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"He had a handful of my ass.": Taylor Swift testifies in groping case against DJ

There's something unsettling about this picture given the context.


TSwift fans get tickets to view a sexual assault case, and they are beaming with excitement as if they are about to see a Taylor Swift concert.
Not more odd than the women all over Twitter saying Chris Brown could beat them up any day as long as they were with him after all his problems
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
It's a countersuit, christ.


there is joy in sucking dick
How big must your white male privledge be to do this thinking there wont be any repercussions? In a damn picture no less
I mean, that's what lawyers are supposed to do. But considering we have a photo I don't see must room for reasonable doubt as to her interpretation. I've managed to take photos with women and not have my hand down where it shouldn't be, doesn't seem like it's that hard.

This is a civil suit. She doesn't even need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, just a preponderance of the evidence (essentially that it was more likely than not).

Given that photo, and likely how scummy the dude is, it would almost be impossible for the jury to come back with a verdict in his favor.
I didn't know there was a picture, damn.

I understand women often don't speak out about stuff like this for fear of being doubted, but I wasn't sure about this given Taylor Swift's penchant for drama and lying to the public.

Soul Beat

There's something unsettling about this picture given the context.


TSwift fans get tickets to view a sexual assault case, and they are beaming with excitement as if they are about to see a Taylor Swift concert.
That's some straight up dangerous behavior. Like, if you like her that much, shouldn't you sympathize with her instead of only seeing her as a source of entertainment? These people are no better than grab ass man.
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.

Who cares though? If thats her intention, it doesnt even really damage the message or the fact that she is within her right to take action and sue for however much she wants

She has the power to run this down and thats what he deserves. If it was most anyone else, he would be getting away with it, so what does it matter if she's gaining from this?


It's pretty hilarious that even when siding with a person you believe was a victim of sexual assault it remains important to let everyone know you totally hate them and disapprove of their normal lying and cheating ways.


Not more odd than the women all over Twitter saying Chris Brown could beat them up any day as long as they were with him after all his problems

It's a picture of women excited to see a woman assert herself in a way that few are able to do. It could not possibly be more different than those Chris Brown fans. You actually think they're there to have their asses grabbed by the creepy dj?
What response do you want from her? Just let it go?

I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.
What the flying fuck is up with people thinking this is a publicity stunt?

She is Taylor Fucking Swift. If she wanted some fucking publicity, she could've done literally anything and anyone could've written about it. She doesn't need to testify about being sexually assaulted to get publicity and arguing that this is a publicity pull is bullshit that gets into borderline victim-blaming.

She was sued in court for reporting her abuser to the proper authorities. She was sued by a scummy-ass lawyer hoping to get her to settle out of court for a few hundred thousand Her attorneys called bullshit and countersued (because any lawyer will tell you to counter sue in a situation like this). Her testimony is her obligation under the law, and testifying in Court fucking sucks regardless of how famous you may be, particularly when it's a bullshit case.

The first response to anyone hearing this story shouldn't be: Oh she's famous, she can handle it. It shouldn't be: she's milking it for all its worth. It shouldn't be: But his life was ruined.

It should be: Good for her. Fuck that guy.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Don't lump AlertedBeast with the other shit. He made a flat ass joke, not dismissing the harassment..

And why folks keep bringing up Kanye? lol..
Just the idea that he thought it was a good idea even joke about that in the first place makes it an example.


I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.

You're a bad person.


The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.

It's to put a spotlight on the shit attitudes like yours that women have to deal with every day you dense mother fucker


Unconfirmed Member
That's some straight up dangerous behavior. Like, if you like her that much, shouldn't you sympathize with her instead of only seeing her as a source of entertainment? These people are no better than grab ass man.

I see these false equivalencies all the time and I wish you people would realize how stupid you sound. Although these teenagers are fanatics, they are in no way as bad as the man who allegedly palmed her ass. How stupid must you be to think that they're as bad as this guy?

I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.

You're being disingenuous and seem to not really believe he, without warrant, grabbed her ass, otherwise you wouldn't have made the bolded comment. It's not unfathomable to think that someone in her position may find it audacious to be sued by the same person who you feel violated you, so it's not as simple as dropping the case. There comes a time where you need to prove a point for pricks like this.


I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.

she's doing this is because people like you are the reason women don't step forward about sexual assault
I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.

If someone grabbed my ass then sued me for 3 million dollars, I'd probably hire a semi-pro football team to tip over his house

A counterclaim is fucking nothing
I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.

Any lawyer will tell you the first thing you do when you're being sued in civil court is to counter sue. It's a tool you use to get the case settled as quickly as possible. Without a countersuit, you lose a bargaining chip for settlement down the line. She was going to testify regardless of the countersuit because otherwise she's a defense witness. The countersuit has jack shit to do with her testimony.

If you want to shit all over her because you just don't like her, then say so. Don't bring up bullshit that you don't understand and pretend that's a reason.
I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.

He sued her. Clearly she was offended by this given the circumstances. Why shouldn't she file a counter-claim? She wants a jury to say, no, not only did she not get this d-bag fired, but he actually sexually assaulted her. It's completely reasonable.
What an idiot to sue her. Christ he was lucky he was just fired. The photo evidence is pretty damning. That said she could still ask for more money than $1. Give it to a charity or a foundation or something. Still, her decision.
It's to put a spotlight on the shit attitudes like yours that women have to deal with every day you dense mother fucker
Imo things like this doesn't make you more right

No need for this shit, even if you don't agree with other people point of view

Snake or not- no one should have to tolerate sexual assault.

End of story.
Basically. This is just shitty and he should suffer the consequences.
What an idiot to sue her. Christ he was lucky he was just fired. The photo evidence is pretty damning. That said she could still ask for more money than $1. Give it to a charity or a foundation or something. Still, her decision.

Jury can award more if they want. The $1 was a good faith move to show that she wasn't out to grab every last penny from him. All proceeds are still going to charity too.
Just the idea that he thought it was a good idea even joke about that in the first place makes it an example.

Eh..don't know about all that, but do you.

I'll say this. I know nothing of this woman's music. Probably only heard one song that was spoofed by HISHE. Dismissing this as some attention grab because of some unrelated incident is just wild on so many levels..do better, y'all..there's a fucking picture! lol..Sheesh.

Velcro Fly

He would have to be about 8.5 feet tall to be able to put his hand down like that and think you are touching someone's rib
Even with a picture, even with nothing to gain (she doesn't need fame, money, or your pity, c'mon), STILL she's doubted. Sexual assault/harassment. \[-_-]/ Every fuckin' time.
What an idiot to sue her. Christ he was lucky he was just fired. The photo evidence is pretty damning. That said she could still ask for more money than $1. Give it to a charity or a foundation or something. Still, her decision.

Google search shows she's given to numerous charities. I'm sure whatever she is awarded will be donated as well.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not

What a clown....did he really think he could actually sue her and win with this kinda evidence?

Hell if he thought she killed his career before....she most certainly will be burying it now.


I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.

The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.

What in the name of god?

Is Taylor Swift disallowed to demand an apology for sexual harassment? Is it okay to do this to her?

What the hell am I missing here?
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