After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.
There's something unsettling about this picture given the context.
TSwift fans get tickets to view a sexual assault case, and they are beaming with excitement as if they are about to see a Taylor Swift concert.
Are you saying there is room for sexual harassment???
Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
It was a tasteless joke to make, i admit I was wrong to do so.
I was commenting on AlteredBeast's attempt at saving face.
Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Good on Swift. Can't imagine how difficult it must be having to testify about the incident to a group of strangers in a courtroom setting.
Can they prove beyond reasonable doubt she was actually groped, though? I know there's the photo, but it doesn't show her physically being grabbed, just that the guy's hand was positioned behind her. Not doubting Swift's story at all, just in terms of the law, I just would imagine they would need conclusive proof?
What the fuck is wrong with you? A woman gets sexually assaulted and your first response is to make a joke like this?
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
You think one of the most absurdly famous musical artists in the world would need to resort to a sexual assault trial to "prop her image"? Am I reading that right?
Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
oh boy... was going to commentate on the case but this thread looks dangerous.
Is this a civil or criminal trial? If civil the standard is a preponderance of evidence. Not beyond all reasonable doubt. This is why you can be cleared of criminal charges and still have to pay damages from a civil suit. The standard of evidence is lower.
Make the joke 5 pages later and it wouldn't have been "too soon".
oh boy... was going to commentate on the case but this thread looks dangerous.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Seriously? His hand is quite obviously way lower than the small of her back.Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
What the fuck does this have to do with this thread?
Are you seriously insinuating that this is a cynical attempt to prop up her image?
Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
oh boy... was going to commentate on the case but this thread looks dangerous.
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
Is it wrong that the way he looks in that picture makes me think he's extra guilty?
Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.
Hand is definitely in that area.
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
Don't be ridiculous, she CLEARLY just wants more fame!So Taylor says she felt him grab her ass, AND we have this photo.
That's pretty damning evidence.
Hand is definitely in that area.
SHE WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED.The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
What the fuck does this have to do with this thread?
Are you seriously insinuating that this is a cynical attempt to prop up her image?
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
She's milking the publicity with that counterclaim,