatever they are, are necessarily invalid. I think this delegitimization of reasons or wanting or not wanting to do a sex act is really problematic, and one behind a ton of the oppression sexual minorities face.

You made more sense before the edit...but, I agree with you completely.

I took a human sexuality class my freshman year but it wasn't as intense as this one. My prof requested that all males in the class taste their semen since they all wanted their gf's to taste it. That's about as far as she went.


someday said:
You made more sense before the edit...but, I agree with you completely.

I took a human sexuality class my freshman year but it wasn't as intense as this one. My prof requested that all males in the class taste their semen since they all wanted their gf's to taste it. That's about as far as she went.

Wait... so tasting your own semen is less intense than masturbating? How the fuck did you get the semen then.
Amibguous Cad said:

It wasn't really normative though. Normative would be "Masturbate every day at sunrise and sunset between now and next Friday."

He asked people to try doubling their frequency and to chronicle what it felt like. I imagine for most people it would be exhausting and they'd lose interest, because masturbation frequency is (when not done out of sheer boredom) generally a reflection of sex drive.

If someone who didn't masturbate at all gave it the old college try and did it even once, I imagine they'd still have a lot to talk about in their journal entry and learn a bit more about their sexuality.
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