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Headhunter: Redemption - review (Eurogamer)

its a wel known fact that EG cant reivew for shit. read their Second Sight review, the guy rushed through the game and then complained there were no secrets or unlockables.

far from the truth.

Ill Saint

its a wel known fact that EG cant reivew for shit. read their Second Sight review, the guy rushed through the game and then complained there were no secrets or unlockables.
I agree. Their reviews of both Shinobi and Nightshade were amongst the most amateurish I've read. But unless I missed it, this is the first review of the game that's hit the net, so I figured it might interest some.
oh i agree with you posting it ill saint, i know that there is a big interest in this game.
the EDGE review is the same score and the same things to say about it. control and camera, but people whom have actually played the game, as headhunter fans, quite like it, once they got over the initial control probs.


I love how he completely missed the point of the shooting, and spends like 3 paragraphs whining about it. You're not supposed to wait for it to settle, you're supposed shoot off rounds whenever the reticule passes over the enemy (which makes it a pretty fun targeting experience if you ask me).

I also love how he doesn't know that the "connect the dots" puzzles are actually IQ tests literally straight from MENSA. (In fact, you can see it here.)

Third, I love how he didn't play the tutorial. It's mandatory and it shows you how to jump small gaps.

Fourth, you don't have to scan items to lock onto them (which he whines on about for most of the review). You just enter visor mode, highlight the item and hop out of it and it'll be locked on. Sure, it's a tiny bit laborious but not more so than free aim would've been.

And saying it doesn't have plot twists is indicative of them not finishing it, which is something I'm usually fine with but if you're going to complain about something you should know what you're talking about and not just write something that sounds good.

So, yeah, this review blows even though I agree with the sentiment. It is a pretty average game, and only worth checking out if you loved the first game and/or dystopic sci-fi.

Templar Wizard said:
the EDGE review is the same score and the same things to say about it. control and camera, but people whom have actually played the game, as headhunter fans, quite like it, once they got over the initial control probs.
I can concur with that. I was a big fan of the original, despite its flaws, and I liked this game too. That first boss almost made me stop playing this, but after maybe an hour or so I got a hang of the admittedly poor controls and enjoyed it more and more as I went along.


Ill Saint said:
So, is this a case of Eurogamer once again missing the point?
I guess you could say that, sure.

To reiterate -- they're not wrong about the game's quality, but the actual review is a piece of shit, really.


aku:jiki said:
I guess you could say that, sure.

To reiterate -- they're not wrong about the game's quality

Yes, they are. HH:R is a good Action-Adventure with great presentation & soundtrack (Richard Jacques). Though it doesn't work as a stealth game anymore.


Uh, I beat the game too, you know. You're overrating it by saying it's an 8/10. I'd set a 6/10 myself. Above average -- not bad, but not anywhere near brilliant either.

I agree that Jacques soundtrack once again rocks, though.


Then you must have low standards. :p

Ninja Gaiden is one example of a game that blows HH:R completely out of the water with a nuclear bomb.


Templar Wizard said:
the EDGE review is the same score and the same things to say about it. control and camera, but people whom have actually played the game, as headhunter fans, quite like it, once they got over the initial control probs.

Edge are notoriously hard on anything with a bad camera though, so that's hardly surprising.


Not bad , but it gets quite boring at last .

No motorbike , little Jack Wade and too much Leeza , no huge city , creepy animation , low IA , etc .

They game itself is quite well executed , a huge area that you must explore with some enemies here and there but is nowhere near he quality had the dc one .

Even graphically its hard to say that the game have improved from the original .


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Jan said:
Not bad , but it gets quite boring at last .

No motorbike , little Jack Wade and too much Leeza , no huge city , creepy animation , low IA , etc .

They game itself is quite well executed , a huge area that you must explore with some enemies here and there but is nowhere near he quality had the dc one .

Even graphically its hard to say that the game have improved from the original .

Damn, that sounds awful. I really did not like the original game much at all. It was "OK" at best, but something about it just didn't "click".

It also must look pretty bad as well, as the original is NOT a good looking game by today's standards...


aku:jiki said:
Then you must have low standards. :p

Ninja Gaiden is one example of a game that blows HH:R completely out of the water with a nuclear bomb.
Ninja Gaiden isn't an AA in the first place.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
segasonic said:
NG is an action game. No significant adventure parts.

Err, have you finished the game? There are significant adventure segments...particularly during the last 1/3 of the game. In fact, I was often reminded of Metroid Prime during some of those segments.
NG is an AAA game no doubt. I did not like Prince of Persia for the sole fact that it sucked in its action parts, don't even bring that game up in the same sentence as Ninja Gadien. Also, It seems that it is open season on Sega games this year and I cannot say I could take many of these reviewers at their word. I don't get a sense that Eurogamer has any idea how to review games, what else is new. And don't get me started on Edge, sister mag of the defunct Next Generation mag. Can't wait till they go out of business, the industry would be better off the sooner it happens.
Templar Wizard said:
its a wel known fact that EG cant reivew for shit. read their Second Sight review, the guy rushed through the game and then complained there were no secrets or unlockables.

far from the truth.

IS second sight good?im considering buying it, the GC version since i've read that the Ps2 version is 30 fps and the GC/xbox are 60, can you confirm this?
let me post my review regarding Second Sight:

Second Sight is one of those great games that wont do so well. People will be turned off immediately by the reports of spawning enemies and its stealth leanings.
Plus, PsiOps is already out and it offers, on paper, the exact same play experience.

But having played both games, I can tell you that Second Sight offers you that X factor.
Its the little touches which make an excellent game and FRD has poured them in.
Using the terminals in SS is a joy, similar to DOOM3 you interact with the terminal in-game, but unlike DOOM3, the exact info you are looking for isnt on the front page, you have to dig. Not too deeply, but its a nice touch.
There are loads of nice touches and i would only ruin the game if i described the ones i have seen, so i wont.

The script and voice-acting is quite pleasant, so far I havent wanted to rewrite any cheesy lines, unlike 90% of the games I have played and the story is nicely paced, although I fucking hate flashbacks as a story device (its very cheap and nasty)but it is handled in SS quite well.

But its a stealth game! yeah it is, but in another wonderful touch you dont HAVE to kill anyone (so far) in the game, so I for one, enjoy sneaking past and fooling the guards with my non-letal tactics.
For those respawning guard alerts, you have a large array of abilities you get you out of any tight spot, so I cant imagine too many people having trouble with the softly softly approach. But you also have the standard weapon set to blast your way out of any tight cover (I only tried it once... for a test)

But of course it does have bad points, training is a fucking chore, and its long. It would have nice to have had some story background 'colouring' at the same time, because its definetly a 'go get a sandwiche' moment.

The camera is a bit ropey at times and doesnt have the solid feel of psi-ops cam, it seems to always want to do its own thing and you WILL be fighting with it. There is survival cam option, but i found it useless.

The gfx are very nice, they are clear and clean. i think FRD and IO interactive share a talent for avoiding clutter in level design and provide you a intuitive map. The game runs at 60fps but there is some slowdown and its in the craziest places, very very strange, although i have only seen it happen approx once per level and its only for a second.
Although im not a big fan of the art design and i personally think that timesplitters 'thing' is a bit dated, but thats just me and it hasnt taken from the game one bit.

All in all: a very solid 8 out of 10.
Very solid.


dark10x said:
It also must look pretty bad as well, as the original is NOT a good looking game by today's standards...
The graphics are fine to good, don't worry about it.

Characters look kinda crap, though, as does the animation. But this is the kind of game that will be buried in more shit than it's worth, due to people's expectations. I say, don't expect too much and you'll probably like it enough for a rental at the very least.


One thing good is that the game is qite long for this kind of game . I was about 7 or 8 hours with only a 30% of the game .

The dub is quite good also , the voice of Jake is fantastic and so is the music of Richard Jacques .

The game still hace that feeling of Robocop movie with that neo fascist society , but there aren´t that wonderful TV NEWS , and that incredible Ads of X MUST .

Isn´t a bad game , but after two years of development I was expecting something better . I guess they haven´t they amount of money they had for the DC one .


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
How's the atmosphere of this one, BTW? That was another problem I had with the original...

It always felt, to me, that I was poking around some "trucker" or "country" kind of city...which is a culture I just can't stand. So, as I'm playing the game, I just really couldn't get into the world I was playing in and it left a really bad taste in my mouth.

The screens of this sequel suggest that things have changed a lot from the original game...but is this really the case?


dark10x said:
How's the atmosphere of this one, BTW? That was another problem I had with the original...

It always felt, to me, that I was poking around some "trucker" or "country" kind of city...which is a culture I just can't stand. So, as I'm playing the game, I just really couldn't get into the world I was playing in and it left a really bad taste in my mouth.

The screens of this sequel suggest that things have changed a lot from the original game...but is this really the case?
Yes. It's more of a 'dark future' now. Most people you run into wear freaky masks as they lose their identities when they get thrown "Below", and stuff like that.

The son of that dude Redwood in the original comes after you, though, with a thick redneck accent.
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